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Frankensteining with blender.

Go to solution Solved by Artemis,

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If you're just frankensteining, you shouldn't need to re-parent anything to 'root_0'. A new head gets parented to 'torso_0' for example, so the scale will match the torso it is being parented to.


Parenting a part of a model to 'root_0' is basically telling that part of the model to bypass the rest of the hierarchy, hence its size ballooning - since it has nothing to match its scale to. This also happens if you get liberal with deleting parts of a model - delete 'torso_0' for example, and everything that was originally parented to that will be thrown out of the hierarchy, resetting to 'root_0' as a parent by default and resulting in the ballooning.


If you need to get rid of that torso though and replace it with another but still keeping some of the original parts parented to it (like the arms for example) you first need to bring the new torso into the hierarchy ('torso2_0' for example) and then re-parent the arms, etc to that new torso. Only once this is done can you then safely delete the original 'torso_0'.

Maui and JAWSFreelao like this
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  • 2 months later...

Movie 2 models battles switch to other modes ???


Hello I am new to the page I am for a while trying to pass skins battles otherwise movie 2 for example the Jedi academy or KotF but I failed
to time I am trying to contact users with more knowledge of the subject if you could help me with this or create a subject matter .or if you could contact other users. apologize for my bad English
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  • 8 months later...

Knocked these up this morning, taking the realistic face from Toshi's Padme model ( here )and combining it with the wide-range of outfits from StingRay's Padme pack ( here ) . Also stuck the base JKA male human head and the Gweth female head on the Legacy-era Imperial bodies, to create some agents for my comic series:


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Pretty awesome what can be made with the JKA equivalent of kitbashing.

OMG Can i get this Jaden male :D :D :D ???? PLEASE :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to Maui's video tutorial I'm starting to get the hang of Frankensteining, but there are a few questions I have. I hope I can ask them in this thread, since creating a new thread for roughly the same topic seems unnecessary to me.


- I was trying to put the Rebel head on the Jedi_HM body, but I keep getting this error: Could not load surface head_helmet (LOD 0) from Blender: Vertex without UV coordinates found! Since I have only moved the head to the Jedi_hm layer and nothing else, I have no idea what's going on. Is this an issue with models consisting of multiple torsos and heads?


- I see in Blender that the Weequay head has actually a lot more hair options than the in-game version shows. Is there a way to make the extra hair appear in-game?

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@@The_CrY  To fix the rebel's helmet, go into edit mode with it, change your selection type to face select, and move the cursor over some chunk of the helmet.  When you press L, a part of the helmet should be selected.  Press H to hide it, then keep selecting other chunks and hiding them.  When everything visible is hidden, press A, and you should see in the top right that somehow, you've selected 2 out of however many vertices.  You might not see them, but they're there.  Delete them, then Alt + H to unhide everything, and you should be good to go.


As for the weequay, I don't really know.  Maybe the _off part in the mesh names has something to do with it?  :/

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@@The_CrY interesting find about the weequay's extra hair, it seems there's a few sneaky hidden model parts in the base player models. The saboteur has a visor that was never implemented also (which @@SiLink found a few years back).


The solution for you in this case, is to change the model part's name to simply not have "_off" at the end. Do this for head_l_hairshoulder_off, head_r_hairshoulder_off and head_r_hairbackoff. Adding this on the end makes model parts invisible, which is why although in the .SKIN files it has a texture path, but is invisible when in-game. One of many model tweaks they must have made last minute with JKA. Do those changes to the tags see what he looks like :)


FYI it's like an old saggy predator looking thing xD having his hair on both sides looks a lot cooler though.

The_CrY likes this
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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting tutorial. How do you zoom the model and move the view angle? I mean, I zoom the model but then the head goes out of the view area.


I tried the tutorial and got most things done. I tried to combine "Toshi's ROTJ Luke Skywalker Version 2" with the head from "Classic Jedi Project (CJP) Journeyman Customization I 1.1" but ended up with Luke's body without head. Guess I need to read and practice more.


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Make sure you get the hierachy correct, and include the new model parts in the .skin file otherwise it won't work correctly.


In regards to simple commands to work around blender, there's going to be hundreds of people on youtube/forums who have compiled a starter guide to zooming in and such. Most of those things you figure out anyhow.

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Found how to zoom and pan around but still having problems:


Opened the first model and moved the head to another layer (let's say layer 5).

Open the second model (layer 2).

Moved all the head parts to layer 1.

Renamed anything related to head (i.e

removed .001)

Looking at the model, everything seems to be fine.

Exported the model

Modified the skin files

Opened the model with modview

Still see the old head with the new textures.


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Make sure you delete all of the left over parts. For some reason, that can cause problems.


Press A (select the entire model) before exporting.


And there's still the chance that your hierarchy is wrong. If you delete the unnecessary pieces and the new head becomes giant and floats way above the rest of the model, it's more than likely not parented to the original model.


Also check the console for errors that might prevent the model from exporting.


Edit: I spent entirely too long waiting to post this, so most of that is redundant/can be ignored.


If parts of the model aren't connected, you've got something wrong in the hierarchy.

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Thanks. Before I move a part from one model to another, I first write down the part name and the parent, that way if the goes floating around, it can be fixed by assigning the part parent again. I also check all the layers for left overs.


All moved parts seems to be ok, They just won't turn off via the .skin file. I bet s something I am missing, I will keep trying.

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If they aren't turning off via "<model name>,*off" inside the .skin file, then you have missed one of the areas that you need to rename the model part in blender; so the name you're giving it in the .skin file isn't actually what it is called. You can check by opening the list of model parts inside modview and you will find their real name, or cross check again in blender for your step-by-step tutorial and check you have renamed them properly.

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Figured it out....The original mode had the head in 2 parts...the part head was called "head_face" and the "neck" part was called "head" so when I re-assign the new parts, I was assigning them to the neck part instead of the actual head...but since the new heads contains different "skin colors, I couldn't leave the "neck" so I used a "dirty" workaround by using one of those "floating" triangles around the head area as the hook for the hood and the helmet. 


Also had to modify the .skin files to turn on/off the hood and helmet from the torso files. Everything is working great now! Have all the Luke ROTJ uniforms with the heads form "CJPJourneyman".



I also did the same with Dark_Apprentice's Luke pack. That one was easier but have a problem with the "hood down" part. I think I will be able to fix it with what I've learned. My only issue with that one is the lower-neck part with the Yavin version....have an empty gap between the neck and the shirt. I'll see what I can do with that one.

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Figured it out....The original mode had the head in 2 parts...the part head was called "head_face" and the "neck" part was called "head" so when I re-assign the new parts, I was assigning them to the neck part instead of the actual head...but since the new heads contains different "skin colors, I couldn't leave the "neck" so I used a "dirty" workaround by using one of those "floating" triangles around the head area as the hook for the hood and the helmet. 


Also had to modify the .skin files to turn on/off the hood and helmet from the torso files. Everything is working great now! Have all the Luke ROTJ uniforms with the heads form "CJPJourneyman".



I also did the same with Dark_Apprentice's Luke pack. That one was easier but have a problem with the "hood down" part. I think I will be able to fix it with what I've learned. My only issue with that one is the lower-neck part with the Yavin version....have an empty gap between the neck and the shirt. I'll see what I can do with that one.

could you also maybe fix the floating left arm datapad on the raxus starkiller model from the galen marek outfit pack?

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could you also maybe fix the floating left arm datapad on the raxus starkiller model from the galen marek outfit pack?


I tried but I can't find anything wrong with it. If there was a similar model that I could open and check, I might be able to figure it out, but so far it seems to be attached correctly. I just turned it off.

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