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Mmm, try to see the code part of the FACE_AUX or FACE_FROWN icarus function, should be contain the merging by facial and torso animation or something like that.
I suppose you need to edit the Icarus files with the list of optionable parameters for the script (into the behaved folders) for add the new setting and condition to the list... and editing the Code part of ICARUS intercation for processing the new script command into the game. I never make that, however, it's just a my theory. :\
JKA have not much facial expression. :\ i am sorry but you can use only that. for surprise you can use an animation like BOTH_STAND9 (it's a pose of pre fight \ alerting) and the face_aux . for the smirk... eh, unique is the face_smile. sorry Otherwide you need to: - build a new GLA file with new facial animation, i never make animation but it's not an easy work. - change Icarus setting for include the new customanimation you builded. - hope the engine recognize the customize facial animation scripted without a deep hacking of the code. in that i really cannot help ypu, sorry. the 2 character of example make a discusttion and the end of deal extract the sword and begin the fight, is a dialogue with a level boss. helena is a vampire hunter and xado... well,. xado is a raziel's son. lol.
@. wait wait. mmm i have edited in my code the COLOR of FP_ABSORB, PROTECT by class of AI of character, the damage of weapons by class of NPC AI hitted, and the efx of force power by class of shooter,. there are not perfect, and i need to debug again. however, i never see the code about the facial animation, but for what i have understood, it's strongly very hard coded and difficult to edit. I told you how make that into a scripts,. follow my example. FACE_ALERT -> this animation see the face allarmed by a danger, i think is for the surprise, \ awake situation when the NPC see an enemy. FACE_SMILE-> the NPC smile. FACE_FROWN-> NPC is anger, worry, in combat FROWN it's the face of many combat animation. FACE_DEAD -> Face for NPC death If you set that's face by the BOTH_ANIM function with icarus you simpòly get the character in a "star pose" that make this expression, at the first of my scripting experience, i maked the same error. there is another way: now i explain my scriopt step by step for making understandable to you of how it work. set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FACEFROWN", -1.000 ); <- for infinite time the NPC get the face... frown. she is anger when tell this frace. this is the correct comand. if you use the animation command, you get the facial root pose,. there are 2 facial command inicarus, you need to use the specify facila command, not the animatioin commando, so the SET_FACEFROWN, SETFACE_AUX etc. set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_BOTH", /*@ANIM_NAMES*/ "BOTH_STAND8" ); <- animation of character for the torso and legs. set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "-1" ); <- during of animation in second. -1 durinbg the animation without ypu get a new ANIM_BOTH e ANIM_HOLDTIME command to the char or deactive BS_CINEMATIC. sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE, "sound/chars/termagent1/helena02.mp3" );<- the voice. when a sound is played on the CHAN_VOICE or CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL, the NPC that play the sound move his jaw bone on the bottom. more load it's the sound, more big is the movement, and the open of the mouth, the algorithm work in that mode, and cycle the other TALK pose. there are not random pose, they follow the Sound file pitch and waves. in tha'ts mode is realistic: if the sound is a screamn, the wave of soun file are load (you can see that in goldwave and audacity opening an mp3 or a wav sound with that programs) and the character use the FACE_TALK4 for the more strong part of the scream and FACE_TALK3 for the start and end of scream, so the character can open the mouth, "scream". and close the mouth. wait ( 7000.000 ); <- you need to set this paramter after played a sound by the CHAN_VOICE of the NPC because ... ehm, BEFORE you make the cinematics of a cutscene, you need to have the sound file with voice. you need to count how many second it's long. for example, "sound/chars/termagent1/helena02.mp3" <- my custom file is played in 7 second so you need toi put in millisecond how many time the player execute the animation, the facial exprtession and the talking, the lenght of that need to be the same of the audio file. ANOTHER BLOCK: tha'ts is execture at the end of the voice: that set the character in the pose of listening the other character that answer to his words., that's is a dialogue script. set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_BOTH", /*@ANIM_NAMES*/ "BOTH_STAND1" ); change stand animation set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "-1" ); set duration of animation for undeterminate time signal ( "XadoB" );<- tha'ts signal remind at another script where i set "waitsignal ("XadoB") as command, so that remind to the answer of "Xado" in the file of his taking dialogue, move and animation on this cutscene. waitsignal ( "HelenaB" ); <- when xado stop to make the "xadoB"part of his dialogue, in the xado script there is the signal (helenaB) camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam10b", ORIGIN)$, 0 ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam10b", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 ); <- the cam now change, and use another cam (you can make a cam in the map with a ref_tag named "cam1, cam2, cam3 etc, pointed an info_null direction with CTRL + K in radiant , that's is the direction where point the cam. set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_FACEFROWN", -1.000 ); <- whell, Helena is anger for the words of xado set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_BOTH", /*@ANIM_NAMES*/ "BOTH_STAND5" ); helena change standing set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", "-1" ); sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE, "sound/chars/termagent1/Helena03.mp3" ); the answer of helena to xado. wait ( 17000.000 ); the time of the anserer of Helena... very long XD i suppose that xado make she really angry XD At this point, there another ANIMATION and ANIM_BOTH for helena pose and another signal \ waitsignal for the xado reaction at his voice. If you want a NPC talk alone, you need to follow the sequence Cam coordinates facial exprtessiom, NPC animation when talking voice sound file played, wait (number of second of the words. ) etc etc if you got a dialogue with 2 NPC you need to make signal \ unsignal function you need that the 2 NPC run in the same time their spawnscript, (you need to make cinematic NPC spawned for the dialogue and removed and the end of the dialogue and the cutscene) and you need to set in "block"the dialog,. so the dialog begin XadoA->HelenaA->XadoB->HelenaB->XadoC->HelenaC etc, On the spawnscript icarus file of xado you put thethe xadoa,b,c steps. on the helena files the helenabc, step. i use this method because the method "affect xado blablabla" affect helena blablabla not ever work. if the dialogue is with 3 or + characters... is MORE complicated too. Scripting a dialogue and a cutscene is the mord hardest part of Icarus scripting. :S oi hope i explain you how function all that in understandable way.
As told Omicronf fast way is to turn into *off the relative texturee path into SKIN file. so if hips,models/players/Jedi/hips.jpg -> hips,*off you can make with every body part you desire.
Mmm... the more fast soluction is a trigger Once. setted as inactive with the spawnflag. when player go inside the room, hurt a second trigger this can: 1: with a usescript or a target scriptrunner acrivate by the second trigger, activate a script that use the target_activate connected to deactivated trigger. 2: connect the second trigger to the target activate connected to the first trigger for enable it. however, i suggest to use icarus script. give more controls. i think it's better a trigger_once, if you not wnat a cycle looping event. so: - Hallway with trigger deactivate. - End of Hallway with trigger that activate the deactivate frist trigger. - script of stormtrooper spawn and behavours.
Wait a moment, let me check my script of a mod level... How i remember. you not need to use the Face animation here there is a part of a cinematic script of a level of my mod. as you see, i use the SET_ANIM_BOTH for all animation of body and the set_face" parameters for the facial expressions.
add icon_head_a1, icon_torso_a1, icon_lower_a1, the playerchoice.txt, the sound.cfg file for the sound of the player voice in combat inside the model folder and you have the model working for SP. for have in the player choice specie menus, simply add the name of the species that you desire and the name of the model in the first strings of MENU.str you can open skin files, STR files, NPC files, playerchoice... all that file can be edited by notepad. there is nothing else to do. ^^ Example: you have a plo koon model. 1: Go into the folder of plokoon 2: add the playerchioice file 3: edit the sound.cfg with the name of the folder of the sound\chars\ character. so if the path is sound\chars\plokoon\misc you need to write plokoon m (because is male XD) write f if character is female. 4 copy past and rename the icon_default to icon_head_a1, icon_torso_a1, icon_lower_a1 5 open Menus.STR file in the string assest and add the name of the character anbd the name of the playermodel in the reference strings. so example Plo Koon <- character plokoon <- playermodel. that's all!
Model (Conversion) Request: Ahsoka Tano
Asgarath83 replied to Cerez's topic in Mod Requests & Suggestions
Ok i imported into 3D max. the uvmapping is fine, i need to fix the pose legs, i already make the scaling and merging with skeleton. the vertexes limit of 1000 seems to be okay, the head "lekku" of the Togruta race not exceeed of 1000 verts and so i not need to detach, however i will check the vertx number of every meshes for be sure. PM me when you wnat know how proceed the works. i need a lot of days, but i can weight the model in my free time. However, it's fine. It's possible to work on it. -
Model (Conversion) Request: Ahsoka Tano
Asgarath83 replied to Cerez's topic in Mod Requests & Suggestions
Also blood omen 2 models rareley has not a good "mouth" but i can however make a good rig. i can cut the edge lips and put inside the mouth mesh of some other JKA models for the teeth and tongue. OBJ is a good format, but i really need to check the UVmapping on 3d max. i need simply to detach the mesh into nine and relative detaching for make the JKA body parts. i can do into 3D max if the model not lose the UVMAP of the texture. i need also, the textures, for convert into a format compatible with JKA, i hope there are not strange numeric format of the textures like 1022x518 XD there are not processed, and can make some issue of UVMapping if i resize. we need textures in format TGA, JPG, and PNG, if the textures are DDS, modview not read. and JKA too, not support dds, i have a dds converter however. XD i used for ported model of a mmorpg. i think the problem is that. i not need the skeleton of the other game, JKA have his humanoid skeleton and ONLY it you need to use. the procedure about make a model compatilbity is: 1: porting JKA skeleton into a max files 2: porting the model 3: size the model upon the JKA skeleton, the skeleton need to be inside the model. 4: move legs and arms positions to the position of JKA skeleton, i need to rotate by same degrees in case of ypur model, sure the legs need 30 degrees rotation 5: detaching the mesh of model into head, torso, l_arm, r_arm, l_hand, r_hand, l_leg, r_leg, hips, part. 6 detach by every mesh 2 caps for the dismembrerment in game. for make a cap: select the edge of a mesh that collime with another mesh, example: the head edge with the torso, face, extrude the edges scale to 0 0 0, you obtain a thin structrure like an "orange" pieces. XD select the the triangled faces of the caps and detach by body parts. pass to the vertexes selection and delete the central vertex. copy the cap into a clone, and flip the face of the clone. about detaching and capping: You CANNOT make a mesh with much of 1000 vertx!!! and this is the bad part of work. >.< 7 build the hierarchy of the models mesh. stupidtriangle_off is the parent of skeleton and meshes. hips is parent legs and torso. torso is parent of head and arms every arm is parent of his hand. 8: apply skin and mesh, and for every mesh, set the bones of the skin that animate and deform the mesh. 9 make the weight. you neeed to weight manually EVERY verts of the model. you cannot weight a vertex to more of 4 bones. 10: when weight is end: export into XSI format all the model. 11: convert with carcass.exe of JKA SDK tools, the XSI into a GLM. 12: make the folder of the character on models \ players \ ashura " path and put the GLM and the textures in png \ jpg format. 13: make the skin files. 14: debug of weight issues. . 15: sounds and shaders. 16: And NPC files and a SAB files for the skills of character, the available playermodel cheat and the saber skills 17: a playerchoice.txt file into the mdoel folder of ashura, and the skin files into head_a1, lower_a1, torso_a1, lower_e1, torso_g1. 18: on MENUS.str, add on the first strting Ashura into the list of selectable race and characters. 19: make icon of ashura of icon_default, icon_red, icon_blue 20: Now you add a model available for the SP and MP game. -
Model (Conversion) Request: Ahsoka Tano
Asgarath83 replied to Cerez's topic in Mod Requests & Suggestions
I cannot made a new model of ashoka, but i pass a years to rig with 3d max all Legacy of kain models for my mod\ conversion... i know how to rig, weight, adapt etc etc the modesl for JKA, and i can manage this character, if is only for your personal use, it's a ported model. cnanot be uploaed here. now i am ending a little work about the effects of my mod, after i end, maybe i can help you. i need a pause by the coding\effectis work. @.@ problem is: 1 you need to convert into 3DS, or GLM, or OBJ format the Ashoka model. because i need to import on 3d max 5. problem numer 2: and more big: into the exporting the model can lost the Uvmapping, if tha's happened... i cannot help ypu. i cannot remake all uvmapping >.< it's not a difficult work adapt a model for JKA, if you have the sounds, the textures and the combat files i should rig the ported model. Mmm, need also to set into root pose, the root pose of the other game is wrong. JKA has another root pose for the skeleton. >.< -
[Request/Suggestion] New HK Unit Model
Asgarath83 replied to Lamented's topic in Mod Requests & Suggestions
I love hk47, but i cannot help sorry, missing time and skills. -
No problem
In Easygen It's a structural issue of the terrain itself.
I think you can ask to some good mapper like @@Szico VII i never make terrains, so i cannot help you
Posing a player model in Radiant in .md3
Asgarath83 replied to DarthDementous's topic in Modding Assistance
Ehm, very simply: checl the impworkers spawnscript on the map t1_fatal. The IrocJeff method is correct. No Md3 you need, i have used also in some my custome maps for making corpse. You can also use .MD3, in the dark forces mod there is a map about a planet in war with empire, tolas, if i remeber correctly, is Full of skeleton model died in md3 format. The first method is more easy, however, and for your case is more corrept. -
Probably is some bug of the conversion on BSP format that happen in build process.
If you make a test with some kind of Howler model or an alpha model of this beast, you can use the ScaleX ScaleY and ScaleZ, in the NPC file for scaling of the three axes,. if you use scalex, the monster the more large. the width and height command of Npcs files are used for fix the bounding box of the NPC for collision, and hit of the weapons against body. you can found example on that on fhe howler, minemonster, mouse, interrogator and ATST . NPC files.
Two years ago i passed some weeks to convert to Fbx format every JKA animation with 3d max 5. i remind you to the link of my work: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1739-jka-animation-fbx-format/ Note 1: BOTH_A3_SPECIAL is missing. Note 2: i added a edited JKA skeleton with the bones linked to the animation shape. You can rig the models to this skeleton and use programs like unit3d. put the animation into the animation folder of unit and put the model in your model folder with "humanenemy" nas file name, that should be work on unity for use the JKA animation. i not know if this work on other programs.
Easy way: edit the texture with a program like paint shop pro or photoshop etc. hard way: import the model inm a program like softimage, maya, 3d max, gmax or blender and change the uv map for adapt to new textures. you can open the skin file with a notepad. you can see "name of mesh" , "relative path of the texture" about shaders are in shaders folder, also can open with notepad and edit the path for adapt the changes. You can use ModView for see the model when you edit it, use the command "refresh texture" after saved with the graphic program psp gimp. etcv etc, and you can see immediatly the graphic change of the model. You need howevert to import the model into a graphical program for see the form ov the uvmapping for a better detailed work. .
Sorry. Jim Carrey. for what i know, no. :unsure: But maybe someone know other methods.
the faster way is to select all map with the square in box selection, and use the scale function to edit at a new scale on X Y and Z Be careful or you can make a large amount of deformations.