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What Should DT Make For JA?

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Lol, I have a particular hate for anything to do with Felucia.


Why? It's pure artistic beauty that murders everything.


so many TFU requests

it's like people think it's good or something


As for what I would like to see..how about some more varied people from the cantina in A New Hope? Swear I haven't seen models for like half the people in there.


Well he did say he'd do tfu. Following your thought, a h'nemthe would be sweet.

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A few more ideas:


I'd really like to see a male Twi'lek and Male Zabrak head added to Jaden's human body. It'd be extremely useful for role-play to have some of those species that aren't wearing Jedi robes. Using male Jaden leaves plenty of customisation options, saves a lot of work and is obviously completely reskinable anyway. They could have a few variations on Lekku and Horns respectively to mix 'em up a bit.


An actual Miraluka model would be kinda nice, too, with Jedi robes and without. So far, I've only seen human models with bandages skinned over the eyes. More variety would be awesome. Some headdresses and an actual bandage modelled over the eyes so there's no weird blinking animation would be pretty good.


KotOR II: Atris


Any species with an actual mechanical arm or leg.


I'd not mind seeing an improved Han Solo model with skins from ANH, ESB & RotJ.


A Wookiee model besides Chewbacca.

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Off topic but I think it's retarded that Movie Battles doesn't release models outside their mod, the model(s) author(s) would find that their work is more popular than they know. Seems like they do it just to get people to download their mod since a Star Wars themed Counter Strike Source isn't that appealing.


They should release all models separate outside of the mod under the authors name.

eezstreet likes this
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How bout sum APEX cloth physics for wookiee fur, DT85? :ph34r:


Off topic but I think it's retarded that Movie Battles doesn't release models outside their mod, the model(s) author(s) would find that their work is more popular than they know. Seems like they do it just to get people to download their mod since a Star Wars themed Counter Strike Source isn't that appealing.


They should release all models separate outside of the mod under the authors name.

I tried to release something on JK3Files once but they didn't approve the file because of some tiny mistake in the readme, so I rebelled against their retardedly picky policy and didn't bother to reupload. :P Could probably release some of my stuff here on JKHub.


And hey, Star Wars themed CS (actually I'd call MB2 a mix of CS and TF2) sounds very appealing! :D

therfiles and MagSul like this
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Wouldn't that be overkill lol? Anyways, I tried every tutorial I could find and still it doesn't want to work for me.

Might be a bit performance heavy yes. :P Hm, the 3ds max plugin by Nvidia was borked at some point at least. I had to use Maya for the APEX process earlier. Could be different in the latest versions though.

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improved Plo Koon, the only one i seen before had a robe thingie, nothing suited for fighting.




something along this style outfit maybe? Not the clone wars style in general though :o


Smuggler from swtor hope trailer





3 star wars related suggestions from me at least :P

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Ok, list to choose from so far:


Jedi Master Luke Skywalker

Leia Jedi

Han Solo



I propose Jaina Solo, because of that every model of the list is done, legal or illegal (for your used). Jaina Solo model was doing by Kobra, but it is never done.

In case illegal ported models - maybe if the owner of LucasArts is changed, it'll change their politics, and we've got a agreement.

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