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Kanan Jarrus (Very Early W.I.P) Jedi Academy Model

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Hey there guys.
I promised to post my topic a week or so back in my introduction thread but I wanted to hold off on it abit so I can show you something interesting as I work with you all to get Kanan from Star Wars Rebels into the game.

Since this is my first model going into the engine I wanted to make it clear I will stumble along the way to figure out the ins and outs of porting into Jedi Academy.
I have read alot of tutorials posted and watched some very valuable videos posted using blender and wanted to say many thanks to all for taking the time to create them.
I work with 3ds max and Zbrush I mostly understand the limits of the engine and any help/feedback  would be fantastic as it benefits the result for us all in the long run.


Many thanks to all and with my holidays from work I HOPE to start getting people testing out the alpha versions of the model next week so we can get rid of any bugs before I get too far along.


As far as deadline I'm aiming for May 4th latest. Cheers!  


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Hell yeah, Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight!


Hope some of the modeling wizards from here can tell you how to optimize it!

I usually optimize at the very end  this is a kind of mid range polycount so I can easily add my edge loops for sculpting sorry I really should have stated that end! :D


Forgot to mention this is the stand in base as I call it pre-Zbrush so shapes are going to change alot especially in the face as it does need alot of work and will be going through alot of changes of the weekend as I do prep for sculpting.


Oh and forgot to mention alot more armor and parts are getting added also. I really hope the add more variations such as blind Kanan/Unmasked.  :winkthumb:


I also realize people may not have watch the series which I would strongly suggest you do as the story/art is fantastic and arcs back to original Ralph Mc'Quarrie so i'll just toss an image or two here for you to compare and suggest any changes.



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ALOT of work to do on the head at the moment. And yes I know his noose is broken!  :lol: 

Small update spent an hour this morning tweaking the shape now I had no reference up for Kanan that should be started today I wanted to get the feel going of the direction I should have more posted today , Thanks for all the feedback also!



Noodle, AngelModder and JAWSFreelao like this
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Hey guys, Sorry for not posting as much as I could on this thread I have spent last week just studying and testing some ideas to go with on getting the head correct for Kanan.


I'm currently still modeling the armor on his right side and get things sorted out for the high poly which should be up this weekend with screenshots.


Just to tie things over here is Kanan's Low poly/Mid range state. Thanks again for all the feedback and kind words promise I wont let you all down :)



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Will you also be doing his other outfit, the blinded version? Nice work regardless!


Yep! I hope to get the new variations of him done straight after the first season model. I'll probably release the variations one at a time versus as a pack that way you guys will not have to wait as long. I also want to do the light-saber hilt and blaster for kanan so i should be busy for a good while! :lol:  and cheers! :winkthumb:  

Delmi and General Howard like this
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Good to hear! His Lightsaber hilt is my favorite in all of Star Wars! It'll be good to have it in game!

As a tangential connection, does anyone know why when you give an NPC Luke's saber it's always green, Kyle's is always blue, but if you give them a custom hilt (and even set the color of the blade in the npc file) it still comes out as a random color?

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Good to hear! His Lightsaber hilt is my favorite in all of Star Wars! It'll be good to have it in game!


As a tangential connection, does anyone know why when you give an NPC Luke's saber it's always green, Kyle's is always blue, but if you give them a custom hilt (and even set the color of the blade in the npc file) it still comes out as a random color?

Kanan's lightsaber is already available:



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I find it refreshing that someone is still actually modelling instead of frankensteining (no offence to people making those)

Reminds me of old times :)

I actually find that interesting as I hope to do a full tutorial to get more people involved in moding for the game.


As soon as I master it myself i'ld love to do weekly videos on how to do this stuff. It really is not as hard to model as some people think.


I understand it can be intimidating at first but thats the same for everything. Trick is not to overthink things and enjoy what you do yeah it can get frustrating but anyone can do it. :winkthumb:  

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As promised here is the low/mid poly model with no smoothing groups/holster finished i'm doing the base hands from Jedi Academy with new topolgy just to save myself the hassle of modeling ones that need to be positioned.


I added in a few extra edge loops for deformation's on the joints and might try a rig test before i start sculpting see if I can get the basics of the rigging/exporting sorted in 3ds max. 


 Many thanks to all for the kind words/advice/feedback.  :winkthumb:

Onysfx, Tompa9, Lancelot and 8 others like this
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Yeah its my main focus now to get the model into the game before any more modeling or texturing is done so I can check for any issues before I get too far along.


Check list for the next two days:


Step one: Get Kanan fitted to the Skeleton - Done!


Step two: Divide into the parts needed to work - Learning/Reading.


Step three: Rig this thing for the game/testing: Learning/reading.


So.., Yeah lots of study and trial/error ahead now but from what I understand its an easy enough task.  :winkthumb: 


Nearly there folks!



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