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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Well, that makes it a bit more clear. In the last maps of Jedi Academy the Koriban ones... I quit playing it cause I got bored there.. There were at times 2 jedi fighting 1 bad guy and I don't remember the jedi killing each other. This area was SOOO overdone with those kinda fights but I do not remember Jedi hurting each other. I'd check the scripts for Koriban which should be in the Assets0 or 1 .pk3 file. Open those up with Debehaved and see if you can find out what they did.
  2. Well, I think for now this model is going to have to have a texture for the holes unless this hole situation can get less verty and still look good. The barrel consists of 680-ish verts while the reciever, handle, and stock are barely over 120.
  3. yeah..that what you gotta put up with "free". I'm not paying 18 bucks a month for blender videos. hehe. At any rate, this is how far i got. I may have to go with a less rounded hole since I need 14 of these per barrel face. I'm going to try and make a less rounded hole since the vert count gets kinda up there. I doubt a texture is going to look good.
  4. I found a video on youtube that has 8 different ways to make a hole in a plane so I'm going to try that. Its from another mush mouth that goes too fast but I haven't found any written ones yet.
  5. Thanks. I really should have started on this model first since its actually fairly straight forward. My major problem right now is cutting holes into the barrel. If anyone has any ideas on how to do that efficiently let me know. I gotta make a bunch of them... At any rate here is what I have done so far.
  6. Still need to add a scope and some small details here and there but the mesh it pretty much done. I also think I'm going to make a non-scoped version too just incase. This is in reference to the A-295 rifle image above.... Below is a model someone made of a DC-15x blaster rifle which was pretty nice looking. Its also super close the the E-17d which is a Rebel sniper rifle. I modified it since most of the E-17d side view images are too small so I just modified this one a bit in paint.net so i can get a rough outline of the rifle. Here is what I started on so far. Some images of the rifle make it look like a box with a barrel attached while some others have some rings or something between the barrel and the receiver area so I'm not 100% sure which I want to use.
  7. Working on E-17d sniper rifle model.

  8. How do your teammates hurt in each in Single Player? Do they shoot each other? Just explain what you are trying to accomplish a bit more cause I'm a bit lost.
  9. I like a less crowded theater. I saw Spawn and Men in Black Opening night around 9pm or so and they were both madhouses. People were standing in the back and in the aisles. Neat experience, but, don't want that again.Independence Day I saw the next day and it was still a zoo AND I had to stand in line. For episode 7 I'm sure the line will be filled with nerds dressed up and stuff and that's something I'd like to avoid. I'll wait a few days and the go at a weird time like I normally do.
  10. I sent him a PM a few days ago and we got everything straightened out. On its first run AVG actually removed it but I still had him put Malware Bytes on as well...
  11. Here's current progress as of last night. I still have detail stuff to do but it actually looks like the a-295 rifle. Every image I found of this rifle is pretty different from movie shots to custom made ones so I may make an amalgamation of all of them.
  12. Well, things are going better now I think. Playing around with this a little every day is helping much more. This is the receiver and part of the rear stock. Its starting to look like an A-295.
  13. If you haven't already fixed the issue with the path_corners here is what you do. Select you "train" entity and add a key "linear" value "1". That should get everything moving at the same speed around the corners.
  14. That was great. Do you have any links to any of those things you made? I'm always interested in scripted scenes since I'd like to add more of them in a future project. made and see what's possible.
  15. I had the opposite problem and had to go up to 4 in some cases because of issues. I never went lower ...hehe. You said that at .125 it doesn't work but at .2 it does. Maybe it only works to one decimal place.
  16. like where? I know the bottom of the handle I can just subdivide it and move it around..
  17. I took some time off of Blender and then started all over again. This is about the 15th attempt at the A-295 blaster rifle so far and I'm really happy on my progress. I think the toughest part on this rifle is that there are no really good side images of it as there are for other SW guns or real world ones. But, I think I did alright. I think what I am going off are fan made replicas and those all have variation to them which isn't really a bad thing. In fact, I may even ditch the scope on this or make scoped and non scoped version. That'd be cool. Right now the rifle is pretty much blocked out and I have to start making it the right proportions and stuff. You can see what I did so far with the images below. Right now I'm at 680 tris which is about half of what I was earlier on at this point. I also broke it up into pieces which makes editing the mesh much easier.
  18. He needed better voice acting and better dialogue and he wouldn't have been so annoying.
  19. Instead of a dislike button how about a " button of neutrality" It could be a smiley face making and either/or gesture with his hand.
  20. Actually, hackers usually just do it for the sport in it while crackers are the ones that cause mischief.
  21. You can also still buy the original cd-rom on Amazon or E-bay, too, if you can find it cheap enough.
  22. Just to add these two sites have the upgrades as well. http://www.xwaupgrade.com/ http://www.darksaber.xwaupgrade.com/ I prefer this one just cause there are way more ships added.
  23. Well, the audiobook version is like 16 hours so its not any better. The whole thing is written as letters, memos, or journal entries. Its still one of my favorite movies even though I keep seeing Ted "Theodore" Logan instead of Jonathan Harker..
  24. I ended up finding the A-280 in JKGalaxies assets although it took a bit of time dig through it all. Here i am trying to keep the tris low and that fucking thing has 1700+... geeez... I kinda like the A-295 rifle better, anyhow. They are both kinda close and I'd like to finish this project. I can use that A-280 blend to reference stuff with.
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