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Top 10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About JK2 and JKA

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  1. Force Sense affects your weapon aiming. As seen at Games Done Quick, when using Force Sense, shooting your weapons with Force Sense completely eliminates the spread.

Gonks give batteries. Pressing USE on a Gonk refills about 50% of your batteries, in JK2.

Saber Staffs can be cut in half. Although it's super rare, saber staffs can be cut in half. When this happens, they'll function like dual sabers.

Kyle Katarn is voiced by Johnny Bravo. Additionally, Alora is voiced by the same voice actor as Mandy from Billy and Mandy.

Pull resets the countdown on charged weapons. Also seen at Games Done Quick. Using pull will instantly reset the cooldown on charged weapons, which allows you to spam the DEMP2 charge rather notoriously.

Niborino, Mizore, Wasa and 11 others like this

I've been playing that game since the very release and I've never experienced seeing staff getting cut in half, say what?

I know about the 1st and 2nd though.


The noghri used to be purple untill it was shoddily reskinned to looke blue. You can see how it uses to look at the multiplayer's red and blue skin icon.

Smoo likes this

There are other levels of force powers beyond level 3


LVL 5 DRAIN - Can drain enemies even if they have absorb on

LVL 5 SPEED - Makes you run at speeds of "timescale 99" 

LVL 5 SABER THROW - You can throw your lightsaber to infinite lenghts until your force meter goes to zero

LVL 5 SABER DEFENSE - You can't deflect blaster bolts 

LVL 5 SABER OFFENSE - pushes harder in saber locks/parries 

LVL 5 PUSH/PULL - Push and pull don't push or pull anything so they become worse than lvl 1 and thus are useless.

LVL 5 JUMP - Makes you jump to a height between lvl1 and lvl2 jump while retaining the ability to make wall acrobatics.

LVL 4 MINDTRICK - Makes you able to control any npc 

LVL 5 DARKRAGE - Crashes the game

LVL 5 GRIP - Instakills enemy in one second (Deals 1000 damage)


Other FPs dont do anything else



Niborino, Smoo and McGroose like this

Jeff Bennett voiced Kyle Katarn in Jedi Outcast and Academy and Revan in The Old Republic


Rino Romano voiced Revan in KotOR and Kyle Katarn in Mysteries of the Sith


i found this one to be a fun little bit of trivia :P

Wasa, R4D1C4L and Smoo like this

Jeff Bennett voiced Kyle Katarn in Jedi Outcast and Academy and Revan in The Old Republic


Rino Romano voiced Revan in KotOR and Kyle Katarn in Mysteries of the Sith


i found this one to be a fun little bit of trivia :P

Talk about a big exchange of roles. I wonder if Rino and Jeff are friends IRL and they have chats in Kyle and Revan's voices prospectively.


Did you know that if you disarm a stormtrooper He may put his hands in the air. But if you don't kill him he may pick up a weapon and fire you from behind.(One time a stormtrooper killed me this way which was funny and showed that light side don't work that well on them)


One time in JA a bug happened to me in Vjun that made kyle into 2 persons.(One of them stuck while he was just jumping on the air duck the other one was following me)

Smoo likes this

1. I knew this one, but I only just learned about it a year ago and was still really surprised. That's such a nice feature to add, it makes Force Sense useful outside of unimmersive puzzles.


2. I knew that one, I'd have thought most of us knew this now, but I guess since the binoculars and the vision goggles really aren't useful at all, no one lost any batteries to begin with.


3. I've never, NEVER seen that happen and I'm really surprised. I'd love to see footage of that. It'd be a terrific idea to make this more common in JA Enhanced or another mod.


4. Didn't know that, made me laugh. I did know about Alora, however. She sounded similar to Mandy, but Bravo and Katarn never sounded similar to me.


5. Didn't know that, but considering I never really use the DEMP2 outside of two or three maps, meh.


There's something about Rosh's voice actor that is just so darn good for making characters dislikeable. He also voiced Dustil Onasi and Brejik in KOTOR, two characters that have both an annoying voice and fittingly annoying dialogue and personalities..


But where are the other 5 facts?

Smoo likes this

1. I knew this one, but I only just learned about it a year ago and was still really surprised. That's such a nice feature to add, it makes Force Sense useful outside of unimmersive puzzles.


2. I knew that one, I'd have thought most of us knew this now, but I guess since the binoculars and the vision goggles really aren't useful at all, no one lost any batteries to begin with.


3. I've never, NEVER seen that happen and I'm really surprised. I'd love to see footage of that. It'd be a terrific idea to make this more common in JA Enhanced or another mod.


4. Didn't know that, made me laugh. I did know about Alora, however. She sounded similar to Mandy, but Bravo and Katarn never sounded similar to me.


5. Didn't know that, but considering I never really use the DEMP2 outside of two or three maps, meh.


There's something about Rosh's voice actor that is just so darn good for making characters dislikeable. He also voiced Dustil Onasi and Brejik in KOTOR, two characters that have both an annoying voice and fittingly annoying dialogue and personalities..


But where are the other 5 facts?

Funny enough about Rosh's voice actor is that HE CAN MAKE CHARACTERS HE VOICES GOOD! Look up Boone from Fallout New Vegas. He voices Boone and HE DOES A GOOD JOB! :o

Smoo likes this

1. Some NPCs can perform Force push much faster than the player and it seems they never run out.


2. Some NPCs can activate Force rage with less than 25 health points, which is not possible for the player.


3. Some NPCs activate Force rage to prevent their death when they fall through a pit.


4. Force sense enhances your hearing also because the sounds of the environment are louder.


5. Force sense makes the same sound when activated in Jedi Academy that in Dark Forces 2.


6. If the difficulty is Jedi Knight or lower, then a symbol appears on the cursor when you point to an interactive object with Force powers, but if the difficulty is Jedi Master, then that symbol does not appear.

McGroose, the_raven and dg1995 like this
  1. Force Sense affects your weapon aiming.
  2. Gonks give batteries.
  3. Saber Staffs can be cut in half.
  4. Kyle Katarn is voiced by Johnny Bravo.
  5. Pull resets the countdown on charged weapons.

1) Didn't know that, though I think I've used it at least a couple of times during my playthroughs (especially on Hoth, in JKA) :D

2) Knew that they gave me something, but didn't understand what it was

3) Knew it, though it almost never happened when I used a staff (and I use a staff almost all the time)

4) Didn't know that (though I did know the same actor voiced Revan in TOR)

5) Didn't know that


Also, the thread's called "Top 10 things...", so where' the other 5?


1. Some NPCs can perform Force push much faster than the player and it seems they never run out.

2. Some NPCs can activate Force rage with less than 25 health points, which is not possible for the player.

3. Some NPCs activate Force rage to prevent their death when they fall through a pit.

4. Force sense enhances your hearing also because the sounds of the environment are louder.

5. Force sense makes the same sound when activated in Jedi Academy that in Dark Forces 2.

6. If the difficulty is Jedi Knight or lower, then a symbol appears on the cursor when you point to an interactive object with Force powers, but if the difficulty is Jedi Master, then that symbol does not appear.

1) Knew it, and it's especially annoying :mad:

2) Knew it, and they still don't die from it!

3) Knew it, but it's only when they have a load-ton of health so they don't die when the fall-death script kicks in

4) Didn't know that, mostly because of the annoying sound, but also because it was hardly relevant to me.

5) Didn't play DF2, but I did see some playtroughs, so I knew that.

6) Ah, I forgot about this one!


Cool. I'd add that Force Speed also affects weapons and lets you fire faster, at least in SP.

I always thought the weapons shot slower, but I guess it was because my character was supposedly moving faster, as it seems, the shots did fly faster.


The noghri used to be purple untill it was shoddily reskinned to looke blue. You can see how it uses to look at the multiplayer's red and blue skin icon.

Hah, I always thought it was some alternate skin, kinda like the fat Rodian (and yeah, I know that was a standalone character in JO)


There are other levels of force powers beyond level 3


LVL 5 DRAIN - Can drain enemies even if they have absorb on

LVL 5 SPEED - Makes you run at speeds of "timescale 99" 

LVL 5 SABER THROW - You can throw your lightsaber to infinite lenghts until your force meter goes to zero

LVL 5 SABER DEFENSE - You can't deflect blaster bolts 

LVL 5 SABER OFFENSE - pushes harder in saber locks/parries 

LVL 5 PUSH/PULL - Push and pull don't push or pull anything so they become worse than lvl 1 and thus are useless.

LVL 5 JUMP - Makes you jump to a height between lvl1 and lvl2 jump while retaining the ability to make wall acrobatics.

LVL 4 MINDTRICK - Makes you able to control any npc 

LVL 5 DARKRAGE - Crashes the game

LVL 5 GRIP - Instakills enemy in one second (Deals 1000 damage)


Other FPs dont do anything else

Really? Aside from Mind Trick and Dark Rage (hello suicidal cultist!), haven't seen any of these effects.


Did you know that if you disarm a stormtrooper He may put his hands in the air. But if you don't kill him he may pick up a weapon and fire you from behind.(One time a stormtrooper killed me this way which was funny and showed that light side don't work that well on them)


One time in JA a bug happened to me in Vjun that made kyle into 2 persons.(One of them stuck while he was just jumping on the air duck the other one was following me)

I knew they sometimes picked up weapons, sometimes even while you're still looking at them - pesky buggers, they are.

The Kyle bit never happened to me, but instead, he'd sometimes start attacking me for no reason! The Jedi on Korriban would sometimes do it too! (even when I'm lightsided)


Ok, my turn!

1) Sometimes, when a sniper shoots at you, Force Speed kicks in, and you dodge the shot. This is not dependent on your Force Speed level, as long as you have it. Force-wielding npcs do this all the time, so it's next to impossible to snipe them.

2) Alora's Jar'Kai has custom animations that you too can use if you type 'saberstyle alora' in the console (or what was that command?)

3) On Korriban, if you, for any reason, kill a fellow Jedi while being lightsided, the game doesn't count it as a betrayal of your friends, as it would should you attack Kyle or Rosh.

4) If you edit the game files and give a lightsaber to an npc but not Force powers, they will still use Force Push when you Force Grip them.

5) Kyle is the only npc that can Force Pull the player's lightsaber, but only does so if the player is darksided.

6) Only npc's can Force Push explosives (mines, tripmines, grenades), even when those are attached to surfaces (mines, tripmines)

7) The green cultist is the only character in the game to wield two pistols at a time.

8) When using level 4+ Mind Trick on npcs armed with ranged weapons, they shoot a lot faster, and it seems, have a lot of ammo (which can be quite useful with rocket launchers and that purple laser gun), however, it depletes quite fast, and the npc goes ammo-less until you lose control of them, or until you make them die. Either way, once they're free to act on their own accord, they can resume shooting normally.

9) The fate of Jedi Trainer who's fighting reborns atop of a Sith building in the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban is unknown, and, as per game mechanics, irrelevant. This is rather strange, considering he's been 'promoted' to a full-fledged character in JKA, whereas the Jedi Master replaced him as placeholder for most of the teaching staff.

Noodle, TheWhitePhoenix and dg1995 like this

1. Some NPCs can perform Force push much faster than the player and it seems they never run out.


2. Some NPCs can activate Force rage with less than 25 health points, which is not possible for the player.


3. Some NPCs activate Force rage to prevent their death when they fall through a pit.


4. Force sense enhances your hearing also because the sounds of the environment are louder.


5. Force sense makes the same sound when activated in Jedi Academy that in Dark Forces 2.


6. If the difficulty is Jedi Knight or lower, then a symbol appears on the cursor when you point to an interactive object with Force powers, but if the difficulty is Jedi Master, then that symbol does not appear.

Yes and NPCs can also kick you whenever they want while players can only kick when having dual blade lightsaber.

the_raven likes this


1) Sometimes, when a sniper shoots at you, Force Speed kicks in, and you dodge the shot. This is not dependent on your Force Speed level, as long as you have it. Force-wielding npcs do this all the time, so it's next to impossible to snipe them.


That only happens when you have Force sense activated at level three and at least 50 Force points for Force speed.

Really? Aside from Mind Trick and Dark Rage (hello suicidal cultist!), haven't seen any of these effects.


Haven't seen them either, to be honest.


Strangely enough noone has posted this yet: you can actually kill the Sand Burrowers with two or three thermal detonators. I'm not sure how many players don't (or didn't at the start) know about this, but I didn't because there was no indication that they were damaged by anything. Explosives, lightsabers, Force powers or even spamming a lovely npc spawn luke to help me against those beasts seemed to give no results. Probably I should have catched the subtle hint due to the presence of several thermal detonator belts around the map, but I feel like this level was VERY unforgiving, with no hand holding or tutorials, and even still, finding out on your own that you are actually able to kill them feels really rewarding in my opinion.

Circa likes this


Really? Aside from Mind Trick and Dark Rage (hello suicidal cultist!), haven't seen any of these effects.



Haven't seen them either, to be honest.



You can't access them through 'setforce' commands. You have to give them to a npc, then you use the 'playermodel' command (refering the modified npc ofc) to try these effects


Probably I should have catched the subtle hint due to the presence of several thermal detonator belts around the map, but I feel like this level was VERY unforgiving, with no hand holding or tutorials, and even still, finding out on your own that you are actually able to kill them feels really rewarding in my opinion.


But the intention of the developers to put several thermal detonator belts around the map is to distract the worm by the sound, not to kill it, as in the movie Tremors.

the_raven, gerbilOFdoom and Noodle like this

Haven't seen them either, to be honest.


Strangely enough noone has posted this yet: you can actually kill the Sand Burrowers with two or three thermal detonators. I'm not sure how many players don't (or didn't at the start) know about this, but I didn't because there was no indication that they were damaged by anything. Explosives, lightsabers, Force powers or even spamming a lovely npc spawn luke to help me against those beasts seemed to give no results. Probably I should have catched the subtle hint due to the presence of several thermal detonator belts around the map, but I feel like this level was VERY unforgiving, with no hand holding or tutorials, and even still, finding out on your own that you are actually able to kill them feels really rewarding in my opinion.

I actually remember figuring it out my first playthrough, after seeing all the detonators around the map. But I had been trying to use the alt fire on them and accidentally use primary fire instead. I noticed they followed it, so I proceeded to chuck them left and right as I collected the parts I needed. :P

the_raven likes this

7. There are several references to The Matrix movie in the Jedi Academy cheats.


Iknowkungfu: what Neo says when he learns a lot of martial arts.


Thereisnospoon: what a boy tells to Neo when he bends a spoon telekinetically.


8. Only Kyle can grab you during the fight of the Dark Side ending, something the player can get by writing "Iknowkungfu" on the console and pressing both mouse buttons while standing near an NPC.


9. The longest horizontal jump is done by activating both Force speed at level three and Force jump at level three, but in the original game it is never necessary to travel that distance.


10. Mind trick is the Force power with greater reach of all.

Asgarath83, the_raven, Smoo and 1 other like this

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