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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. Well yu need to change simply a value, it's not so hard as create New weapons or force parameters of CLASS of AI Download microsoft visual studio 2010 and cmake and follow this tutorial: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/145-compiling-openjk-win32-must-read-for-new-coders/ also, download JKKub code and change the value you need. Your problem is: yu need the solution of the bulding of dark force mod. Me too, relaly, for learn how to add new weapons and edit force power in single player. Yu cannot decompile the dark force multiplayer exe or dll, or you found the auctor of dark force and they pass you the solution of dark force mod... or learn to code and make your own dark force mod. for change NPC it's easy, about the other changes... i am not so expert to help you. on coding i am more of a nooob. i am dumb. D'oh. :\ but now i am ending my mod playermodels and efx of new powers and weapons. after i can edit the SP code. I need to work about almost six characters, too. >_> .
  2. If the 2 shoulders are separated mesh like l_sholder or r_shoider you not need to edit the model of UVmapping for retexture one of the two sholder. there is another way more easy: simply open the model_defuault.SKIN file with notepad and change the path of the texture of the sholde yu want to edit. Example: if is r_sholder and the texture is r_sholder,models/players/bobavm/sholder l_sholder,models/players/bobavm/sholder yu need to set something like: r_sholder,models/players/bobavm/sholderR l_sholder,models/players/bobavm/sholderL Copy the "sholder" texture into the 2 files, sholderR and sholderL inside the fodler of model. edit one of the two files. now sholder have different textures. Yu need to add that's texture also in the boba fett VM' shader file. open the .SHADER file with Notepad (yu find into shaders folder) and copy the sholder shader 2 times. rename one models/players/bobavm/sholder into models/players/bobavm/sholderR. same with the SholderL example: models/players/bobavm/sholder { { map models/players/bobavm/sholder blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/bobavm/sholder blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } } edit in models/players/bobavm/sholderL { { map models/players/bobavm/sholderL blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/bobavm/sholderL blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } } and models/players/bobavm/sholderR { { map models/players/bobavm/sholderR blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/bobavm/sholderR blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } }
  3. For Map, gtk radiant. For Bsp: Entity Viewer by Biro Lazslo. Yu can see BSP Contains, shader and texture use in surfaces of walls and terrains. Alla enttiy list with all parameters and origin, include the worldspawn setting. very useful, yu can check a map without decompilation. I have updated for You. You can download here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/23b24j
  4. if it's for multiplayer, is better you make as a BOT, and not as an NPC.
  5. O yu edit code or you set binding key for changing saber kind ingame. (if yu push F1 yu get saber1, f2 saber2 and so away) OO.O but the binding system start only at game starting. In SP however, yu can add only 4 weapons, no more.
  6. You can set the health, spawnscript, deathscript (health >1) , fleescript (when health is down of 50%).angerscript (when enemy attack) awakescript (when enemy see yu) and other like that. targetname for targetting NPC to map entities. (examplte a trigger have as target "STORM1" and 5 npc have targetname "STORM1" when player touch the trigger the STORM1 squad be spawned NPC_target: enemy acrivate this entity when dies. BNPC_targetname: for trigger_hurt, yu can set that parameter: enemy with same parameter will be damage by trigger hurt, not the other. in my Legacy of kain mod i set as NPC_targetname "vampire" the enemies and the trigger hurt build on water have same value_: result? when enemies touch water, die with acid sound. XDif player touch water... if it's a reaver like Raziel, not take dmg. if it's a weak to water vampire too, i put another trigger_hurt that hurt playeronly into the water pools. Iso act like lava)XD same with the spotlight. i put a trigger hurt for kill vampires that stupid go into the lights XD yu can make funny traps with vampoires enemies with that's tactique. about other functiojn: with icarus yu can set visrange, health, armor, headshot,, aim, evasion, friction, speed, force powers, weapons..., yu can higly custimizazion every enemy. i use spawnscript for all enemies of my maps. in that mode,. every NPC can have custom power \ parameters and there are not 2 NPC with same stats. When NPC spawn, yu can check as BS_DEFAULT, or BS_CINEMATIC. this state is used for cutscene and AI is disabled like in notarget script. enemy in cinematic mod not target and not attack nothing. simply make action and animation of they icarus spawnscript. Yu can change the spawnscript, deathscript etc, with icarus: example: yu can make enemy undying with spawnscript. when enemy have 1 of health shoot the deathscript. the deathscript restore health of enemy to 50 and yu can change the deathscript. so the second time enemy got health to 1 shoot a different deathscript. Tha'ts allow you wight a single entity, to make a loooong fight with a large amount of round. like darth sion fight in kotor 2: every time sion active his deathscript get full health and change deathscript, so to every death sion shoot a different cutscene with dialogue need Icarus for
  7. Amazing! Cool! Nice Work!! Wonderful!!! It's a perfect rebuilding of Dantooine world of KOTOR!!
  8. In my Legacy of Kain mod, i have used some little small tiny rancor with a green reskin for the "sluagh" creatures of the spectral realm. In my Npc of Sluagh the parameters of setting are: scale: 15 (15% of model original scale) yu can also set: scalex \ scaley \scalez and a number that mean the % of scaling and resize on the axis. That's it's not sufficient: if your rancor is more small than 100 value, the crosshair can turn in red also if yu point near the monster and not only on the monster body. if your ranger is more large than 100 value, yu can cross into the NPC. why that? because scale, scale the model, but NOT the bounding box of the model! the boundying box need to be scaled with height - crouchheight - width commands. yu need to check the original Rancor.NPC file. for see what's is the value of original height, width and crouchheight. If yu scale of 150% the monster into your custom NPC. yu need to scale to 150% also height, width and crouchieght. example: if scale it's 150 and height is 64 croucheight 32 and width 52 (it's only a foolish example, eh? ) yu need to set height to 150% of 64, width to 150% of 152 and crouch at 150% of 32. and so, your NPC become with: scale 150 width 78 croucheight 48 height 96 and so your rancor will work. you can found that also in ATST.NPC. so scale it's for resize model, and width, height and croucheight for bounding box a funny hilt: if yu make a giant enemy, also his sword\ lightsaber be scaled. One of my boss is a giant Dumahim Vampire. His crystal axe it's not much big as model, but with monster scaled it's HUGE!! (and it's Huge also in damage and fight O_O )
  9. mmm, it's not necessary Icarus script for keys and doors. i am sorry for incomplete info. Today i have a lot of headache. yes, need also to check the spawnflawg door as locked. for func_group... Mmm, thanks, @@MoonDog. i confess i never used that function. Sometime i ask to myself "what is func group?" now it's clear. it's for group more entity with the same functions. Edit: it's a very large time i not mapping, becuase i am making efx at the moment. But i now i remeber. for make a door, i created square brushes, cutted in two part in half way with clipper tool, and textured. After all i remember that i convert in func door selecting all the brush that make the door. not one by one. so i never used the func_Group function also for that. O.o Thanks for the lesson.
  10. Check a model with modelview. yu can see the saber animation. For what i see,... seven style: A1 fast A2 medium A3 strong A4 Desann A5 Tavion A6 Dual A7 Staff. The name like A1_T_B__ is the descriprion of the swing attack: in that case from top, to bottom. if yu see A2_L_R is from left, to rigth. BR_TL is from bottom right to top left. etc. THe animation with P enum are the parries. (for deflect blatser and also for parry enemy i think) The animation with T are hte trasnistaion animation by the standing pose of the saber style and the swing atk. The looong list of LK animation are the lock animation. every one have also a Win animation and a Lose animation. the Lose animation making if enemy crush your defense, and the Win animation if the player crash the defense of the enemy. at the end, the R animation, are the return, by swing to sword stand poses. The kata animation have the animation yu can see in the sabers file descriptrion. remember that something like LS_BUTTEFLY_LEFT it's like BOTH_BUTTEFLY_LEFT into the sab file commands. that's is the explanation of the name of the animation of lightsabers attacks. they are... a thousand of animation, i hope yu can undersytand all the code. i see everyt style have 7 swing attack or something like that. every swing have a transitrion and a return animation. understood? and so 7 styles x 7 swings x 3 (a swing have 3 animation, the T, transistion, the Swing, with name style and desdfritpion and the return: ) total : 147 :
  11. 1: L key it's the entity list if i remember correct. N key it's the parms of the selected entity. if you have not entity select but it's select a brush, it's worldspawn parameters. 2: Select Misc_security_panel, after select the door brushes and use CTRL + K. yu need to make for every door brush. Yu can see a blue line that connect panel to the brushes. Otherwise: select misc_security_panel Key "target" value "doorname" Select the brushes of the door. Key "targetname" value "doorname"
  12. On jedi outcast, after yu rescue Jan on doomgiver starship, there is a part of level with Jan that hold the button for open the doors... Edit. No no, ROTFL, sorry, yu need simply to place the misc_security_panel near the door with message "keyname" the same messag commanda and same "keyname" parameter are on your enemy NPC that drop the security key. The door be unlocked by activation of Misc_security panel with the key
  13. @, for understand what do a function... edit the function and check the result . XD yu can have a large amount of bug and a crashed exe but you learn many things.
  14. @@Boothand: the correct prefix it's "tag_" when yu export the models, md3view and modelview read the "tag_" as "*" for your issue: mmm, md3 models mesh not need to be in hierarchy for objects. sometime can be unexpected error about that. I suggest you to use blender 2.64 and the mister wonko md3 exporter. Blender can export fine and if yu on Edit-> select mesh -> custom properties set the key "md3shader" and the relative path of your text, yu have the texture applied on Md3 models. my 3d max not apply texture or material, even if i specify the path and file. it's better if you use 3d max for modelling the md3 and after you export into blender on 3ds format with NO hierarchy or you get some trouble into the position of model origin. also yu need to rescale to 1 the model into blender because blender scale it into 0.001 xyz scale. ah, OBJ can give you some trouble and model can be rotatted. if yu use as export format. ASE it's good export format for blender 2.64 but yu can get trouble with Uvmapping texture distorsion. so make on 3d max, name the tags as "tag_NAME" export in 3ds, import on blender, seth the texture path of every mesh, export on MD3. yu get it!
  15. i am using 3D max, for my model, but i have rigged a large amount of model. simply apply "Skin" to the mesh, applyto every mesh the skeleton bones for rigging and select the verts with mouse and set the weight value. remember: a mesh cannot have more of 1000 vertx. if yu have a mesh so complex. detach in more meshes. hope your Uvmap not be broked by that. :\ second rules: a vertx cannot rigged at more of 4 bones. carefull about that, or carcass can give you large troubles.
  16. Oh... O_O. So it's converted into a "laser crosshair" saber", right? O.o That's strange, but you have converted the WP_SABER in a shooting weapons. sure it's an unexpected consequence. mmmm... in that case... if the saber\ weapon detruction enlight the wall that face... yu need to check the code about the SAB file noDlight function, if it's setted on 1, saber not show the light on the walls. yu need to add that's part of code into the code of force destruction, IMHO. i am not much sure, i am not a coder, so i can give you only suggestion based of my modding experience about the weapons in single player. So not take as gold my words. It's better if yu ask to an expert coder about that's issue. Very odd, however.
  17. Path error solution: it's not clear why but working also in game directory. You are not force to creat a path c:\base. that's is necessary for carcass and md3view. for the modview, yu can also create a path inside game folder. 1 into gamedata\Base make another falled called base. 2 open the pk3 file assest of JA with pakscape and dezip into the new base folder, so yu have all basic texturee, shaders, effect, etc, ready for the modding that's base folder is inside to the real Base folder, it's not read by the engine, but it's read by game SDK tool like radiant or modelview or effectEd. I ever working on it by years. The not humanoid error: yu need to unzip the models/players/ folder of pakscape. oin that, there is a folder called _humanoid. it's contain the humanoid skeleton in gla format with all animation frames and all animation CFG files. the error is: modview not found your _humanoid folder and relative files MOdelview read that's file for all animation of the model. if yu want a model with custom animation different by other yu need a specific GLA file for model and a animation and animevents.CFG file of configuration wrote for model. yu can see an example of that in the wampa model, or probe droid model.
  18. mmm, muzzleflash... not work on weapons.dat if yu add to your force destruction, right? there a command in SAB files called "nowallmarks" if you set to 1 yu can see the customlightsaber not cut the walls or make the marks f burining wall. yu need to check the code that enable the "nowallmarks 1" command and report on the code of force destruction weapon. Force stasis \ paralysis: Yes, mindtrick code can allow you to specify the AI of stasis and stunning behavour, and a visual efx, like an aura (maybe as force rage) for the stasis power. Lightning code allow you to set the efx for shooting the stasis field force Blind : simply use mindtrick level 1-2 code also for level 3 and 4, but use the forcelightning level 3 code about the affecting of multiple peolples
  19. Interessing. I download and try that mode ASAP.
  20. Ahahaha, Tnanks for script, @@MoonDog!! Okay, i take poison and use in my ass ROTFL ahahahaha... I agree Eez! Pool party! Everywhere!!! Maybe also in lava, too!
  21. I am a SP players. more of MP. I think SP can have big potentialities. but need to unlock more functions possibles, so can be happy alls peoples. Also, the expansion shoul be free moddable, so can be adapted... like an advanced SDK set for making map anc custom mod, mission, tier etrc etc. so, every one that not have coding or modding competence can make every thing whant to does. I think JKA need some imployement for New weapons and New Force Powers and a progression system like and RPG. Seeem cools if it's possible to add force statis and paralysis, stunnig, invisibility with cloak device also in SP, and some new saber and wweapond command for SAB file and WEAPON.DAT for free customize the CLASS damage, for saber, and for weapons too. also, the ledge climb animation (i see that in the Serenity mod of @@Serenity937) and a poison function to add to weapons and saber. so enemy hieed by weapons and saber can be affected by poison like the interrogator droid touch or noghri stick. Stunning can lok NPC and player in the BOTH_COWER1 animation, and also the sonicpain attack of howler can be add to sabers and weapons. i know is possible the paralysissand freezing of enemis. but that's power is too strong. need to be balanced by a contro action of NPC, like FP_ABSORB or FP_PUSH or somethjing other can nullify the paralysis. also. a power for Hhealing the NPC, like the MP FP_teamheal power. a blade with new command can make. - poison \ burning gradual dmg. (in SAB file shoilbe available to setting how many HP left in one second... so it's possilbe to decidde how is strong the burning \ posion effect of a saber \ melee blade. ) - stunning function - paralysiss function - sonic stynning function. (it's like an AOE ATK, stun alla clients in the range of sonic detonation XDnot onluy a target, ) A rank 4 for all powers with an AOE version. so Push, Pull,. lightning, drain, etc can affected also enemy on the backs of players. - a rpg game system. -Classdamage differeentuial commands into SAB and weapons.dat file can allow to configure a weapon for be more deadly for dark or light side classes , like DEMP2 it's deadly for droid - Casting shockwacve arttack by a saber using Kata move atk 1 + atk 2 that consume force point. At moment, shockwave attack can be done only with BounceoNwalls 1 , hittig walls with saber blades and with paramaters of splashradius, splashdamage and splashknockback setted into the sab file. - More WP_SABER slots , for allowed to have more different sabers for a cjharacter. (max 10 sabers) NPC can randomly change the sabers into combat. so it's more immersive - Idleinback saber function for melee blade on SP., like the JA++ code.
  22. @@JediBantha i have a suggest for you about force stasis: simply make a new force power SP and set like the force grip level 1. rank simply get more strong the power (example, some classes resist to grip... some classes can resist to the weak level of stasis) and with more duration Remove the animation setting for players for make the BOTH_GRIPPED animation. Merge the pm_freeze function. @@Serenity937 in his mode make some freezing grenade that block enemy moviment for 5 second. Yu can ask him how works that and report into the force code.
  23. You need to set thats parm to 1 for good work of the saber. 0 is default setting. so it's like yu not add this command. Not change nothing.
  24. The model it's okay. SAB FILE have some little missing for a realistic melee blade: In file SAB add the follow strings: noClashFlare 1 (avoid the flash of parry with lightsabers) NoWallMarks 1 (avoid the sword cut the walls like a saber) BounceOnWalls 1 (allows the blade bounce on the surfaces that's make it solid, alto play the HitOtherEffects parameter. ) NoIdleEffect 1 (the blade cannot cut by touch the enemies, yu are forced to swing it for cut them. OnInWater 1 (the blade not turn off into water if yu make a wash ) ---------------------------------- IdleinBack it's new for me, what does it do? Can work for all mods? O.o SHADERS: they are okay, so your issue is very strange. I think the problem is the enviroment. try to make a custome enviroemtn textures instead of { map gfx/effects/envmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR tcGen environment } Also for lightingDiffuse parameter try something like this: "map models/weapons2/vampire1/blade alphaFunc GE192 <-- add that. blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse"
  25. As you can see, need 2 textures: the spec textures are copies of the original with a black chrome effect, yu can make with photoshop or paint shop pro. Combine texture and spec texture into the same shader and yu get realistic light reflection \ refraction efx of the blade
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