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Ep. VII (The Force Awakens) Lightsaber "Blades & Sounds" Mod REQUEST

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Hey guys,


  I know that right now, there's not really much to go on. But I was wondering if anyone would be willing to try and replicate the the blades and intense sounds of the lightsabers, from "Episode VII: The Force Awakens"? I know we've only really got Finn & Rey's blue lightsaber (Which is essentially Anakin & Luke's) and Kylo's red, "unstable" blade (as the result of using a cracked Kyber crystal) to go on, but I just thought that after seeing the movie, listening to the SFX of the two lightsabers and seeing their blades, it'd be pretty interesting to see someone come up with a mod for it. The sounds of lightsabers sounded a lot stronger and louder and I quite liked the effect. It made them feel like a much more feared and dangerous weapon.

Obviously, Kylo Ren's lightsaber wouldn't really need to be done (As @@Darth Martyr has a pretty accurate version available for download, already.. And Kylo's saber style/blade is pretty unique to him, anyway). So if someone could recreate Finn/Rey & Anakin/Luke's lightsaber from Episode VII and apply that same affect to the other colours, such as green, yellow, orange, purple. etc. It'd also add another very useful download to the ever-growing list of Force Awakens' mods.

To help out as much as I can, I'll try and post whatever footage or screenshots I can gather of the sabers in action, to use as a reference. They're posted below;







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Hey guys,


  I know that right now, there's not really much to go on. But I was wondering if anyone would be willing to try and replicate the the blades and intense sounds of the lightsabers, from "Episode VII: The Force Awakens"? I know we've only really got Finn & Rey's blue lightsaber (Which is essentially Anakin & Luke's) and Kylo's red, "unstable" blade (as the result of using a cracked Kyber crystal) to go on, but I just thought that after seeing the movie, listening to the SFX of the two lightsabers and seeing their blades, it'd be pretty interesting to see someone come up with a mod for it. The sounds of lightsabers sounded a lot stronger and louder and I quite liked the effect. It made them feel like a much more feared and dangerous weapon.


Obviously, Kylo Ren's lightsaber wouldn't really need to be done (As @@Darth Martyr has a pretty accurate version available for download, already.. And Kylo's saber style/blade is pretty unique to him, anyway). So if someone could recreate Finn/Rey & Anakin/Luke's lightsaber from Episode VII and apply that same affect to the other colours, such as green, yellow, orange, purple. etc. It'd also add another very useful download to the ever-growing list of Force Awakens' mods.


To help out as much as I can, I'll try and post whatever footage or screenshots I can gather of the sabers in action, to use as a reference. They're posted below;


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This is honestly pointless. There's nothing wrong with the current saber sounds of the Blue saber, the only thing different would be the ignite sound and the saberOff sound as they are different in TFA. Replace those two audios and it should be fine. And I believe theres some people already working on the Red Crossguard saber sounds. @@Xeby I believe is doing that.

Xeby and Futuza like this
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It would be best to wait until the digital release of the film, to ensure high quality sounds. A bootlegged version will be crappy compared to the source.

Yeah, I guess you had a pretty valid point, there. No point in releasing sounds that are bad quality and have distorted background noise. etc. if you're just going on YouTube video uploads.

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I have already finished the new HQ sounds for Kylo Ren lightsaber and blade effect, what remains is the hilt model. If Roxoon want to use his hilt black model then i will release soon if not will take some time to finish this. As i said in my status the animation will not be included because of JKhub policy of using others model/skin creations. So i will make a personal blog to upload whatever mod i want as i done with My StarCraft BroodWar version.

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I have already finished the new HQ sounds for Kylo Ren lightsaber and blade effect, what remains is the hilt model. If Roxoon want to use his hilt black model then i will release soon if not will take some time to finish this. As i said in my status the animation will not be included because of JKhub policy of using others model/skin creations. So i will make a personal blog to upload whatever mod i want as i done with My StarCraft BroodWar version.

God, no! Don't use Rooxon's hilt. No offence to him, but that's not at all, accurate. You could however, always ask @@Darth Martyr if he'd be willing to let you use his Kylo Ren hilt from his mod. I don't know if he'd approve or not, but he's made an awesome replica of Ren's hilt, over at http://jkhub.org/files/file/2609-kylo-rens-lightsaber/


Image of Hilt: http://jkhub.org/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&record=45907&id=2609&full=1

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God, no! Don't use Rooxon's hilt. No offence to him, but that's not at all, accurate. You could however, always ask @@Darth Martyr if he'd be willing to let you use his Kylo Ren hilt from his mod. I don't know if he'd approve or not, but he's made an awesome replica of Ren's hilt, over at http://jkhub.org/files/file/2609-kylo-rens-lightsaber/


Image of Hilt: http://jkhub.org/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&record=45907&id=2609&full=1

...i am sorry but i talked with @@Rooxon and he agreed to use his hilt. Probably i modify a little to the design a ignition button for on and off.

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...i am sorry but i talked with @@Rooxon and he agreed to use his hilt. Probably i modify a little to the design a ignition button for on and off.

You really wanna use that awful, generic hilt, that's not even remotely accurate to the source? :huh: Well, that's just gonna downgrade your mod, altogether. Why not try and make a new one entirely and then add your own blade effect & sounds to it?

Darth Martyr likes this
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You really wanna use that awful, generic hilt, that's not even remotely accurate to the source? :huh: Well, that's just gonna downgrade your mod, altogether. Why not try and make a new one entirely and then add your own blade effect to it. etc.?

Just because it's not accurate doesn't mean it's awful. That's a bit harsh. (actually, really harsh). It's still a well-made hilt, especially for not having any reference images at the time of it's creation. 

Jeff, eezstreet, Rooxon and 1 other like this
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You really wanna use that awful, generic hilt, that's not even remotely accurate to the source? :huh: Well, that's just gonna downgrade your mod, altogether. Why not try and make a new one entirely and then add your own blade effect to it. etc.?

True it was done without any single reference pic (thanks @@Circa). Also, you can take the shittiest model or whatever and if you're a good mod maker, you can do awesome things with it. A shame I practicaly can't find the time to do models as much as before, tho. 

Zamzar, eezstreet and Circa like this
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You really wanna use that awful, generic hilt, that's not even remotely accurate to the source? :huh: Well, that's just gonna downgrade your mod, altogether. Why not try and make a new one entirely and then add your own blade effect to it. etc.?

I am sorry for you but i don't like Darth Martyr saber. @@Rooxon hilt is more than OK at his time of making. Back then the movie SW7 trailer it was more awful than this hilt. It won't be an downgrade because i am a Master of Moding Games and i have thousand of downloads on my mod. Anyways... i really don't care about much hilts models because in the game is just a little inch of pixels from my game experience when i play Star Wars Games, especialy JKA, the hole time i am focusing on the blade beam strikes  (blue,red,yellow color - the a pick) and kills count with the Force !  :lol: In this days people become lazy and moders are just a few of them. Our time is NOT free.

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Just because it's not accurate doesn't mean it's awful. That's a bit harsh. (actually, really harsh). It's still a well-made hilt, especially for not having any reference images at the time of it's creation. 

No, it isn't a bad looking hilt. It's just not suited for this particular situation. Because if you're using that hilt for a new mod/blade effect from the movie, it's just lazy, not to create your own hilt and get it accurate to the source, considering the time now and how far we've come since the movie.

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I am sorry for you but i don't like Darth Martyr saber. @@Rooxon hilt is more than OK at his time of making. Back then the movie SW7 trailer it was more awful than this hilt. It won't be an downgrade because i am a Master of Moding Games and i have thousand of downloads on my mod. Anyways... i really don't care about much hilts models because in the game is just a little inch of pixels from my game experience when i play Star Wars Games, especialy JKA, the hole time i am focusing on the blade beam strikes  (blue,red,yellow color - the a pick) and kills count with the Force !  :lol: In this days people become lazy and moders are just a few of them. Our time is NOT free.

Ok, dude. If you say so.. -_- 


You don't like Darth Martyr's hilt?! I think you should ask yourself if it's even worth your time with this mod, in the first place then..

I didn't say your time was free, but why bother to do a Kylo Ren blade effect, if you're just gonna use it on a generic hilt? All the work and effort that's gone into replicating a movie model, by Darth Martyr, is pretty much right there in front of you. I know it's only 1 person, but it won't be getting a download from me, if that's the case. Take that however you want to..

Darth Martyr likes this
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Ok, dude. If you say so.. -_- 


You don't like Darth Martyr's hilt?! I think you should ask yourself if it's even worth your time with this mod, in the first place then..

I didn't say your time was free, but why bother to do a Kylo Ren blade effect, if you're just gonna use it on a generic hilt? All the work and effort that's gone into replicating a movie model, by Darth Martyr, is pretty much right there in front of you. I know it's only 1 person, but it won't be getting a download from me, if that's the case. Take that however you want to..

You could just take Xeby's sounds and add them to Martyr's lightsaber and keep it for personal use. 

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@ .. First of all.. you don't call me "dude" ! Second... if you want something, do it for yourself. My mods are My mods not yours. Do you get it now?!  :starwars:

Ok.. No.1; I'll call you whatever I like, thank you very much. No.2; It wasn't literal. It was to make a point clear to you. And no.3; I knew exactly what you were saying from the start. I was telling you that you're lazy and looking for a quick result, to just use a generic hilt, that to be quite honest, looks dumb with the effect you're creating. Do YOU get it now?! If you don't like the truth, don't presume that everyone or anyone wants to download your content. And if they're "Your" mods, why release them?!

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@@Xeby @


Guys, that's enough.


Xeby, your mods are good, and provide interesting content for the community, don't take things too personally, you're doing a good job and you can make your own decisions as it is your creation.


ForceUser, your points are understood. There's nothing wrong in combining mods from different Authors to get the effect you want, for personal use, of course, there's no need to go to other Authors of similar mods and force them to make what you want.


I'm not asking you guys to kiss each other here, but you both need to take a time out and watch some Star Wars movies.

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@@Xeby @


Guys, that's enough.


Xeby, your mods are good, and provide interesting content for the community, don't take things too personally, you're doing a good job and you can make your own decisions as it is your creation.


ForceUser, your points are understood. There's nothing wrong in combining mods from different Authors to get the effect you want, for personal use, of course, there's no need to go to other Authors of similar mods and force them to make what you want.


I'm not asking you guys to kiss each other here, but you both need to take a time out and watch some Star Wars movies.

Hahaha... No kisses from Me...  :lol:  :rolleyes:

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