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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Whoa. That's sick. Can't wait to see results of this in new media!
  2. Circa


    Welcome @@Zienna! I'm glad you joined! Make yourself at home!
  3. I didn't expect you to, which is why I haven't really mentioned you in any of this. I figured you would be plenty busy with DF2. Which is completely fine! You're doing wonders with that project anyway.
  4. Whoa, new ImageShack looks so much better! I hated the old look.

    1. Tempust85


      When was the last time you went to imageshack? It's been changed for a while lol.

    2. Circa


      Yesterday. It just changed for me today. It also says its still in beta.

    3. therfiles


      Phooootobucket's where it's at. Image shack always pesters me with ads. :P

  5. So is @@MagSul on board for contributing to this? Anyone else?
  6. This. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1528-the-jedi-academy-texture-overhaul-full/ I've been trying it out for awhile. It's great aside from that texture.
  7. Well then it is now uploaded and updated! https://jkhub.org/files/file/1701-luke-skywalker-skin-pack/
  8. Circa

    Hello All

    JA+ doesn't change the basics of JA really, just a few largely noticeable things. There's no harm in trying multiple ones. You don't have to stick with just one.
  9. Hey, check out our topic on saber hilts for our new Gold Pack project. We want to collaborate with you on the hilts! http://jkhub.org/forum/68-jedi-academy-gold-pack/
  10. That looks pretty cool. One thing I will never understand is why they kept that flap down on his chest. That was only a result of his duel with Vader, yet he somehow kept it like that even in a new outfit? So bizarre.
  11. Circa

    Hello All

    Technically you don't need any mods. One large community is MovieBattles II. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1403-moviebattles-ii-full/ But it's a pretty drastic change from the original game. There are still some pretty active servers that run JA+ which is compatible with base Jedi Academy. I recommend not getting any MP mods like that.
  12. Either way, it's probably made by @@AshuraDX.
  13. I didn't make any of the weapons. Do you mean the Ion blaster?
  14. The one in the picture is a Devronian. How so? It's Tyrael's reskin I believe. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Tyraels_Improved_Biker_Scout_V2;84867
  15. Looks awesome man! I wonder where @@hka1894 is? This is for him as well! I understand. If you get it down and are confident enough to add them in, feel free! As far as the customization goes, awesome! There's a thread for that too. It would be great if we could get a couple of people for that, for lots of variety. Hmm. I'm not sure. Originals would be best. I like your Wookiee ones, did you design those or are they based off of something?
  16. The only thing that could pseudo-fix that is set their evasion level to 5 in the NPC files. Even then they probably won't be much "smarter" about it. Without coding of course.
  17. It could be a JK2 map, if you have one of those. Those shaders break things like that.
  18. If you need help with that, I can provide any assistance if you desire to do that. The lip of the left one, like you said. And the eyebrows of the last 2 seem either too big or too solid. Maybe it's just me. The bottom center one looks a bit like he's puckering.
  19. I'm glad you decided to post some info here on JKHub! A lot of players probably wouldn't have known about it (or forgot about it like me) if you hadn't. Can't wait to see more and maybe a demo in the future?
  20. Interesting. It's just the OS though right, no hardware partners?
  21. Removed inappropriate content from this thread. Let's talk about this skin in a civilized way, not reveal sexual intentions. Nobody want to know that crap.
  22. My resolve has never been stronga!
  23. I've wondered that as well. Knobs can look cool sometimes though. As long as it's not just a red button, like most have.
  24. It's basically a big mod package of any mod that people want to contribute. The ultimate goal is to include things that make the game better, and more complete. But anything can be contributed. It can be for SP or MP. I think the main target is SP though, since it needs the most attention (to make it better).
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