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One Hour Build Battle Challenge

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Hello. I have been working in other areas for so long that I miss modeling. I want to keep my skills sharp. I'd like to start a build battle challenge. Maybe one hour? Have staff or someone pick a random word or object and once its posted, we start. Maybe put a poll up at the end for the best ones. Be something cool to mess with on your down time.

Noodle, SomaZ and Droidy365 like this
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I plan to have contests similar to this very soon. However I feel like an hour is too short of a time limit to enforce on a forum like this, because only a couple people would even see it in time.


Limited contests are definitely a challenging way to involve people so I definitely want to do like a 24 hour one or a limited brush count or poly count contest soon.

ChalklYne and MagSul like this
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What sort of models did you have in mind? I.e. Map objects, useable weapons, vehicles? I was just wondering what sorts of requests you're anticipating. Maybe that will spark the interest of some of the other users with modeling experience. :)

Well... I was thinking just random objects... but... Some star wars themed stuff I guess. Maybe weapons and items and weird odds and ends that we don't already have


@@Circa yeah let's just get it going. Start one. The first few may bomb out but it will catch on. Maybe figure out a time of day that it starts and ends andcwe c will know what time ti check in for a new challenge every day

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Wait you mean - contest where everyone who wants will make model for the game and after hpur (or more) everyone will ppst the image of the work? Or i understand that in the wrong way?

I plan to have contests similar to this very soon. However I feel like an hour is too short of a time limit to enforce on a forum like this, because only a couple people would even see it in time.


Limited contests are definitely a challenging way to involve people so I definitely want to do like a 24 hour one or a limited brush count or poly count contest soon.

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@@Circa is it possible to hide polls for single users? If so I'd say, name a category like weapons. People apply to enter the competition. Make a poll where the people how don't participate can vote for a model. Make the poll visable for the participants at the start of the challenge.

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Oh. I get what you mean. Like have a poll of topics for people to vote for the contest itself? I'd rather just have the staff pick one and post it when the contest begins. Keeps it simple. If the people participating aren't getting a say in the poll, then there's not much point in having a poll, in my opinion.

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Not quite. I was thinking of a two phase challenge system. Like announcing the category of challenge first and then voting for a special model that should be build. Let's say the first contest category is "character". I as a modeler who is not interested in modellig a character will not apply for this contest. Other people will apply (hopefully). After the application phase, a poll opens for non participants for voting on a character that the people want to see. Participants can't see this poll and need to wait until the challenge starts to see what they have to model. If the category was "weapon", I would apply and would wait for the day the challenge starts. I would open the poll, see the result and start modeling asap to meet the deadline.


Edit: just to keep you busy ofc :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm ready whenever you guys are. I say first staff member to type in a random word we got 24 hours to submit the model game ready for jka.

Maybe do a poll at the end.







I asked for this @Staff tag a while back. How hard is that to implement?


Also... Maybe from time to time we can submit a random model unwrapped and ready for textures and do a texture challenge for texture artists

we should just start this immediately and iron out the kinks as it goes. After a while people would get into it




Noodle and Boothand like this
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I feel an elitist stonewalling of unprecedented proportions. I'm going to apply for that staff position one day and all of my suggestions will rain down like fire upon them. Just like they hushed Bob_Bergen. Wwbbd. I vote we instantiate a hub oversight committee in which I will spearhead a vigorous investigation into why and how this thread was oppressed and why I cannot use @Staff to summon our leaders in times of duress.

Noodle likes this
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I just have to fluff your cotton every now and again and let you know the resistance still lives.

Obviously you were a little misleading in the following statements...


I plan to have contests similar to this very soon. 


I definitely want to do like a 24 hour one or a limited brush count or poly count contest soon.




Im over here like





and to paraphrase sir, you said "ok... just...  wait a minute".

In which my brain went








So you can understand the confusion.





I'm just pumped man. I'm jacked and titolated by the idea of starting this lets rough draft some rules?


I propose a system something like




has to be from scratch. dont use some old mesh u already worked on. We can use Aristotle's basic principles and measure how tired your vertexes are to see if you cheat.


if its not textured and in game working, your appeasement fails. so no "i couldnt paint it in time" or "didnt have enough time to rig it up or compile or anything". Get people feeling the feels of deadlines and possibly help structure their modeling. It makes a more even game.


feature the winners in a section with pics of all the submissions. somewhere it pops up daily so new comers wouldnt have to search for it 


most wins at end of year gets a prize. we can work on the prize privately





@@Noodle yeah i dont think i can participate every day either... maybe we pick a day a week and go from there? i can definitely do a day a week.

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This is pretty hardcore. For any beginners wanting to join in, it will make the task almost impossible. I could see this work for super low poly mobile specs but if you want normal mapped, it will be simple objects and not full blown characters i assume.

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