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Diary of a mad man

Message added by AshuraDX

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  • 6 months later...

@@The Punisher Hey, dude.. Is it likely than any of these models/ports will be available?


Those are some pretty sick models, in all honesty. For all the hard work you've done, getting them ported and what not, it'd be a real shame for them not to be appreciated by the community and available for download. Was looking through the majority of them and there's a number of them that REALLY caught my eye. Awesome job!  :winkthumb:


Thanks, but like @Jeff said: "the majority of people are anti-port or too picky so I just don't release anything anymore, I haven't stopped doing stuff, it just won't be posted."

Jeff likes this

Thanks, but like @Jeff said: "the majority of people are anti-port or too picky so I just don't release anything anymore, I haven't stopped doing stuff, it just won't be posted."

So, neither Jeff nor you are not planning on releasing any new content, at all? :huh:


@@Jeff @@The Punisher Learn to ignore the haters, you must! Honestly you guys should be more asertive. I don't think majority people here are really antiport. My creations are sometimes using ported parts and nobody ever complained about it lol. You are doing these ports because you like it and if you want to share it with community just share it and ignore people who just troll you, you can always block or report them.

I understand old veterans of JK modding who dislike ports and prefer doing things from scratch but honestly it is year 2019, not 2003, old famous modders are gone and we should be thankfull that some people like us are even playing and modding this 16 year old game. If I had given up when anybody had different opinion than me, I would have probably ended in mental hospital  :D


Now, I may have no say in this matter whatsoever. I am not a modder in any way, shape, or form, but in my experience, there are two things I've learned in life. 1: You can't please everybody and 2: Ignorant people tend to speak louder than others. It's a sad fact that no matter how good you are, people will always find some fault with it, even when there are none. You guys here are truly talented in what you do, and it's clear that you enjoy doing it.  There are those who will needlessly judge you, but they can't control how you want to do things, they have their own way of going about things and you have yours. That's all there is to it. So regarding the haters, they don't understand the time and effort you put into your projects. At the end of the day, no matter what people say, these creations done by you are FOR you. Never let anyone else dictate to you how they want it. So whenever someone criticizes you or your work, just remember that the only opinion that really matters is your own.


@@Jeff @@The Punisher Learn to ignore the haters, you must! Honestly you guys should be more asertive. I don't think majority people here are really antiport. My creations are sometimes using ported parts and nobody ever complained about it lol. You are doing these ports because you like it and if you want to share it with community just share it and ignore people who just troll you, you can always block or report them.


I understand old veterans of JK modding who dislike ports and prefer doing things from scratch but honestly it is year 2019, not 2003, old famous modders are gone and we should be thankfull that some people like us are even playing and modding this 16 year old game. If I had given up when anybody had different opinion than me, I would have probably ended in mental hospital  :D

Here here..


Xioth, Hashira, Tompa9 and 3 others like this

It is not only about that, it was slight note of what the real picture is. What really bothers us or more likely my friends, as I am no longer having the time to spend on JKA is the fact, that
most will download those ports for free and re-upload them here or at other JKA/JKO communities, claiming ownership of the ports/kitbashes, something that they even didn't bother to ask "may I" or at least "original model thanks to XYZ user of this and that site". Now calm your tits down.


What really bothers us or more likely my friends, as I am no longer having the time to spend on JKA is the fact, that

most will download those ports for free and re-upload them here or at other JKA/JKO communities, claiming ownership of the ports/kitbashes, something that they even didn't bother to ask "may I" or at least "original model thanks to XYZ user of this and that site". Now calm your tits down.


Honestly, I don't care if you restrict yourself to porting stuff, it's fine if you want to do that - it's your decision.




I don't get how people can feel so entitled over ported models.

You may have converted it to another format and you may have rigged it, which was your work, yes - but the original model was still made by someone else and usually taken without asking for permission.

Taken from someone who put a lot of time and work into crafting a beautiful model.


And you come along feeling like it's okay to be taking their models without asking, yet get annoyed by people who take your rigging work without asking?


See the irony here?


It is not only about that, it was slight note of what the real picture is. What really bothers us or more likely my friends, as I am no longer having the time to spend on JKA is the fact, that

most will download those ports for free and re-upload them here or at other JKA/JKO communities, claiming ownership of the ports/kitbashes, something that they even didn't bother to ask "may I" or at least "original model thanks to XYZ user of this and that site". Now calm your tits down.


That's a risk every modder takes though, not just those who port/kitbash. If every person who makes JK mods were this nervous about others taking their work, then there would be no mods at all for these old games.


I say post the mods. At least you have the satisfaction of knowing you made (sorry, ported/kitbashed, are the correct terms) them, if someone were to "steal" a port/kitbash release.

General Howard, Tompa9 and Wasa like this

I've got to ask the question, who's even left to steal ports anymore? And more importantly, why would anyone still have an issue with people making them in the first place?

Let's be honest, the modding scene for JKJA is tiny these days. Only Movie Battles and Movie Duels are getting updated anywhere near semi-regularly, with KoTF 2.1 probably ticking away somewhere. It's a testimony to the modding community that this game still has as much interest as it does, but even in the brief few years since I've been playing there's no hiding the fact that people just aren't making stuff for it anymore. The last new file uploaded to the hub was over a month ago, compare that to the almost daily uploads that were seen only 2-3 years ago.

It's the people in these forums that are offering the last trickles of content using ports and the like, and even these too have dried up in the last few months. So what if they didn't originally make the model? The porting and rigging takes time and effort that most people wouldn't or couldn't give.

I came very late to this game and it's people like Jeff, Kualan, Scerendo, Plasma, Lt. Claim, and others that drew me in and kept me checking everyday just to see if anyone had something new. I don't give a damn if someone ports, I'm sure most people don't, and I'm grateful for the people who do for contributing to hundreds of hours of enjoyment I've been able to have in this game.

If Jeff, The Punisher, or anyone else wants to post ports they've worked on, I'll applaud it and welcome it with open arms. If they don't, they can step aside knowing they've already done much more than their fair share to keep this community alive far longer than most modding communities can hope to be. 

Yeah, that got off track a bit, but there we are. 

TL;DR - This modding scene is old and dwindling, mad respect to the people who've kept it alive this long regardless of whether they use ports to do it.

JAWSFreelao, Jeff, Wasa and 3 others like this

Hello! Awesome ports! I just wanted to contact you with a question, would you provide some models for our Vade pack of Imperials? We want to greatly diversify our Imperials and pull our heads from wherever we can. We just need a TIE pilot, all Rebels, Bespin’s guards, governor Pryce, Krennic, all Solo and Hoth Luke. We would really appreciate it! Thanks!


Honestly, I don't care if you restrict yourself to porting stuff, it's fine if you want to do that - it's your decision.




I don't get how people can feel so entitled over ported models.

You may have converted it to another format and you may have rigged it, which was your work, yes - but the original model was still made by someone else and usually taken without asking for permission.

Taken from someone who put a lot of time and work into crafting a beautiful model.


And you come along feeling like it's okay to be taking their models without asking, yet get annoyed by people who take your rigging work without asking?


See the irony here?


I get your point but where does it end. If you make a model of Boba Fett from scratch you're still stealing someone's property, anything that has Star Wars content (or any other franchise) is ripping off George Lucas or Disney. 


AshuraDX, on 27 Jan 2019 - 8:35 PM, said:snapback.png

Honestly, I don't care if you restrict yourself to porting stuff, it's fine if you want to do that - it's your decision.




I don't get how people can feel so entitled over ported models.

You may have converted it to another format and you may have rigged it, which was your work, yes - but the original model was still made by someone else and usually taken without asking for permission.

Taken from someone who put a lot of time and work into crafting a beautiful model.


And you come along feeling like it's okay to be taking their models without asking, yet get annoyed by people who take your rigging work without asking?


See the irony here?


I get your point but where does it end. If you make a model of Boba Fett from scratch you're still stealing someone's property, anything that has Star Wars content (or any other franchise) is ripping off George Lucas or Disney. 

My exact point. As speaking in particular for myself, Jeff, Punisher and couple of other "old school" kitbashers/porters - we always aimed to obtain all the required permissions, when needed to do so. 

However (...)

As Jeff said already, even if we make it from scratch it's still stealing the property of Lucas and Disney as we are not officially working for their teams. I do share also your two cents as with time we grew up to understand many things, not only in here, but I would very much like to avoid a "certain" behavior that is already becoming a trade mark to few. I am more than happy to see that people such as Tompa9 are finally taking their first steps into a larger world of modeling (even if we speak about ports, kitbashes etc.) I also value the german strict work ethic you have, as this is probably the main thing that drives your passion to go on and improve what others cannot. 

In the end, I am going to say: If and when they (as I am out of this for the past 1 or 1,5 years) feel like sharing, perhaps they will. If they have their own two cents on why they should not I do not see a reason to circle around the same story every 6-7 months or so.


@@Jeff, @@dark_apprentice have you ever heard or read the term fan art?


If anyone of us goes ahead and creates a fan made depiction of a character or location in any medium, be it a drawing, sculpture or 3d model.

It's something completely different from

Ripping and porting a depiction of a character that was made by an artist, who was hired and paid by a Game developer, to be featured in a video game which is the developers property.

And in the case of a Star Wars game, that Game was developed under a license with specific terms granted by the owner of Star Wars.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_art, https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Fanart


See the difference?

One is legally untouchable (as long as you're not making profit off it) and generally seen as a tribute to the original source, while the other is a copyright violation on multiple levels.


@@Jeff, @@dark_apprentice have you ever heard or read the term fan art?


If anyone of us goes ahead and creates a fan made depiction of a character or location in any medium, be it a drawing, sculpture or 3d model.

It's something completely different from

Ripping and porting a depiction of a character that was made by an artist, who was hired and paid by a Game developer, to be featured in a video game which is the developers property.

And in the case of a Star Wars game, that Game was developed under a license with specific terms granted by the owner of Star Wars.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_art, https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Fanart


See the difference?

One is legally untouchable (as long as you're not making profit off it) and generally seen as a tribute to the original source, while the other is a copyright violation on multiple levels.


Actually I am quite familiar with it as I am constantly dealing with such things and own royalties, as I am sound engineer and working with many clients, recently even started to collaborate with Universal GMBH :) That is also to say, that even for game related topics such as JKA am familiar with how much and when it is against the rules. Specifically for JKA and even TFU it's okay to do so (since both are no longer canon and rights are given away), as long as no profit is gained - which you can clearly see is not the case.
The main point was that the JKA world is dead since the past couple of years I was on a big pause until 2009 and since than I am back and active as much as possible, even though many of you who were older and more dedicated users in this forum or other forums in the past, you contributed a lot that is appreciated. As you very well know the mod request sections is constantly overloaded with request, many of them are duplicated. When the technologies and situations gave us the opportunity we took it and we improved in a field that many may not agree with, but it made us learn useful tricks and less time consuming, as speaking of the point that not every single person is willing to learn or capable to invest the time to (not referring to laziness and other lame excuses). So if we keep that in mind, respectively keep a side the point of view you shared above which I cannot deny - my point was simple:
You cannot model something from scratch, that is okay, but when you have so modern and advanced softwares such as Blender, that provide you and save you hundreds of hours of hard work and there are plenty of good tutorials in JKHub and YouTube on how to change a head / other mesh / of a model for JKA/JKO, I don't see what is the problem beside pure laziness. We tried to bring new life into this game I do not claim anything from anyone, I do not need to sell them or keep them just for myself. There were flaming and immature wars with people I would prefer to keep their users names for myself as I don't like to point finger at anyone, who keep it going on in a loop on this circle for the past 2 years maybe. Yes I would love to share the model with everyone, I welcome all the critics as they are constructive and I am no snowflake to get easily offended. My problem is that when you do it, it gets automatically "re-ripped off" you may even say so, in the same exact forum just with a tone or two of the colors changed and the person is claiming "hey check out my model". Well no, it is not yours - it is not mine either, but I am the one who have invested time and knowledge on it so you can have it at least say "thank you" or "F**** you XYZ (username) I can do better". 
That is the entire point and I am really sick and tired of repeating this, there are couple of reasons that I and few other people went offline and we will no longer contribute to the public with our content, beside sharing it to our own enjoyment and pure fan artworks, such as mods or photoshopped images and guess what - that have eventually helped out those who really needed to learn and worked as it helped to sifting out people who were not willing to take the easy basic steps of kitbashing and if no one is willing to say it in straight words because someone may get offended or blocked I really don't give a damn any longer, but I will not keep silence and will not aim for attention like others would like to.

@@dark_apprentice please take notice that I work in Merchandising and also have experience with license contracts and royalties. During my time at this company I have worked with Licensors such as Global Merchandising, Epic Rights/Perryscope, Bravado, Livenation and Warner Music

The fact that the games story lines are no longer considered canon does not affect the license, that's completely unrelated.
While LucasArts may have been closed as a game Development Studio and Publisher, it is still intact as a Licensor, and as such Disney is still getting revenue from sales of old Star Wars Games that were licensed to LucasArts. And therefore I'd argue that this point is moot.

I get what you mean, at least I think I do, that post was rather difficult to go through on my phone. If you feel like someone is flaming you on this forum, make use of the report feature. That's what it is for.

But my point that getting upset over someone taking your port and modifying it before reposting is nothing but hypocrisy remains though.

Wasa and TheWhitePhoenix like this

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