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My recent skin attempts

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are these functioning JA models yet? I see some I would love to put in a mod.


Jeff rigged some models for me, but rigging is a time consuming process so he can't and shouldn't do every single one. :)


Well if some are done can he release them?


I gave him permission to upload them to his dropbox since he basically made the model working for Jedi Academy, check his dropbox if more are there. The link can be found in his own WIP thread.

  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting, are you working from an updated hashlist for TOR? Mind PMing me it?


I just ripped the model from the new Flashpoint. Was actually more of a coincidence since i intended to rip Umbara assets only.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

All these skins look really nice, but they all lack proper lighting. If you could paint some highlights it would bring out the textures and the feeling of each material a lot more.

Kuhe, Langerd and Psyk0Sith like this
  • 2 weeks later...

Saesee Tiin wearing his armor from the Clone Wars miniseries




Thanks to Tompa for the updated model.


That's awesome, I forgot he had that armor. Nice work.


Clone Wars Saesee Tiin Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rnd4uxa42ib2jke/CW_Saesee_Tiin.pk3




Clonetrooper armor and robe - Neomarz

Saesee Tiin model - Tompa9

Helmet - Kualan

Tubes and panel - Lt.Claim


Sergeant Kreel Link:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/b292tc9dp6ilc05/Sergeant_Kreel.pk3




Armor and additional assets - Lt.Claim

Head and face - Spanki

Gamemaster assets - Scerendo

Armor parts - Jeff

Jeff, DTIII, Kualan and 1 other like this
  • 4 weeks later...

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