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How long have you been a part of the JK community?

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Witnessing the recent comments and discussions, and seeing the renewed rise of interest in Jedi Academy has inspired me to ask this question from everyone, simply out of curiosity and getting to know each other better.


We all come from different backgrounds and experiences, and some of us have started this journey with JK2 (Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast), or even earlier. All things considered, how long have you been a part of the Jedi Knight (JK2/JK3) community?


I'll start. I have started with JK3 (Jedi Academy) and joined the greater community (back then JK3Files was the main hub) in 2004. So I've been around (on and off) for 11 years now.

Bek likes this

Hmmm well I got JK3 in December 2004, and played JK2 for ~4 months before that... so probably around August 2004. Nearly 11 years now :P


@@SiLink, you know, people say that JK3 is not a great game, but any game that keeps you around for that long can't be that bad... ;) I guess it has way more to offer than many of us realise. I'm actually a little stunned by how long I've been playing this video game, on and off. The only other games I've kept around are ones that really inspired me and left a mark.


Before that I played dark forces as a kid amoung many other games from that era.


I remember Dark Forces. :) I was mesmerised by it as a kid.

Link likes this


From the beginning of jedi outcast) I was one of the first modders, but i sucked back then. I had a huge break, don't remember when it started and when ended. I was trying to mod other games.


You have isomnia?)


Check facebook, i have uploaded screenshots of the prison.

Cerez likes this

JKA: Since spring/summer 2004

JK2: Only singleplayer a couple of times (first time probably in 2005 or so)


If you count dark forces, I did play a demo constantly as a kid :P could never remember which game demo it was though.... you started off with an orange lightsaber, there was a lambda shuttle taking off >_> stormtroopers... etc

katanamaru likes this

If you count dark forces, I did play a demo constantly as a kid :P could never remember which game demo it was though.... you started off with an orange lightsaber, there was a lambda shuttle taking off >_> stormtroopers... etc


Mysteries of the Sith. Good memories...

Stoiss, Link and z3filus like this

I first played JK2 in like 2009 I think and didn't make a mod until 2010 for JKA. Then most of my involvement in modding was for the Jedi Betrayal project until I left in 2012. I haven't really made any mods since other than my high res JK2 texture pack. I've never even had that much interest in Jedi Academy. I've only played through JA like twice, JO maybe three times, and I very rarely play multiplayer for JA or JO, only if I happen to be incredibly bored.


A big part of the reason why I still stick around here is because of the community. The site is big enough that it's actually a community but it's small enough that you kind of know everyone a little bit. That's what I like about JKHub. A lot of other online communities are so big that it's hard to keep up with everything and everyone that I quickly lose interest. I've had long periods of absence here, but for some reason I keep coming back. 

Flynn and Cerez like this

Been playing since Jk2 and there after JKA always been a freelanser without a clan before i where joining *VaS* Clan witch was the good old days and there after started my own clans with lugormod :) and then i got in to modding :)


Man you guys make me feel young :D (which I am but shh)

I think I started sometime in 2012/2013 playing JKA, it was a game my brother had played and I really enjoyed the SP for a bit...then I played MP and it got soo much better haha

In terms of using mods, I used filefront (gag) first, until I discovered this wonderful website! Everyone here is really pretty nice and you guys have always been able to help, so thanks

Honestly, JKA was my first multiplayer game- it has just a small enough community that I've been able to make some fantastic friends, learn why internet dating is bad (long story), and just in general become a better person.

Oh yeah and I'm not bad at CTF either :P

Cerez likes this

I have a clear memory of myself telling someone I was 13 years old in JK2 MP. So I reckon I started when I was 12 maybe.. that would be probably in 2005. I have played JK2 1.02 on multiplayer ever since, mostly force, then I discovered the no force gameplay little over a year ago and became a fencing fanatic. :)

Cerez likes this

I dunno about community but I bought Dark Forces in Fall 96'. Didn't join any communities until JK2 on lucasforums for a bit when I first tried editing this game, then again in 2013.

katanamaru likes this

Started playing JO and JA upon release, left the community in about 2006 for Battlefront and Battlefront II modding, then reutrned in about 2011 and have been here ever since.


I've been playing the dark forces saga since jedi knight dark forces 2 back in 1999 or whenever it was..But actually started playing JO and JA when they came out to buy on the shelves.


 Oh my God I'm old

^^ YUP. Started playing Dark Forces first. Then I discovered JK2 in 2002 when it first came out. I quickly joined LucasForums.


Played since 2006/2007 when there were active servers on both versions, jk2 was very active too


I started in 1999 with Jedi Knight and MotS bundled together. I didn't like them at the time because the saber combat was so clunky. I was playing Tenchu on Playstation and thought it was far superior.

Went looking for cheats one night and found a grappling hook mod. Never heard of a mod before so I followed the link to Massassi.net.




There was soooo many files. They made the games so much better. My first mod I "made" was taking Saber Battle X, by ShadowX, and changing some animations and force values around.


I preorderd both JO and JA after that and have been a fan since.


Fun fact: I hated JO's saber system when I first played it. I went into MP to try it out and hated the collision system, and went back to JK after that. It wasn't until I downloaded the sp level The Ladder that I learned the SP and MP saber systems were different. 

Smoo likes this

I feel like Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope!! Ive been with the JK series since 98. Started playing online with Dark Forces 2 and Mysteries of the Sith on MSN Zone! Counted down the days until Jedi Outcast was released. Played the Leaked version of Jedi Academy, not sure how many people remembered that! Then been with Jedi Academy ever since!! I have my periods of where I play the game, but I miss the glory days the excitement of Star Wars with other fans of the game.

katanamaru and Cerez like this

I feel like Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope!! Ive been with the JK series since 98. Started playing online with Dark Forces 2 and Mysteries of the Sith on MSN Zone! Counted down the days until Jedi Outcast was released. Played the Leaked version of Jedi Academy, not sure how many people remembered that! Then been with Jedi Academy ever since!! I have my periods of where I play the game, but I miss the glory days the excitement of Star Wars with other fans of the game.

Leaked version, eh?

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