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JKO, JKA Full Source Code Released!!


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Just dawned on me...with the release of the source, and how internet news travels fast and popularity of both JKO and JKA it would seem both games may bring new or older players back to the game.
Still can't believe it took 11 years to release the source and all it took was the closing of a studio.....so if we close down the government system will there be world peace?

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Okay, got a slight problem here. When I open the link for where the download is (whether JO or JA), a message box pops up saying "As of 2013-04-08, this project is no longer under active development." When I click the download button, another message pops up saying "Unable to find any mirror information for the "/asteroids_code.zip" file. Please select another file." 

Is the source no longer available for these two games? It seems ludicrous of them to release it--for what, a week?--and then delete the files. Is there any other location one might get a hold of it? Anyone willing to upload them? This is incredibly frustrating. 

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This will most certainly bring in a huge amount of new and old players into JKA and JKO, not only that, but it will also grab the attention to more freelance game coders to toy around with the engine. What we need now, is to start getting those on Steam to pick up the game and start playing and/or modding.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh wow. I can't believe it! The one thing the JKA modding community has been pining for, for YEARS and it finally happens! Rejoice! MUCH REJOICING! Oooooohhhhhhh this is EXCELLENT.


No truly, this is fantastic! So much can be done with this game, and now that the code is in the modder's hands..? The best Star Wars FPS can now be bent in any fashion desired! No longer are we stuck to the rules of old thanks to old coding! Oh man this is a happy, happy day!


I cannot wait to both find a way to contribute, and see what comes out of this!

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