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Jedi Home III - Temple Edition

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So now the fun shit starts, the finalization process. Senate area is being finished up. In the mean time Anoek (my gf) sits next to me working on your lovely final secret area's. Yes my life is so awesome even my gf is a modder XD LOL. While I begin setting up the Misc BSP loads.

Essentially since ONE bsp with the full map would not compile correctly or at all, I split the map - Senate area and secret area's end up being there own BSP's (for those unfimiliar with terms this means there own fully compiled maps.) And via a magical sparkling unicorn blood entity called Misc BSP when placed correctly allows me to attach other .bsp's to another bsp. Bassicly what map modder usually do to allow you to go to other maps from the main map. 
This is not without issue, the sky light comes dominatly through the misc BSP'ed in map. So say for the senate area it had to be desighned in such a way that via a lot of windows etc this lighting makes sense and looks right. 
Essentially this is a work around for huge maps. Split it up. XD! 

Any who I AM SO SORRY this has taken longer then I had hoped but I wotn lie, between work, SWTOR, and being a bit burnt out and not even playing JKA any more myself it's been hard to find time or motivation to do this and finish it up. But I promise you this, you WILL have it christmas day!

ZanderNao, Smoo, Onysfx and 2 others like this

This project is one of the largest in years, and you've shown steadfast progress, determination and dedication. We thank you for pressing on despite adversity, being burnt out, and everything. I'm glad your girlfriend is able to share it with you, that's got to help make it a bit easier. Carry on, and thank you so much for everything!


So now the fun shit starts, the finalization process. Senate area is being finished up. In the mean time Anoek (my gf) sits next to me working on your lovely final secret area's. Yes my life is so awesome even my gf is a modder XD LOL. While I begin setting up the Misc BSP loads.


Essentially since ONE bsp with the full map would not compile correctly or at all, I split the map - Senate area and secret area's end up being there own BSP's (for those unfimiliar with terms this means there own fully compiled maps.) And via a magical sparkling unicorn blood entity called Misc BSP when placed correctly allows me to attach other .bsp's to another bsp. Bassicly what map modder usually do to allow you to go to other maps from the main map. 

This is not without issue, the sky light comes dominatly through the misc BSP'ed in map. So say for the senate area it had to be desighned in such a way that via a lot of windows etc this lighting makes sense and looks right. 

Essentially this is a work around for huge maps. Split it up. XD! 


Any who I AM SO SORRY this has taken longer then I had hoped but I wotn lie, between work, SWTOR, and being a bit burnt out and not even playing JKA any more myself it's been hard to find time or motivation to do this and finish it up. But I promise you this, you WILL have it christmas day!

You have done so much and I'm glad to see that it's nearing finalization. I hope to use this soon cause it's so brilliant, so well done. And they say the third is where the stuff falls apart? HA! Some of the thirds are the best of the trilogy. Some of the thirds are underrated gems(Dark Knight Rising, anyone?). Maybe it'll even get released before Christmas if all goes well. Fingers crossed, dude. :D

Smoo likes this

Essentially since ONE bsp with the full map would not compile correctly or at all, I split the map - Senate area and secret area's end up being there own BSP's (for those unfimiliar with terms this means there own fully compiled maps.) And via a magical sparkling unicorn blood entity called Misc BSP when placed correctly allows me to attach other .bsp's to another bsp. Bassicly what map modder usually do to allow you to go to other maps from the main map. 

This is not without issue, the sky light comes dominatly through the misc BSP'ed in map. So say for the senate area it had to be desighned in such a way that via a lot of windows etc this lighting makes sense and looks right. 

Essentially this is a work around for huge maps. Split it up. XD! 


Wow, that's interesting, I never thought a part of the map could be a misc_bsp. I used to include misc_bsps sometimes in lugormod maps, but this can be quite buggy indeed. 

Anyway, this will be a beautiful christmas gift!

Smoo likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

So I have to say the snate building is turning out pretty awesome. I really didn't think I would like this area as much as I d. Any one who's mapped knows working with circular rooms can some times suck, even just making sense of the layout can be a pain. We had the pleasent suprise that the lighting didn't bleed or mess up as it "sometimes" can when using misc BSP to import it into the main map. We're still playing around with the connection point. 

The two maps ofcourse both have to be vis sealed for FPS reasons. They meet up and connect in both maps at the door that connects the Senate Hall (not the senate room) to the main exterior courtyard (where every one will spawn). This is a bit of a tricky situation where caulk nonsolid has to be employed along with a few other intentional glitches to create the effect we want. 
Personally I never liked Teleportation style movement through a map (secret area's aside). So I'm working with this to try and avoid that. 


Any ways...

Mope, ZanderNao, Smoo and 1 other like this
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Alright so as you all have noticed I have been afk. Partially due to a new job consuming my life LOL. And secondly my computer is going nuts. I'm trying to limp through till I can afford the correct processor. 
At that point it's time for a complete system reformat including a new ssd drive. Bassically release is on hold until I can get my pc back up and running and can finish it. :/ 

Don't worry all files are backed up a dozen times over...

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

Alright so as you all have noticed I have been afk. Partially due to a new job consuming my life LOL. And secondly my computer is going nuts. I'm trying to limp through till I can afford the correct processor. 

At that point it's time for a complete system reformat including a new ssd drive. Bassically release is on hold until I can get my pc back up and running and can finish it. :/ 


Don't worry all files are backed up a dozen times over...



Alright so as you all have noticed I have been afk. Partially due to a new job consuming my life LOL. And secondly my computer is going nuts. I'm trying to limp through till I can afford the correct processor. 

At that point it's time for a complete system reformat including a new ssd drive. Bassically release is on hold until I can get my pc back up and running and can finish it. :/ 


Don't worry all files are backed up a dozen times over...

Dude...computer troubles are a bitch. I'm sure all of us can understand your pain and at least you have an income to afford the said processor. Glad you backed it up too.

  • 1 month later...

Alright sooo after a huge rediculous delay we're back on track with all 3 projects! I finaly managed to get the computer fixed and up and running correctly. I'll be starting on the projects final steps tomorrow morning. Probably in the Sith base ;)!!! 

I want to apologize to any who have been wanting this around christmas as I originally had intended. I ran into unexpected problems when upgrading my PC. Bassicaly I could run any game but for some reason both gtk and 3ds maya etc all kept crashing during load. 
Hopefully I can get my Discord account up and running again!


Alright sooo after a huge rediculous delay we're back on track with all 3 projects! I finaly managed to get the computer fixed and up and running correctly. I'll be starting on the projects final steps tomorrow morning. Probably in the Sith base ;)!!! 


I want to apologize to any who have been wanting this around christmas as I originally had intended. I ran into unexpected problems when upgrading my PC. Bassicaly I could run any game but for some reason both gtk and 3ds maya etc all kept crashing during load. 

Hopefully I can get my Discord account up and running again!

The fickleness of upgrading your PCs, man. You never know what might happen.


@@AngelModder - Did you upgrade to Windows 10?

Nah I've been on windows 10 for a long while, this was a processor and GPU issue I was having. My old GPU and processor were just fried from age and thousands of hours compiling. 

When we put in the new GPU priocessor and Motherboared some thing didn't quiet agree at first. I was forced to put off the system wipe it really needed in order to wait for the SSD and new HD's. 


However finally we're there. :D This time around everything seems to work fine. 

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

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