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[JAEnhanced] Enhanced Development Platform (EDP)

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I'm thinking about implementing a series of configuration files that can be used to enable/disable certain features at startup, instead of making these all cvars as I feel like it would lead to unnecessary cvar bloat (also, autoexec.cfg for instance tends to be finnicky for developing stuff with).


Here's an example of what I'm thinking of, using the base game's method of parsing files:



    featureEnabled 1
    explosionEffect env/explosion


Some of the base game's cvars can be migrated to such a system:



    featureEnabled 1
    featureEnabled 1
    blockButton BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK


I want them to be pretty convenient to handle in code too, for our purposes.


Force powers and weapons wouldn't be an example of something that can be configured in this system, instead I am thinking of making those into external files/scripts somehow.

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Is the code in a "good to go" state? I'm wanting to move DF2 over to this, and asap.

It works, yeah. But not all of the code that I want externalized, is externalized.

Basically I want to get the weapons and force powers separated into external scripts or something else, so that the new weapons and force powers can be considered a scripted aspect specific to JK:E, and not part of the "engine" so to speak.

If you think you're going to be ok with some more upstream pulls, then go for it. There's also a rend2-sp branch as well, and a lot of our code is in common there.

Tempust85, SomaZ and Archangel35757 like this
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The GL2 renderer (rend2) will use realtime lighting as an option in addition to lightmaps. Which of course means that you can preview your lights and get the mood just right, unlike in Radiant.

There will be an ingame lighting editor which you can use to add, remove, and adjust lights on your level. These lights will get saved to a .rtl file with the same name as the map (t2_trip.rtl for instance). A .rtl will get automatically generated at level start if one does not exist, based on a special "realtime_light" entity (which gets discarded after map load, so it doesn't affect the entity limit).


No screenshots of this yet, just code, which I need @@SomaZ to assist me in finishing.

I've got the code written, except for the saving and loading. Just the basic console commands for right now.



It's currently set up like a gamecode file - you'll want it to probably live on the client.

SomaZ, afi and Archangel35757 like this
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Maybe an in-game video might help. I'm not the most observant guy but I don't see a difference.

If I could explain it a bit better, SFX Sabers makes the sabers more so like they were in the movies. A more faithful to the series cvar if you ask me. And I personally love that feature cause JKA needed that in SP FOR A WHILE.

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If I could explain it a bit better, SFX Sabers makes the sabers more so like they were in the movies. A more faithful to the series cvar if you ask me. And I personally love that feature cause JKA needed that in SP FOR A WHILE.


Does it take away the blur as well?

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Does it take away the blur as well?

It doesn't exactly take it away, it makes it different, and active all the time. Basically the core (not the glow) is the only thing that blurs, and it uses a different shader for the trail to make it look like it is blurred. I'm not sure how to describe it easily, but it's very cinematic looking.

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It doesn't exactly take it away, it makes it different, and active all the time. Basically the core (not the glow) is the only thing that blurs, and it uses a different shader for the trail to make it look like it is blurred. I'm not sure how to describe it easily, but it's very cinematic looking.


This is going in my base folder. Thanks for the info.

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In this picture, I've selected the Cheats Menu item and moved it to the right.



The properties window opened




Very super early WIP but there will be the functionality to edit .menu files from ingame so it's easier to make quick adjustments to the menus.



You need to have the cvar "developer" set to 1 in order to use this.


F11 - Enable/Disable ingame UI editor

F12 - Take screenshot


Main controls

  • MOUSE1 - Select itemDef
  • MOUSE2 - Deselect
  • N - Create new itemDef
  • DELETE - Delete itemDef
  • P - Toggle Property Window for selection
  • Arrow keys - Move selected itemDef
  • I / K - Stretch/shrink itemDef vertically
  • J / L - Stretch/shrink itemDef horizontally

Property window controls

  • ENTER - Edit property
  • Up/Down arrow keys - Scroll through properties
  • PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN - Scroll through properties (faster)


The properties window, creating new itemDefs, deleting itemDefs, and saving are not currently done yet.

I made a Developer Menu to test this feature out on, which will also have cheats and stuff.

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If you're interested - I have a clean, "DF2-free" version of DF2's GL2 here for you. I started off from JKE master and added the GL2 stuff in, minus widescreen in-case you have something of the like in JKE already. JK2 should also have GL2 support in the cmake files, but it's untested:





Changes from JKE master:


- renamed all sp vanilla renderers to GL1

- added GL2 with untested JK2 support in cmake files





I've noticed that some stuff that's in JK2's code, isn't in JKA's code. For example, json. Will the JK2 features be shared at some point?

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