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Ongree species / Pablo Jill

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You dont' have to rip the files, you can record sound played back by the sound card, just pick "stereo mix" as the source (works in XP, not sure about windows vista+). Of course more work is involved since you have to manually cut the portions yourself and play the parts of the game that have the species featured. I downloaded the mp3 from youtube, i could split it up and use that as the voice :)

Kualan likes this

Also you can use fraps and extract the audio trace with music disabled ingame with goldwave or audacity. :)

I do that for rip legacy of kain sound of many weapons and spell there are not possible to extract by the OGG files of soul reaver 2 and blood omen 2, or mul files of defiance.ù

The skin is wonderful!! :D

Psyk0Sith and Kualan like this

Well all my suggestions on how to obtain audio were already shared, so I'll just say that I am so happy and excited to see a new species being born for Jedi Academy. The texture work is phenomenal and the modeling supreme!


Like stated in the first post of the thread, i only made the head, the body is all Hapslash's work.



That is a very nice model, it looks liked it turned out extremely well. Will there bay a unrobed version as well?

Yes there is the unrobed variant, you can customize the look in the species menu.


Wow, it turned out awesome, you can really tell how much of a difference it made just to take the time to make a high res sculpt to bake details from, something that hasn't been done enough in JA.


Yup, speeds up the whole layout process, no guess work on features / lighting source and gets rid of seams. You still have to spend time tightening the details and adding colors manually, if you rely simply on the AO you get a lifeless and boring texture surface.


Thanks everyone for the positive feedback.

Kualan, Circa and Omicron like this

At least two more species are planned, i will consider adding Chagrian to the list but Darth Wyyrlok would need a brand new body.



Just having a Chagrian head on Jedi Robes like you've done with Ongree would be amazing in itself, thanks for considering the request. I look forward to these two other mystery species as well. I'm sure they'll be great.

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