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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. Very high detailed! nice work Psyk0. I have a request: maybe can be useful for some modder: a ghost skin of Ki Adi, like Obi wan ghost of episode 5 - 6 . it simply a monicramit rasters azure textures, with a transparent alpha shadering, right?
  2. make the surface, make another surface with the message upon the other brush. convert the message surface in a func_usable and make 2 trigger_multiple for player, if the player touch the exter trigger, the func_usable switch to off, if touch the inner trigger, the func_yusable turn on and show the text.
  3. Ehmmm you make some errors.: 1: i hope is a blade metallic sword and not a lightsaber, if you convert into a gun you get only the hilt, the energy blade is not showed. 2: you need to put the tag_flash on the coordinate of 3d model that you want as the origin of shoots to fire. 3: you need to make an MD3 model using blender and mister wonko md3 exporter and follow the procedure of him tutorial. the md3 is for the first person gun view, the glm for the shooter model. 4: you need to use md3view for convert the md3 model and skinned into a working blaster glm pistol. 5: as i told a lightsaber converted into a weapon lost his energy blade. You want really to shoot blaster by the hilt? O.o
  4. Check the spawnflag value into the map. There is some numeric spawnflag and one value stay the enemy crouched.
  5. mmm try to do that iroc jeff: there is a method for use NPC weapons also for player. but your mod is for JKO, that can work to JKA. 1: change the model of brar pistol in a blaster pistol 2: on the load of the level, on menu script of ui new_gamefirst, or into an cfg file executed by the batch of the mod, allow the g_debug melee paramter that's unlock npc weapons. star with player disarmed into level, and after a second switch him to WP_MELEE. after 2 second Switch him to WP_BRYAR_PISTOL. on weapon.dat change kind of ammo for bryar pistol and set the max ammo for that to your desired value.
  6. I am very curious: how you make the scripts?
  7. Sorry if i enter in a discussion, but i really want to thanks @@IrocJeff for starting the thread, and you for that answer. One of terrible limitation of JKA was the impossible to recreate the istance game systems or the animated map. You got me a big solution for a trouble i have thinked for years and years! on the legacy of kain series there are 2 planes of game: the material \ physic worlds and the spiritic \ spectral world. now i can really make the switch between realms! i can make a map in the material world and a version into the spectral world. into spectral world i can put a portal for traslate player into material, and into material i can swith che player to the spectral with that system! tha'ts allow me to will make a bidimensional game!!
  8. Sometime i lost myself in a glass water. drain work and code it's okay, simply, i have bad configurated the NPC Jedi with the class "alora" for that, code not work. LOL. My staff on lightning and drain is over but i need to change the effect of the drainhit.efx i see there is not into the SP code, but in the MP code on the Fx_force.c code. i got the suspect that FP_DRAIN effects are shared By MP and SP game too, infact the drain efx are in the folder of force efx called "mp" on SP code not exist the forcedrained drainhit registered effect, the line is in /* */ so i think the SP code take the drainhit effect by the MP code, now i wanna to see if i am right.
  9. ok i try in original game and in some other mods... lol is ONLY my mod the problem. very funny. i need to study that strange issue. the code work.. in other mod, not in the mine. oddful!
  10. @@Serenity937 that's is hilarous and i check better tomorrow. i try to make the same of FP_LIGHTNING on the FP_DRAIN power. problem is: not work: i not see anyone change in game. O.O CGmedia Edit: CgWeaponsEdit: CgPlayers edit: )> On Cg_weapons: )> On the register effects: I make the effect of the soul drain, build etc etc, but in game, all classes make the default fp_drain effect O.O
  11. It's very nice mod. I play the TFU mod of the expansuion of KOTF but that's is better for what i think. Please, continue your project!! *_ emm, wait a minute, your mod... for FP_GRIP 4 and 5... you edit the SP code, or there are already by game default? i never tested power to level 4 - 5 grip telekinesis level 4 can be really useful for me too. i try to reproduce the legacy of kain defiance telekinesis. Now i do some tests. O.o
  12. my competence is the SP. i ever played more the SP then the MP packs. SP mods not need dll or something other, yes. need simply a folder called with mod name, fs_game simply tell to the exe of the game of run game by that folder and gamedata. the folder contains overwrite the Base contains. However, i not play never mod by the inside mod menu, but by the batch file of the mod putted into gamedata? motivation? mod runned by batch files got less bugs of mod runned by UI interface of menu, but the ui mod menu use a code configuration, not the fs_game command, and the fs_game command is used on all the batch files of mods, so i suppose fs_game command can be use in Ui menu without big troubles.
  13. for testing my mod, i place a folder called "Nosgoth" into gamedata with all the staff not zipped in pk3 because i am again in the editing parts. also, now i am working to code, i save the old exe of jka and replace the jax86dll and the openjk_86 exe for test the mod, every time i edit and build the code, i replace exe and dll of SP. i the mod contain some DLL the game read before the dll of the pk3 and not the dll of the game. that's is what i know. if you use the dark force mod of filefront and put into gamedata, the mod replace the code of the MP game, so the Jamp not read the dll of the gamedata folder about the MP , but the dll of the dark force pk3.
  14. about the video: LOL, telekinesis, rules. Ever! However... mmm, for the saber shockwave power (i not played to TFU because i have not the xbox) you can follow istruction of my tutorial. there is a kata attack that make the shockwave knockback when jedi impactthe saber on the ground also if animation is differnt, you need to use animation of the impaling on ground. You need to follow my tyutorial about making a shockwave sbaer. and on humanoid animation cfg, replace the parameter of the animation that corrispont to: LS_A_JUMP_T__B_ kata with BOTH_STABDOWN (LS_STABDOWN kata) on the Katamove command of you saber, put the LS_A_JUMP_T__B_ paramter. now the player should make the stabdown animation with the kata, hti the ground and generate the shockwave for push all enemy around you need to set an HIGH value of splashknockback >250 set to 500-1000 and you get an huge force splashwave. the effect you need to make is in hitothereffect parameter and you need to ability the BounceOnWalls 1 value. and so some lightsaber allow player to make the attack of the TFU shockwave push.
  15. Mods need to stay on Gamedata folder for running with fs_game command properly. the problem i thinks is not the run of the mod, but the encrypting of the pk3 or something like else. O.o for your question, i never done that's thing, so i cannot have the answer. i can suggest you to make how i make with code, try and error, at the end, afgter a thousand of time i understood how should be work. i hope that someone have a better answer about that. :S how is the original "RunMod" command line of the mod menus?
  16. i not promise nothing but i am working about a mod on Legacy of Kain, i am interessed to FP_TELEPATHY level 1 or 2 for blind enemies and stun \ freezing function, level3 for the inspire hate spell of blood omen and level 4 for the charm \ control mind of blood omen \ blood omen 2. i am a nobbie as coder, but if i can i try to make better customizzation on my SP code. one regard the force mindtrick. i want to make almost 3 mindtrick powers, one for control the enemy, for make hate each other and one for stunning \ freezing, i cannot satisface the request, but i think that my new 3 ofrce power: (force stunning , force hate, and force controls) can be useful for someone that can improve the FP_mintrick in his globality. need however to study all the code of FP_mindtrick power, that's is hard. for lucky Jedi Bantha has shared his code of a new force power for SP, the force deadly sight, following the same procedure i tbhink i can make something about mindtrick, i will work about that when i end my work on rage, heal, lightning, push, pull and grip. it's the hardest part of the code and i want to be more skilled
  17. That's open IMMENSE modding possibility! *.* My pleasure, NumberWan mmmm lol, i remember now that if i open a batch file of a mod for run outside of JKA with the notepad, i see something like example fs_game, for example, my mod batch file is: openjk_sp.x86 +set sv_pure 0 +set fs_game Nosgoth +exec nocrash.cfg %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 i had ignored that fs_command can be executed also in the Ui menu, that's is WONDERFUL!!! 8D
  18. If you use Blender, simply import the model and follow istruction of the others. if you use 3D studio max... ehm,, 1 - import the model 2 - import JKA skeleton of Psyk0Sith, i learn my Frankenstein modelling skills ( ) thanks to his tutorials by myself. 3 - scale the JKA imported model for merge with skeleton, yu need toi merge model and skeleton in the same scene. 4 - now destroy the hierarchy of the model and delete all the mesh with * at start of name, the tags are unuseful because yu use the skeleton tags. 5 - okay, now the frankenstein merging work of the other parts you need, very fun on the suturation part of the work of the vetx of edge of body part (argh!) 6 - well! now , if the model have not the caps, yoyu can make the caps for dismemberment selecting edge of the meshes, extruding, and scaling at 0 0 0 at that's point, you can select the face of the "trinagles of the "orange lemon pieces" you make and detach and rename as the cap. after you make the basic eight caps, you copy hit, and flip the surfaces. 7 - after every scaling model working, you need ever to use the reset x form function for reset to 100 the scaling and rotation paramter of 3d max, if not, in the weight you can get a dozen of troubles. 8 - remake the hierarchy 9 - now you can skin the model, you need to set as skin for everty mesh the bones that move . 10 - and now... weighting! all verttx of model... manually! have fun! O.o remember that a vertx cannot be rigged at more of 4 bones. 11: and work done export to XSI format and then into the carcass.exe of JKA sdk of raven, buold the GLM by the XSI. 12: okay, now check on model view the animation of your model and fix skin and texture path with SKIN files parameters edited wityh notepad. 13: if you some some horrible deformation on the moves of models.. you got errors in the weight. so you need to fix the model. 14 - okay, if you not become mad or your are not died, now you learn the truly frankesiein modelling. and that's is all the stuff for make with 3d studio max without modelling a new model by zero and make the uvmapping and the textruing. in that case. 15: i know so much that's procedure that i do that like a robot XD. all the 14 step for me ... mmm, i do all in a time between 1 to 3 days for models. for modelling... that's can require months of works also for a talented modeller. it's like mapping. for make a map years ago, i pass two months :\ It's hard to make, however. Model, mapping and coding are the hardest part of the modding. ypu need to start with the easy things if you want to learn all athats. for learn all that's thing i work alone for hobby, years first of the existance of that forum. i begin some years for begin to make some good progress. :\ Okay, my english it's a nightmare,. sorry, it's hot today in my home. :S
  19. Wow! Thanks @@ent!!! @@NumberWan All for you!
  20. interessing question, i try to study the Ui of load mods menu for that. but i think is hardcoded in ui part of the code, as all the Ui interface. :| should be great however loading mod with the Ui command and tier, because in that mode is possible to make a mod modular and switch between modules in the story progression *_* i make a long mod project and that's should be really useful. i end my lightning code staff so i can try of check something in the Ui files. but i thinkg there is not a really command but a function that go to some definition \ declaration of the code.
  21. @@Serenity937 I need really to thanks you for all your suggest! Now i have edited dmg of weapons, class damage of weapons on NPCs, the force lightning now are fully custmizzable. for what i see: my error was: FP_LIGHTNING to level 3 and up need to set as FxAxis, FP_Lightning to level 1-2 to FxDir, i was setted ALL to fixAxis 2: wrong tag setting about the lhand and rhand point. for FP_lightning level 3 need to copy two time the "jack'em palpatine part" one for shoot by left hand and the other for right hand. for force power level 1 and 2, it's not necessary to make the duplication: the power is shooted only by lpoint hand. Now work! i try also to another NPC that shoot... Snow LOL. so a glacial attack, it's VERY cool! Here there the Fully, Working Code of My mod for customizate the FP_LIGHTNING by class of shooter. to all peoples of forum, follow my indication about cg_media and cg_weapons for declair and register the effects, and do something like that on cg_players and anyone can have force power customizzable without making 300 new force powers LOL. that's is the faster way to make a large variety of force attacks. for fantasy mods, that's can be very useful. @@Serenity937 i have to ask you two last thing. i suppose i can use the same tecnique for FP_DRAIN and Rage and Telepathy so i can customize also they without building force power. FP_telepathy it's little hard because is not on the "shooter" of the power, but on the NPC hitted by the power. emm, i need to customize telepathy effect aura efx upon their heads ON the victimis at second of NPC class of playermodel that use the mindtrick, is possible to make that? and if yes, how? that's is the hardest part. second question: how can i edit th shader color of the force push \ pull grip power? i think works as i done for SIGHt, protect and absorb, but in what part of the code is setted the RGB of push \ pull \ grip? that's because in Defiacne telekinesis have a green effect, so i need to make green, and not red, the FP_GRIP \ Pull \ Push shader. Last question, regar the WP_CONCUSSION. i have hacked the weapons for shoot 2 vampire spells called stun and incapacitate. into the stun simply the enemy stay without fight and move in the "BOTH_ROSH_PAIN" animation. that's is for primary attack. the secondary attack, the ray burst shoot, shoot the incapacitate, that spell... freeze the enemy move,a nimation etc for 5 second. i now you make some freeezing grenades on yours mod, so can i ask you the code of freezing? i need to apply something like that on WP_CONCUSSION, nothing else. O.o after that, my code work for my mod is ended. after is only effect buld, npc and ui configuration and map building. and maybe i can do something about the Dagobah map someone has required here. the other think like blindness, sonic stunning and poison and burning i can do with Icarus and the mindtrickscript. so the FP_MINDTRICK altered shoot the "visual efx" of the alteration elemental states, and the script started on the enemy, change is status and behavours. That's all I need. i know, the hardest part is the freezing \ stunning function for concussion and the mindtrick class code about the effect changed on the victims by the class ... not of the victims, but of the player that use telepathy on their heads. @.@ however thanks for suggest, yoour notification got me in the right road for solve the problem. the other thing for what lightning not works much done was a .. brank problem. here the working code of my lightning class. )>
  22. @@Serenity937 2 days ago: after a day of work about brank, if and else, i simply add the class reelo to the original code for make a try. also, i have registered sound, also if i not unsertdand much how the engine recognize the sound of the lightning or the sound playing when shoo a lightning. Result: of first day of work: about kain, i not have screenshot, but simply kain and all other class use defualt lightning without change. but CLASS_REELO make this: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ot61ijbwod9ire3/AADJsw20k_vYkf0XL1ztBDTOa the character is a Reaver like raziel. in life vampire hunter, in death, zephonim vampire, as wraith,... a wraith with powers like hynrod between raziel and spiderman. Very cool character. so when he shoot lightning...,shoot spiderweb, all working 2 days ago. yesterday i have simpled added the cg_media voice, the cg_register voice and the LOOONG if \ else tree for all classes. i have not again ready the other "lightning" magivc power for other class, but i see that at level 3 all class i want shoot ... grey square sprites with white border. so the efect is change, but obvious because i not make again the efx files, (and it's a long workmake all) the character shoot an "empty sprite" lightning LOL. however, the effect now works only at level 3, but at level 1 and 2, also if i listen tghe sound (the spiderweb making his custom sound, not the lightning sound, because i have regustered the sound , too.) at level 1 and 2, effects are shooted, but... are not visibiles. O.o game bnot crqash or other, the spiderweb and the lightning or other efx, at level 1 -2 simply not be showed. O.o well, at level 1 and 2 the effect are shooted only by left hand, the right hand shoot weapons, the left hand shoot force power, right? the force lightning shoot at level 3 with all two weapons, also if in the code is setted only the lhand tag. error howver is in cg_players.cpp. i edited cg_weapons as you told because i was thinking "olay, maybe is because left the code of the shoot view in cg_weapons.cpp. but not change nothing. i show you the original FP_lightning code: )> This is my working code about the force spiderweb class reelo. yu can see in my dropbox link the screenshoots of the effects about the looong code if \ else if i show you yesterday... level 3 of the FP_LIGHTNING: it's okay. Level 1-2: not show the efx shooted by hand O.o .... wait a minute!! O.o * look the 2 codes, the working and not working... i not seen the Rpoint and Lpoint of the hands. Maybe is really that. i try to fix. O.o
  23. Added the info for player view on weapons.cpp but not change nothing. on level one and two, power is invisible. O.o
  24. On cg_weapons: On cg_media: Ph, maybe is beause i not settend the person view on cg_weapons. cpp. O.o
  25. @@Serenity937 yesterday work with a simple try with one class at the change. today i use the same method with all class. Works with all at force powerr level 3. but at force power level 1 and 2, NOT show the lightning effect ingame. O.o. but there is the sound. I make something of wrong? I have do the definition in cg_media and also the registering of efx in CG_weapons.cpp MMm, maybe is a trouble of the registering of efx >_> )>
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