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Post Your Frankenstein Ideas Here

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Should be fairly easy to achieve. Frankenstein Obi-Wan's head onto Commander Keller's body:



That's what I thought :) I tried to do it myself back then, but my lack of skills was insufficient unfortunately.

One could also re-texture the skin, for the colors to be more appropriate, but I think I'll give that a go my self, despite I have no knowledge in the field, haha. That is, of course if it will be a reality :)

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That's what I thought :) I tried to do it myself back then, but my lack of skills was insufficient unfortunately.

One could also re-texture the skin, for the colors to be more appropriate, but I think I'll give that a go my self, despite I have no knowledge in the field, haha. That is, of course if it will be a reality :)


Allright it's done, if you want a differant head let me know it won't take long to change


DL here https://www.dropbox.com/s/kws6x1ttw2sqvbl/obi1.pk3?dl=0



Ramikad, the_raven, Kiaiko and 2 others like this
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If this ever gets made, I think the sounds/taunts should be dubstep. Just a thought.

well, making dubstep taunt sounds is kinda easy. it's harder animating it (unless you're good at animating, then it should be a cinch, since any "broken", looped animation could be applied)

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I can't imagine something so "dark" with some dubstep hahahah :D I can make some sounding on this model and i prefer something into the horror scene and/or movie soundtracks. I guess it can be made from Darth Malak's head (just the mouth part) + Sith Stalker and perhaps General Grievous ^^

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  • 7 months later...

Here you go @@Dumah 11523.


Short-hair variant:

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Long-hair variant:



DL Link:



Have fun!

how do I install these?

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  • 1 month later...

I whipped up a few cool things, I always intended on making a 1313 style Boba Fett. I put together a pretty good model but I don't think my texturing is good enough to get the job done. It would be cool to see someone else make this. 

the_raven likes this
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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

@@DTIII Frankensteining is a extremely long and tedious process, it takes time and dedication to make quality work, like anything else. 

That's not what I meant, I understand that everyone who decides to takes the time and effort to make all these cool ideas a reality in their amazing work. I truly appreciate everyone who is here, still to this day making and creating incredible content for the rest of us to have and use.

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