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[Request] Model - Savage Opress

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This is true. I the modeler is up for such expansion, it's his choice, however.


Again, I'm really only interested in his final look with a realistic take and his black robe and nothing else, but I wouldn't mind his appearance before either. I just like him better with dynamic features and he was more accomplished in the end of his time as a Sith, hence why he had a robe eventually.


May I ask, the ported version of Savage Opress you currently have.. the one that's messed up with rigging.. does that have custom sounds and also Savage's custom Lightsaber?

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Yeah, that one is very good. It might be nice if @@AshuraDX tried retexturing it to see if anything new would happen. I still think it's great, though.


I have made a Robed version of Savage Opress by utilising DT's Maul Model.






Here's him next to the original Maul model:




You can put this together easily yourself:


Opress hilt:



My edited maul head texture:



Adding this code to the NPC you want:


    hfov        160

    vfov        160

    scale        135

    height        78

    crouchheight 42

    width        18

    yawSpeed    120

    walkSpeed    55

    runSpeed    200



No new sounds unfortunately so you either have silent or Maul sounds.


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That's a pretty interesting reskin. Some of the patterns are inaccurate/missing though and even if they were there, it would still be better to have a new model since his patterns don't look very good on Maul's face.


I like the details you put into it, though. Gonna have to teach me a little bit of that sometime. :D

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@@minilogoguy18, it's not a matter of how many people there are with the knowledge to do it, but rather who can or will do it (and Archangel has already publicly said he's interested in doing it after finishing his awesome Jan Ors project.)


So yeah... not quite sure where you got that idea from. O.o


In worst-case scenario, if Archangel can't do it, DT85 might when he's not occupied with Dark Forces and he's finished with Qui-Gon (looking forward to both, @@DT85!)

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I tried doing a little Savage Opress lightsaber hilt recolor to see if it would look better. It's just that the original skin looked a little too cyan-ish and vibrant with the red. If you guys like this better, maybe we can add it with the model that Archangel will be doing.













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Well if it's any help, I found a clearer reference of the kind of robe Savage wears. However, use the previous references more for the models' form (they cover more and make him look more sinister, try and ignore the cartooniness of these particular comic pictures), this is just meant for more clarity.









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Well if it's any help, I found a clearer reference of the kind of robe Savage wears. However, use the previous references more for the models' form (they cover more and make him look more sinister, try and ignore the cartooniness of these particular comic pictures), this is just meant for more clarity.











Nice job on the Opress hilt, looks good.


Also the hooded version of Savage, it looks like the cape just clips around over the shoulders of the normal model, alot like the cape in DarthPsyKos unreleased Darth Malgus model.


That should be simple to add, both hooded and un-hooded.

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Well, I did a little bumpmapping on Savage's lightsaber hilt. The following two images I'm about to show you will display the comparison between my latest little recolor with my bumpmapping job in the second image. Tell me if you like the bumpmapping better than what you've already seen and perhaps it could be a part of this model.


First re-color






First bumpmapping job





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I had no idea you already requested a Savage Opress model.  I also feel like it should be an actual model rather than a re-skin of Maul.

Im not sure if he actually is as giant as he looks, he may be somewhere between the height of Qui-Gon and Chewbacca or other wookie's.


1.He is taller than Darth Maul






2. Darth Maul is almost equally shorter compared to Qui-Gon and Opress, if  you look at the Duel of the Fates- scene EP1





@-- I would be willing to do it after I finish the Jan Ors project.


Glad to know someone is willing to model it.  Let's give him all the time he needs since he has atleast 1 other project to work on.

GojiraGamer and Lamented like this
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Yeah. No more Maul reskins, give us the real thing! ._.


And if some modeler could, it might also be cool if they threw in a few variants from the cancelled Maul game.

I had no idea what you were talking about " A Darth Maul game" ??? GOOGLE. + YOUTUBE = that game looks awesome!!

Too bad we wont be seeing this this game finished, Darth Maul definetly needs his own game, heads flying & arms falling.


I really like how he the model looks and the "Im gona whup your ass"  walking animation :woot:

Infact:  while waiting for the Savage Opress model, Im going to try to create this maul as a skin.


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@, lookie lookie, Senator. Assist me in bringing this to fruition.


Speaking of bringing this to fruition, @@Archangel35757, you think you're still up to working on this? Haven't really heard much from you lately...


And I'm getting rather depressed. :/

Depressed?! Cheer up. It's still on my list-- but I'm busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest!
z3filus and AshuraDX like this
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