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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Yeah, getting all those steps, you could get about 5GB, and I think that would be sufficient for even a large mod like this. If it's bigger than that, I would also like to know why.
  2. Very nice! I'm liking that a lot Chalk. Good work.
  3. Like Omicron said, make sure to to the other steps as well. (install the app, connect a smartphone, download Mailbox, etc)
  4. That's why I loved the Lego Star Wars games. It was fun to play with a fellow Star Wars fan back in the day. Jedi Power Battles was pretty fun too, but insanely hard. I believe Battlefront II might have Co-Op campaign...I can't remember. Maybe not on PC.
  5. I guess so. The mouth/jaw, ears, and nose are where you need to draw your attention.
  6. Circa


    There are clear differences in our avatars... Right?...
  7. Circa


    Welcome to the Hub! There are many knowledgable members here other than Caelum. He is retired and only lurks the site occasionally.
  8. Meh. I'm just not a fan of it and I don't think it completely matches the styles in the movies.
  9. These would be pretty cool. My only tiny complaint is that these styles are for sword fighting as we know it, and Star Wars lightsaber duels are quite a bit different. I might be alone here, but I have never thought this kind of sword fighting looked as cool as it does in the Star Wars movies. It feels like it's just mostly for show and skill, whereas in Star Wars, it was to defend/kill. I'm no fencer or sword fighter, but that's my opinion.
  10. Happy Halloween. Don't get too crazy tonight guys.

    1. Onysfx


      It's ovah....THE JEDI ARE TAK- yeah halloweens ovah, bit too late posting this xD.

    2. Circa


      I posted it yesterday. :P

    3. Onysfx


      I meant my post was a little too late :P

  11. Awesome. Don't worry about it too much. We know you're extremely overloaded with projects.
  12. Dang, that Steam Halloween sale is pretty sick!

  13. Yeah, there aren't any breathing animations in base JA. It would be cool to have, but I don't really think it's necessary.
  14. I already moved it. This is where it started and I moved the thread to OpenJK discussion. Open jk screenshots and minimize problem
  15. Why don't you just use PM instead of email?
  16. @@redsaurus is currently working on a fix for his launcher he made for the disc versions for Mac. I'm not sure about the resolution issue. I use the App Store version and have no problems with that. Maybe he will know more.
  17. @@Asgarath83 I moved it to OpenJK forum. No need to close it.
  18. Circa


    Nice. It might look better if his helmet thing was a color that blended better with the rest of his outfit. Brown, black, or grey. Purple just doesn't really match or look all that great in this case.
  19. New threads might have to be approved before showing up. I could be wrong though.
  20. Too much irony going on here. The member @@Ping, the network term ping, and Ping is actually a Chinese name.
  21. Yes. When it was a small idea, that involved just putting a bunch of people's finished mods together that already exist. We figured it would be finished real soon. But now it's grown a bit and involves some brand new ideas that will take some time.
  22. @@Raz0r very nice. This would be cool. We should get some people to do it. I'm terrible at it though.
  23. Well it's almost November guys. Looks like this isn't going to get done by the end of 2013. But that's alright. Anyone got anything to add to the project? Either a WIP to contribute or something finished for the showcase?
  24. Okay, it's crazy that's it's been almost a month since the last post. Where does time run off to? Got anything @@ChalklYne? If you have that one done, you can send it on to me if you'd like. Anyone else want to contribute some original hilts?
  25. How's it coming @@katanamaru?
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