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File Reviews posted by ZanderNao

  1. Mods like this always make me smile. The concept is straight forward, but its a character that is super important to anyone that enjoyed the Legacy books. Pellaeon had such a rich and long history and the execution of this model is perfect. The face is unique and lifelike. Very well crafted.

    DarthValeria likes this


       79    0

    The man, the legend returns! Jeff's back at it again, expanding our universe with vastly needed representatives of diverse worlds. This Duros is a quite solid piece of work that will fill out RPG scenes and act as a very nice alternative to mercenary npcs.

    Jeff likes this

    Jedha City

       88    1

    This map is an excellent return to form for the community.

    Featuring a location we only got to see a little of, it offers both gameplay balance for MP FFA as well as a good sense of atmosphere for roleplayers and film makers.

    Lighting and texture work is above average and there is some ambient battle noises at portions of the map.

    The only downside is that one might get a little lost moving around the map since the colors are uniform, but that offers great chances for hiding and sniping. There is an excellent use of verticality as well.

    While designed to be Jedha, I can also see the map operating as Kiffu/Kiffex as well.

  2. As generations of Jedi Academy players fall and others rise, like masters and apprentices, few have been bold enough to take on customizable characters. It is what set Jedi Academy apart from so many games. For film makers, it is the lifeblood of new characters. Not only that, you took on a Twi'lek! The weighting had to be hard, but you did it, and you did it with multiple costumes! This feels like the extension of the single player game that we always needed. Fantastic work!!


       32    2

    Sometimes it can be refreshing to get back to the basics, to peel back the layers of Star Ware lore and fill in that gap that's been missing for so long. Ugly fighters are one of the most interesting vehicle types of the expanded universe and Jeff has nailed its execution here. It's so simple and yet handles so well, looking sharp. It is a fine addition to the collection and great for any mod that has a pirate or vigilante faction. Fantastic work.

  3. One of the best, most comprehensive mods that I've ever seen. The attention to detail, the craftsmanship of how well it is built, the variety and customization is magnificent. Even audio for singleplayer! That'd astounding, simply astounding. Wonderful work.

    Rmvsallen likes this
  4. This map turned out wonderfully. It was above and beyond based on the initial concept and has great variety. The only downside is that the draw distance in Jedi Academy makes the lines look weird from a distance, but that's the game engine and not the map. The map is flawless and highly sought after. Perfect work and an amazing entry!

    Reepray likes this
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