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Jedi Home III - Temple Edition

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Small update -  The map is back on track after having to rework to overcome some different compiler errors. Nothing to worry about. Any who here is a couple shot of the public sector of the map. Just so I don't get a few folks saying this doesn't look like JH at all, please read some of the prior posts. The idea has been expanded on using a tram station to take you to a more public side of this cloud city like structure. This section is the public area's including a Casino, Swimming Pool and intense training!



Most of those smaller doors are just fake aesthetics's but some one does scream at you and tell you to go away if you try to go in! XD I've never been a fan of fake doors but in spots like this it's a nice detail and a bit of fun interactivity. 
It's still a little rough lighting wise. The final product will clean this up.

Noodle, Langerd, Smoo and 7 others like this

Just a nightly update. Some work being done on the swimming pool. Anoek worked her ass off too tonight. She's working on the training sections and trial sections of the map. She's learning allot as she goes along. At times I feel bad as I expect her quality to match up to mine and she sufferes the stress of it. But she is progressing amazingly. I really hope that by the time she is ready to show you all her section that you will all show her some love! She works her ass off to learn everything much quicker then most of us did. Any ways here is a pic... Gonna do some caustics and other cool effects.
Public Swimming Pool!

Onysfx, swegmaster, Smoo and 5 others like this

Well... For a dying engine, I'd have a hard time making a better case for a modding community hanging on and keeping it afloat. Even with what was lost, you're making a map that's up with the top mappers of all time. You're creating interest in the process of making a map, you're giving us something to anticipate, to weigh in on, to be a part of and to enjoy.


I think when SJC disappeared for the last time, it kind of hit me hard that such a mapping titan had moved on. A lot of times since then there were brave and bold starts to big projects, but few ever reached the light of day. I know you have the capacity to see this through, and I know I will see paradise one day :D

Thanks mate, tbh I never liked SJC. His map's were very pretty, but technically speaking were not well designed. Any who that's just my opinion on him. I don't consider myself one of the greats, I still see others like Szico etc and go "wow". I know I can do that quality given the right theme, but I still find myself learning new things.

Any ways i will do my best to keep you all involved with  the actual creation process. I have a member who is willing to do a sneak peak video shortly before the maps release. However I wonder would you all like maybe a video of my own going over the design process? 

Kualan, Jeff and swegmaster like this

Well for me in this map :


designing maps is hard.. not many maps are well designed.. in my opinion none of my map are like that and i am sitting on them some time..

AngelModder likes this

Well for me in this map :




designing maps is hard.. not many maps are well designed.. in my opinion none of my map are like that and i am sitting on them some time..

Id say your cloud city story maps were pretty damn well designed... I mean I dnk how they look in gtk ofcourse but in game the quality was great and a lot of fun!


Just a nightly update. Some work being done on the swimming pool. Anoek worked her ass off too tonight. She's working on the training sections and trial sections of the map. She's learning allot as she goes along. At times I feel bad as I expect her quality to match up to mine and she sufferes the stress of it. But she is progressing amazingly. I really hope that by the time she is ready to show you all her section that you will all show her some love! She works her ass off to learn everything much quicker then most of us did. Any ways here is a pic... Gonna do some caustics and other cool effects.

Public Swimming Pool!



Hmm, for me I had to look at this picture a while before I could see that it was a reflection, and not a room where the floor was shaped like the ceiling and a floating surface in the middle. Maybe it could be toned down or somehow made to seem a bit more rough, less like a pure mirror. Perhaps it will feel different in game though, of course, than on a 2D picture :)

AngelModder likes this

A early early early wip shot of the Luck Shot Casino for JH3. This will be a classy casino/bar that is truely unique in many ways. A full panoramic view of the city around you will you drink, eat, and play!

J19 and Jeff like this

BUT wait there IS more! The Lucky Shot Casino's primary build is complete! Now it's time for details and lighting!



Gotto say I love the view!


You Can Always use models for glass ceiling like this :) Also i would change the glass and add some varaitons of textures. It seems like whole place have the same type of glossynes.


You Can Always use models for glass ceiling like this :) Also i would change the glass and add some varaitons of textures. It seems like whole place have the same type of glossynes.

So taking your advice all around I've given the walls and structure a seamed paneled feel. I wanted it to have some detail, but to not distract from the other details and view of the area. However the walls really did need atleast THIS detail as flat seamless metal didn't make much sense. However during its construction it like the glass were really just temporary idea's of what I had in mind.

Also I did convert the framed structure of the ceiling to an ase and took it into blender and removed some useless verts. Good idea on that one @@Langerd ! I am in the process of creating a better carpet texture however I do seem to like the red tone used in the image below, most of my time this morning was spent creating the Pazaak table however XD. It's interesting to see the effect the red carpet has on the walls and ceiling thanks to the bounce effect during light compile, honestly I don't think I'm going to fight that, it's some thing (a realism) you don't often see due to the color tones used normally in maps being darker. You rarely see this touch of realism. I did make sure the ceiling and floors were a func group and sharpened the lighting on them as much as I dare push it.

Generally through out the worlspawn I drop my light map scaling down to a blurry 4 in order to give more power to area's like this. Using the filter switch during the lighting compile to pretty up the blurriness created by lightmapscale 4.

Any ways my rambling aside, here is a wip shot of the pazaak tables.



Langerd, Onysfx, Smoo and 1 other like this

And last but certainly not least (or less time consuming) SLOT MACHINES!



Are they useable or just decoration? Either way nice work, we need more casinos. 

AngelModder and ZanderNao like this

And last but certainly not least (or less time consuming) SLOT MACHINES!


Holy Shiet with these and these grasses You just made everything life and clean. Amazing work! 


I suggest maybe some small water sources too :)

AngelModder likes this

Holy Shiet with these and these grasses You just made everything life and clean. Amazing work! 


I suggest maybe some small water sources too :)

Thanks @@Langerd ! The water will be taken care of, it was a quick idea throw together. The center of the rooms more of a dinning area so I wanted it to have a bit of a tranquil feel despite you're surrounded by games. I see this mixture a lot in the casino's games and food in a classey manner. I want to create some really amazing holo dancer's for some little lounge spots over by the staircases.


Sigh... Going to be a long day! Time to relight the map with shaders and begin the final phases of shader blending. Will post some pictures later this evening!

Langerd likes this

Todays list is a long one.

1 - Pull out the maps main courtyard to begin testing and shader creation and final lighting at a faster pace. Creating a testing ground.

2 - Adjust all the used Bespin texture to a more whitish tone as seen in the movies. This allows better blending into the CC styled area's as well acting as a blending point into the JH side of the complex.
3 - Adjust, fine tune, and lastly reshoot the skybox images.

4 - Play around with a sun flare effect idea.

5 - Remove all entity lighting and illuminate via shader lighting. This will involve creating new textures for the lighting rather then just a glowing white surface, some thing more realistic.

6 - Create new env's for specific view point's and begin applying them to the new styled textures for the courtyard. The platform would reflect some thing different then the roofs etc etc.

7 - Run a full NON fast full bounce compile on said test section and prepare for either tragedy or joy.

8 - If tragedy ensues blame @@Langerd for the whole thing. If Joy ensues claim all responsibility and throw Langerd into on of the Bespin pits...

ZanderNao, Kualan and swegmaster like this

And last but certainly not least (or less time consuming) SLOT MACHINES!


some reason reminds me of pokeballs :P


Todays list is a long one.


1 - Pull out the maps main courtyard to begin testing and shader creation and final lighting at a faster pace. Creating a testing ground.

2 - Adjust all the used Bespin texture to a more whitish tone as seen in the movies. This allows better blending into the CC styled area's as well acting as a blending point into the JH side of the complex.

3 - Adjust, fine tune, and lastly reshoot the skybox images.

4 - Play around with a sun flare effect idea.

5 - Remove all entity lighting and illuminate via shader lighting. This will involve creating new textures for the lighting rather then just a glowing white surface, some thing more realistic.

6 - Create new env's for specific view point's and begin applying them to the new styled textures for the courtyard. The platform would reflect some thing different then the roofs etc etc.

7 - Run a full NON fast full bounce compile on said test section and prepare for either tragedy or joy.

8 - If tragedy ensues blame @@Langerd for the whole thing. If Joy ensues claim all responsibility and throw Langerd into on of the Bespin pits...

Wowowwo/... Wait... 


Now You will blast full lighting compile??? Your Map is HUGE . I Hope it will work!


8 - If tragedy ensues blame @@Langerd for the whole thing. If Joy ensues claim all responsibility and throw Langerd into on of the Bespin pits...


Wait... that is not good... emm... well... 'e.e

AngelModder likes this

Wowowwo/... Wait... 


Now You will blast full lighting compile??? Your Map is HUGE . I Hope it will work!


8 - If tragedy ensues blame @@Langerd for the whole thing. If Joy ensues claim all responsibility and throw Langerd into on of the Bespin pits...


Wait... that is not good... emm... well... 'e.e

Oh no it's been through full light compiles many time's. part of it's design from moment one was to design it in such a way and effecient enough to run a full light compile with full bounce 100 letting it run untill it runs out of radiosity bounces. Most of the time it stops around 50-60 bounces, but the result is very much worth it, cleaner lighting, no need for ambient command, proper light + surface color blending etc.

So no need to worry, it takes time (usually while I sleep I run the full one's) but the map thus far does it fine. While I have a 2 gig GPU and 12 gigs of ram, the very very finale compile when the map is done will remove the fast switches again and run on Anoek's 8 gig gpu.


You also hjave to remember from day one this map's used a _lightmapscale of 4 (very blurry) with up to 0.125 in area's where direct crisp shadows on the brushes only effected by direct shadows/light such as light coming through a window onto the floor. In 90% of the real world ambient shadows etc are very blurry and you can't make heads or tales of them. So I simulated that and used it to my advantage! With 90% of the map running such a simple light mapping it allows a lot more focus and power to be given to the specific area's where you really see detailed shadowing going on.

Ontop of this method, I also created many of the maps shadows for it, only once running a compile with the said pieces projecting shadows to see where the shadows needed to lay and reach too. After that I tell the said item (pillars book shelves chairs & light fixtures to not cast any shadow but to only receive shadows. Then using a thing mesh on the floor/walls that the object originally casted shadows on I place my fake shadow for that said item on it.

In this sense not only do I get VERY clear crisp realistic shadows, but I can also simulate a bloom/d glow appearance all while in really making not only my compile go faster and better, but also YOUR game play not only looks better but RUNS better.



J19, Langerd, Smoo and 1 other like this

I've been busy doing other things now that I have my new comp (had it for awhile, but running some games I couldn't run before and been over in other modding communities), but I constantly check jkhub everyday just to check this thread :).


Great work so far :).

Langerd and ZanderNao like this

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