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The Force Unleashed Mod

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Hi everybody!


I'm Nemeth01 and to tell the true I'd like create a TFU mod for jedi knight:jedi academy

I've done with Kota mission (it's very BETA :) ) and I've done Raxus part1 and I've done with Starkiller vs vader and starkiller vs maul mission......and I've done the firs training map....... :)


I need some Help with the models

I have a training robe,a bounty hunter robe,the sith robe,the sith stalker robe,the medical robe and Jedi adventure robe


and I need a NORMAL heavy training robe


if somebody can do it please do the model with Jaden korr's head like this:https://www.google.hu/search?hl=hu&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1178&bih=1024&q=JKA+starkiller+model&oq=JKA+starkiller+model&gs_l=img.3...1603.5340.0.5548.



(sorry for my english,I'm hungarian :) )

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Can you show something of what you have done? If that is what you meant, that you already did something. There's a guy in here working on a Starkiller model. Anyway, if you mind me asking, why would you want to make a mod about a game that already exists and works as it is? Honestly, if wanted to play TFU or TFU2 I would get the games and not a mod. Just to keep in mind if you want to forecast the life of this idea.

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I think what would be a good idea is to make a multiplayer TFU experience, rather than trying to recreate the story.


Pande is right. TFU has so much better tech in it than JKA will ever have, so what you'll be essentially doing is making a low-grade version of TFU.

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Personally I think remaking the force powers (not much of the gameplay) would be cool, since the force powers in JA don't FEEL nearly as good/powerful as in TFU. But it's more about them feeling good than anything, and a lot of that is due to Havok and a shaking controller in your hand.

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Yeah, play online and you will see how well balanced JA's powers are and making them more like TFU would be way overkill.


Thats the problem with modders, they don't really PLAY the game, SP doesn't count since the NPC's aren't half as challenging as even a intermediate player.

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Yeah, play online and you will see how well balanced JA's powers are and making them more like TFU would be way overkill.


Thats the problem with modders, they don't really PLAY the game, SP doesn't count since the NPC's aren't half as challenging as even a intermediate player.


Well obviously - but making them like TFU in SP would be fun. And heck, I'm sure there's stuff to be done to at least make everything LOOK more powerful in MP. That would be fun.


@@Darth Futuza I doubt you've played either TFU game on the hardest difficulty. :P

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@@Darth Futuza I doubt you've played either TFU game on the hardest difficulty. :P

I have a problem with the fact that Starkiller can 'defeat' the Emperor mostly...

Starkiller's got like force grip lvl 29, and force lightning lvl 11, while everyone else is maxed out on 3.  =|

JKG Developer

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I have a problem with the fact that Starkiller can 'defeat' the Emperor mostly...

Starkiller's got like force grip lvl 29, and force lightning lvl 11, while everyone else is maxed out on 3.  =|


That's a story issue more than anything. Hardly a gameplay/balance issue.

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