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STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)

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Since the original 'Movie Duels II' mod was released back in 2009, with the last and final update being released, later that same year.. It's been almost 9 years since and I thought it was about time it got a "Remaster". After playing through it numerous times and looking in to the assets that came with the mod, originally.. Everything within the mod itself, is actually very accurate and everything's in place, already. But it was clear to me, that it was lacking in a number of areas, that the more modern mods are including, either by default or as an option.


Here's a run-down of some of the KEY improvements, over the original mod:


- Mod will now use OpenJK as its primary game engine.

- NEW & Improved Lightsabers (the "movie-like" SFX Sabers have been added)

- NEW & more accurate Lightsaber sounds

- Faster Lightsaber ignition speed

- Some base animations replaced and removed

- NEW Camera Angles

- NEW & Improved Player Models

- NEW & more movie "accurate" Skyboxes


Plus, much more..


Available Single Player Missions:

- The Phantom Menace -

  • Short Negotiations (Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. CIS)
  • Outskirts of Tatooine (Qui-Gon Jinn vs. Darth Maul)
  • Duel of the Fates (Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul)

- Attack Of The Clones -

  • Engage Jango Fett (Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Jango Fett)
  • Tusken Camp (Anakin Skywalker vs. Tusken Raiders)
  • Geonosis Arena (Mace Windu vs. Jango Fett)
  • Battle of Geonosis (Republic vs. the Separatists)
  • Confrontation with Dooku (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Yoda vs. Dooku)

- Revenge Of The Sith -

  • Rescue over Coruscant (Anakin & Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Count Dooku)
  • Engage General Grievous (Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. General Grievous)
  • Arrest The Chancellor (Mace Windu vs. Darth Sidious)
  • Attack On The Jedi Temple (Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) vs. Jedi's)
  • Retaking the Jedi Temple (Yoda & Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Republic Clones)
  • Assassination On Mustafar (Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) vs. the Separatists)
  • Masters of the Force (Yoda vs. Darth Sidious)
  • Battle of Heroes (Anakin Skywalker vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi)

- Rise Of The Empire -

  • Darth Vader's Redemption (Darth Vader vs. Anakin)
  • An Old Enemy (Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) vs. Darth Maul)
  • A New Hope (Starkiller vs. Darth Vader)


I am, however.. Currently looking for a texture artist who can make a more accurate Chancellor Palpatine's Office skybox. The current one that's used in both the original mod and "Movie Battles II" (MB2), isn't accurate to the movie version.


Current Version:



Looking for:





If you'd like to contribute or feel you could help with the development of this remaster project, in any way. Then feel free to drop me a PM. In the meantime, I'll post up some screenshots of the various changes and progress that's been made.

Liam, Smoo, DashStar and 8 others like this

I have a suggestion to make, if you noticed in the Movies Darkside and Lightside user always have different saber sounds. That could give the duels a more cinematic experience! 

We will look at it after phase 1 is finished...it means all models replaced by new versions :)

General Howard likes this

I am also working on character overhaul. There is little tease of progress of our work with @












How did you replaced the models? i want to replace someone in knights of the force


In my oppinion u shoult use toshis anakin

Cause when obi cuts anakins legs the game turns to a toshi burnt anakin model


It never mind. Original mod had HS´s Anakin as main model too :) We like this version more.


I have a suggestion to make, if you noticed in the Movies Darkside and Lightside user always have different saber sounds. That could give the duels a more cinematic experience! 

Yeah, this'll be something that'll be changed, accordingly. The Jedi will have their correct lightsaber sounds, as will the Sith. But it will also be more accurate to each individual movie, too.

Tompa9 likes this





Hi, I like your remastering work
I have tried to do something similar
But with Chronicles
I've tried to use your anakin model of ep2
But an error
I leave you the Chronicles link
See if you can solve this problem
Some progress made, so far..

The NEW "SFX_Sabers" change
Original Version
NEW Version

NEW Qui-Gon Jinn
(NEW Model by @@Seven)
Original Version
NEW Version
NEW Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ep. I)
(NEW Model by @@Circa)
Original Version
NEW Version

Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon
Original Version

NEW Version

NEW Darth Maul

(NEW Model by @@DT85)

Original Version

NEW Version

DarthStiv, J19, McGroose and 7 others like this

Could we ask for your assistance, @@Asgarath83? Myself and @@Tompa9 are in need of a scripter, for this mod. We don't need any entity's or anything placed, we just need a map to load up a different music track/.mp3 file, instead of the one that it currently does.. With nothing else in the map, changed. Any chance you could help us out with this? :)


Maybe later, pa


Could we ask for your assistance, @@Asgarath83? Myself and @@Tompa9 are in need of a scripter, for this mod. We don't need any entity's or anything placed, we just need a map to load up a different music track/.mp3 file, instead of the one that it currently does.. With nothing else in the map, changed. Any chance you could help us out with this? :)

Maybe later, pal. these week i need to make a hospital recover for fix some my heal trouble that are leaving me crazy. -.- italy sanity system sucks. i not know how many time i need or for how many time i'll disappear.

however you can edit dms.dat file on ext_data folder with notepad and add dinamyc soundtrack entry for your music. after you do that, all you needis to slap in music folder, a mp3 stereo sampled at 44100 hertz of an action theme, an explore theme, and a lot of other little file for transition between action and explore. you can check original game files for understand how that works.


Maybe later, pa


Maybe later, pal. these week i need to make a hospital recover for fix some my heal trouble that are leaving me crazy. -.- italy sanity system sucks. i not know how many time i need or for how many time i'll disappear.

however you can edit dms.dat file on ext_data folder with notepad and add dinamyc soundtrack entry for your music. after you do that, all you needis to slap in music folder, a mp3 stereo sampled at 44100 hertz of an action theme, an explore theme, and a lot of other little file for transition between action and explore. you can check original game files for understand how that works.

Ok. Thanks, Asgarath! Hope you recover soon  :)..

In this mod.. In the "original" version, there is no dms.dat file in the ext_data folder. There is only 3 folders and 1 file:


- npcs

- sabers

- vehicles

- weapons.dat


Just to be clear, here.. We're not talking about the "base" game assets. This is an already made mod that we're remastering, but the dms.dat file doesn't exist in this mod's original files.


Ok. Thanks, Asgarath! Hope you recover soon  :)..

In this mod.. In the "original" version, there is no dms.dat file in the ext_data folder. There is only 3 folders and 1 file:


- npcs

- sabers

- vehicles

- weapons.dat


Just to be clear, here.. We're not talking about the "base" game assets. This is an already made mod that we're remastering, but the dms.dat file doesn't exist in this mod's original files.

Simply extract dms.dat by ext_data of assets1.pk3 on base folder, copy and paste into ext_data folder of mod and edit with notepad.

this will rewrite also in the mod the original dms.dat. you need to understand that: many time modding, is just overwritting the same file of the original assets into your mod assets. if you do an identic file, identic path, identic name into your mod, it overwrite the original. for example. if you put inside your mod a sound/weapons/force/heal.mp3 new file, this will change in game the heal sound for all jedi and all npc that use heal power.


Well maybe i will sound like a complete prick but ... remove or change the attack with the lightsaber animations.. many of them are very weak and they annoyed me as hell... when normally i would kill everyone with fast, medium strong styles here even normal w + M1 was made poorly in the strong style... 

Maybe it is just me.. They made amazing work on this mod! And i am about that thread :) animations of stances were cool though but... attack animations were very annoing many ..my opinion XP

Jolly and Tompa9 like this

About that's i walk throught post and i realised we really need a better starkiller training gear model..No on is trying to make a better job on it?

Tompa9 likes this

About that's i walk throught post and i realised we really need a better starkiller training gear model..No on is trying to make a better job on it?

We actually have a NEW version added, tonight. @@Tompa9 is also helping with the development of the mod.. And he's managed to add a new model to the mod. So watch this space.


Well maybe i will sound like a complete prick but ... remove or change the attack with the lightsaber animations.. many of them are very weak and they annoyed me as hell... when normally i would kill everyone with fast, medium strong styles here even normal w + M1 was made poorly in the strong style... 


Maybe it is just me.. They made amazing work on this mod! And i am about that thread :) animations of stances were cool though but... attack animations were very annoing many ..my opinion XP


I´ve realized it too mate. It is nice to have "cool" moves, but nothing will compare with default styles. We will look onto animations too, but first we must replace models, hilts, some music, few skyboxes and edit npc files :)

Langerd and General Howard like this

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