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Community Answers

  1. Maui's post in PK3 put inside Base folder isn't being loaded (JKA) was marked as the answer   
    Try the following:
    Create a .pk3 with Pakscape
  2. Maui's post in mapmodding issue was marked as the answer   
    I used seta disable_item_ysalimari 0 to enable the ysalamari
  3. Maui's post in Blender v2.79 + 2.7 plugin suite - Exporting issue was marked as the answer   
    The issue has been solved. Solution will be add in my newly planned tutorial series. Much more indepth.
  4. Maui's post in Assimilate giving issues was marked as the answer   
    Problem is solved thanks to Asgarth. He gave me his files and configuration. And some instructions how to use the program.
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