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Mother Talzin might be released in the near future - the Mas Amedda model was lost in my PC crash in October last year. I have a better Mas Amedda model at the moment, but it uses assets from SWTOR so I'm hesitant to distribute it.

Śăļvõö likes this

And to think you were telling me you didn't have the head :P

Looking good.


I still have the .glm, yeah. The original .gr2s are what I'm missing. Same goes for the Sullustan, Ishi Tib and Bothan.


That version of Mas Amedda is pretty crap though - the head is just weighed entirely to the cranium bone, so not very good for in-game use.


I can re-weigh it better to the neck area if you wanted @@Kualan


I might do what @@Jeff did and just dump everything I have into a package download via dropbox or mediafire and people can do what they like with them.

Noodle and Alvar007 like this

Got partway through the process of tidying up the files when I got distracted by updating the Neimoidians I released awhile ago:






That's the Episode III versions of Nute Gunray and Rune Haako, alongside a Neimoidian Guard - the latter is a combination of @@Jeff 's model and my own adjustments.

DEVISS, Langerd, swegmaster and 9 others like this

@@Kualan Do you know if there's any update on Captain Phasma model you were working on, with @@Barricade24? I spoke to him on Steam chat and he said you had a coupla' things left to do with it or something, before release. It's just that with @@GPChannel doing his TFA mod, I'm sure he'd wanna use it in his mod (with both of your guy's permission)

GPChannel likes this

@@Kualan Do you know if there's any update on Captain Phasma model you were working on, with @@Barricade24? I spoke to him on Steam chat and he said you had a coupla' things left to do with it or something, before release. It's just that with @@GPChannel doing his TFA mod, I'm sure he'd wanna use it in his mod (with both of your guy's permission)


I've been letting Phasma rest for awhile - I'm still not wholly happy with the helmet and cape at the moment.


I see you used some pieces of my Neo Crusader model for the Neimoidian Guard :D

-Permission granted if you want to release it


Much obliged, Ashura. It's going to be a task in itself chasing up on all permission/credits needed before I can release the pack so it's nice to have a head start :D


WOW, that's a great Satine.

I just need to adjust the headdress so that it joins up under the chin like it should. Then she needs her +4 sleeves added, not sure how to accomplish those.


The plan is to have at least the Mandalorian police and their captain done as well and possibly/probably Satine's Royal Guard too.

Jrue and Barricade24 like this

Got partway through the process of tidying up the files when I got distracted by updating the Neimoidians I released awhile ago:






That's the Episode III versions of Nute Gunray and Rune Haako, alongside a Neimoidian Guard - the latter is a combination of @@Jeff 's model and my own adjustments.

great work, thanks to you bf2 have neimodian for cis :D

Kualan likes this

alright kualan, time to get your hands dirty (pls?)


there is just something about this robe and the way it fits palpy that is so much better then all of the sidious/emperor models we have.

like you could actually use this model to duel without feeling like you're walking around with a bed sheet on your back.


kinda boggles my mind that no one has made it (well that and ahsoka in rebels):




z3filus, Kualan, Xanemus and 1 other like this

alright kualan, time to get your hands dirty (pls?)


there is just something about this robe and the way it fits palpy that is so much better then all of the sidious/emperor models we have.

like you could actually use this model to duel without feeling like you're walking around with a bed sheet on your back.


kinda boggles my mind that no one has made it (well that and ahsoka in rebels):


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I feel you, man. But the truth is without proper cloth physics Sidious is never going to look the way we'd want him to in-game.

Scerendo and z3filus like this

I feel you, man. But the truth is without proper cloth physics Sidious is never going to look the way we'd want him to in-game.


One of the few things I like about Battlefront 2015 is how good Sidious (heroes in general) looks and animates in it.


That being said I think you could be able to get away with something convincing, If the cloth doesn't look too flat and stiff in places., if I recall in Telltales Game of Thrones game, they didn't have any cloth physics on dresses and robes (they did on the cloaks though), but they managed to pull it off.


If the robe hanging fairly close to the body, like it is in that first image, you might be alright. Worth a think though!

JAWSFreelao and z3filus like this

I feel you, man. But the truth is without proper cloth physics Sidious is never going to look the way we'd want him to in-game.

damnit you're probably right  :


man cant that somehow be solved... like some solution that can be jammed into openJK lmao, excuse me while i just go dreaming  :(


If the robe hanging fairly close to the body, like it is in that first image, you might be alright. Worth a think though!


thats kinda what i was thinking too. outside of the hood, if you just treat it like.. an outfit (a.. tight one lmao) rather then a robe, it could still kinda work?

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