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**OFFICIAL** Dark Forces Mod revival topic

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Howdy all,


  As I mentioned before I'm tinkering with unofficially expanding the original Dark Forces Mod. All the media you see here has content that's still pending permission, unless otherwise noted. I'll try to keep this post updated as I go.


Kyle-ization (Kyle Customization)



Jabba's Ship footage



Ramses Hed - level 7










Robotics Facility - level 8
















Nar Shaddaa (The Death Mark) - level 9











Jabba's Ship (Jabba's Revenge) - level 10







Coruscant / Imperial City - level 11







Fueling Station - level 12












The Executor - level 13










RUNNING CREDITS (permissions to get, etc)


*Original DFMod Team icon_checkmark_16x16.png

*GPChannel -- Jacketed Kyle icon_checkmark_16x16.png

*SSSID (Several Sided Sid) -- Rebel Blockade Runner (part of Ramsees Hed now) icon_checkmark_16x16.png

*Gamorrean -- HapSlash icon_checkmark_16x16.png

*Vibro-Axe -- Jolt_JK2

*Enhanced Gammorrean -- Barricade24 icon_checkmark_16x16.png

*Ponda Baba, Zuckuss -- Mark Lubbers icon_checkmark_16x16.png

*General Mohc -- DAK (to be replaced by HapSlash's model later)

*Devaronian -- AshuraDX icon_checkmark_16x16.png

*4-LOM -- oddjob icon_checkmark_16x16.png

*Dark Forces II skin pack (for Kyle) -- DarthPhae icon_checkmark_16x16.png

*Kyle Katarn Stealth Jedi Gear -- HapSlash icon_checkmark_16x16.png

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Howdy all,


  As I mentioned before I'm tinkering with unofficially expanding the original Dark Forces Mod. All the media you see here has content that's still pending permission, unless otherwise noted. I'll try to keep this post updated as I go.


Kyle-ization (Kyle Customization)



Jabba's Ship footage





How do you embed the video?

I'm liking what I'm seeing. :D

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It's placeholder at the moment, thus the several photos. I'd really like to kitbash JO Kyle into the model in before worrying about icons. Right now it's about getting comfortable with how things work.

Maybe...you can also ask DT if you can use his Dark Forces II Kyle Katarn for it as well? Just throwing that out there. :D

Sorry for the double post, BTW....Replies weren't working for some reason. :(


Moderator Edit: Fixed. :)

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Maybe...you can also ask DT if you can use his Dark Forces II Kyle Katarn for it as well? Just throwing that out there. :D

Totally want to in the future. The only stipulation is that I can easily head/body swap everything.


If you don't mind me asking, what all are you capable of in this engine? I'm wondering because I could offer some help in exchange from help from you since we're interested in bringing the older games into this newer engine.

Pretty sure you're asking indirectly about reviving the Jedi Knight project? I'd be SUPER interested, but it's a rather beastly undertaking. I have some ideas that may expedite things more. Should I post in the DF2 forum?

TheWhitePhoenix likes this
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Well the dark forces mod was already quite complete for the content that it has right? Just not all of the maps.


One thing we'd like to eventually see with OpenJK engine is to move as much code to mods as possible so that you aren't restricted to specific weapons or binds being forced via the engine like force powers are currently too.

TheWhitePhoenix and Tempust85 like this
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Well the dark forces mod was already quite complete for the content that it has right? Just not all of the maps.


One thing we'd like to eventually see with OpenJK engine is to move as much code to mods as possible so that you aren't restricted to specific weapons or binds being forced via the engine like force powers are currently too.

For DFMod I'd probably fork OpenJK so that I can customize specifics for DF. Really low priority, though.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this
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For DFMod I'd probably fork OpenJK so that I can customize specifics for DF. Really low priority, though.

As long as it's moddable and people can add their own personal stuff to the DF and even the DFII and if possible a fully intergrated JKO mod for JKA, I will have no complaints. Oh, and don't disable the cheat codes. ;)

swegmaster likes this
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As long as it's moddable and people can add their own personal stuff to the DF and even the DFII and if possible a fully intergrated JKO mod for JKA, I will have no complaints. Oh, and don't disable the cheat codes. ;)

Cheats will definitely stay. The only difference is that I might make the more advanced melee the default so that it doesn't need any cheats.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this
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Out of curiosity, why exactly would Ponda Baba be in Dark Forces?


That aside, I would love to see this mod start back up again.


If you wish to use my Gamorrean, you are completely free to do so.


I am curious, did the rest of DFMod's files ever get out? I know Ramshed had some significant progress, I just don't know if they ever released it. One might want to try and get contact with some of the other old team members and see if they still have any of the files hanging around.

KyleKatarn1995 likes this
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Out of curiosity, why exactly would Ponda Baba be in Dark Forces?


If you wish to use my Gamorrean, you are completely free to do so.


I am curious, did the rest of DFMod's files ever get out? I know Ramshed had some significant progress, I just don't know if they ever released it. One might want to try and get contact with some of the other old team members and see if they still have any of the files hanging around.

*Ponda won't be, but he's a base for an Aqualish thug in a few levels. Just bringing in variety.


*Thanks much for permission!


*Not sure. I saw someone continued the mod via a blog, I should contact them. I did send an email to Darth Linux, who was the producer on the mod, to see if he has any updated files.


Also ... here's a big image dump of a few levels. Most of this work has just been cleaning up what's there and learning GTKRadiant, but it's interesting anyway. Lighting has been added to some levels, everything is textured (some levels use placeholders), I've added doors, elevators, NPCs, etc. If the images don't work just take a look at the album HERE: https://jkhub.org/albums/GXsdp


Jabba's Ship (Jabba's Revenge) - level 10







Ramses Hed - level 7










Fueling Station - level 12











Nar Shaddaa (The Death Mark) - level 9











The Executor - level 13








Coruscant / Imperial City - level 11






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Thanks all, I'm really stoked for the progress that's happening. I'm all over the board as far as levels while I'm learning to use GTKRadiant. I feel somewhat comfortable with it now, though. I am trying to find a way to convert the original Dark Forces level files so I can have some bones to work from for the future. Each of the levels is half done at best. Having the original architecture will let me flesh things out with the new textures, adding improvements to the architecture in the future. Plus, to be frank, it gets prototype releases out faster.

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Awesome!!! I'm really loving this Dark Forces Mod revival! You guys know that my username is actually based on this protagonist in Dark Forces, and that is my favorite character of all-time Kyle Katarn. I always love such a mercenary that fights for the Rebellion against the Imperials. :D


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Kyle is one of my favourites characters from games too... In the nutshell this guy. - If someone knows that Kyle is in the imperial base... He knows that this base is already F@^ked XD


The amount of destruction, killed stormtroopers and other stuff.. What is the point with the rogue squadron or something if You can use one man army.

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