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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. mmm, seems like not recognize the textures. they are into the correct path? Here it's a code of one of best vampire sword of my legacy of kain mod. it's a sword with a black blade and a skull in the hilt, very good desing. in game appear very nice and with a good lightning. try that syntax: (my blade is a wraith blade, but in your case i think you not need the glow string ) (
  2. Nice explanation, @@Serenity937 ! Yes, the problem can be in t3_bounty level: boba fett can be kill by jaden and so the end cutscene not run LOOOL. It's easy to fix: simply, use Icarus to edit the scripts of t3_bounty and add to Bobafett on that's level the command: SET_Undying: True as spawnscript. (so, need also an edit of the entity BSP file. O.o ) if boba get already the spawnscript on t3_bounty in all 3 entities (if i remember good, there are 3 NPC_bobafett entity into the level, yu need simply to edit the spawn script with Behaved @@Unknowing @@Serenity937 : i am not forget of you for code help, but at moment i am endign the efx of the elemental swords of my mod and Npc files configuration. after i pass to code.
  3. mmm... it's possible to do without that's kind of code hacking... Basically: First step: make a new weapon copying WP_CONCUSSION parameters of the code. a weapon called, WP_FPDESTRUCTION of somtehing like it. Second Step: when your weapon is working... Yu need to go to weapon.dat and add for the new weapon, as weaponmodel "models/weapons2/noweap/noweap.md3" So the weapon is invisible. player shoot the projectile by the hand. Third step: make efxand sound for the weapoin. fourth step: set , like DEMP2, the classdamage for the weapon, it's a force explosion, so the weapopn can damage the living enemy, but not the droid, you can past the code of DEMP2 and set as 0 the damage for droid classes. Fifth step: Now your new "weapon" shoul be working. yu need to specify into the code that the shoot animation is not BOTH_ATTACK3 but BOTH_FORCE_LIGHTNING_START... or something like that. at the end, you can set altdamage, splashdamage, damage etc, with your edited weapon.dat ... and for left hand? When you understand how working that's and when it's working fine... you can try to reply the function as a New force power. I suggest you to copy the Force Push power and making the damafge, efx, and sound setting as the new concussion weapon. yu need to set another Force effect, like the force lightning. last part: then force concussion works, yu can deleting the new weapon hacked concussion. Is maked just to make the correct code function. i think it's better if yu first learn to make a weapon like what you want and after, copy the weapon function in a new force powrer. So, yu can learn how to make that step by step. Before making a shooting concussion projectile force power... yu need to deep understand how work the shoot of weapons. It's hard to do. weapons act in different way by force power. Force power not shot exactly... "projectiles" like the weapons. They affected the NPC with various behavour and health alterarion. You need to create the function of shooting projectile forforce powers, too and to adeep understand that function. It's not an easy or a short work.
  4. Try to make my Metal shield parameters, with the shader parameter of dark shield for the textures. an half way between the two. somethinfg like purple dark electric shiled should be the result. You need the correct texture. maybe some lightning of force lightning sprite with purple colour, yu can edit colour of texture with photoshop or paint sho pro.
  5. contact @@Serenity937 about the engine strings. Otherwise... Yu can make like a CLASS_ROCKETROOPER and program NPC file like rocketrooper2officer.npc, but he cannot use rapid fire blaster, disrutptor and flametrhwoer together, only blaster or another weapon. the solution: in your map,. yu can make an angerscript that change weapon and behaviour of boba after a certain amount of second.. and looping Other soluction: kill boba with icarus script, in your map, when boba die, start the deathscript with "kill "Bobafett" parameter. You need to set in map for NPC boba entity the command NPC_targetname Bobafett and targetname Bobafett too.
  6. Sorry, i am very busy in that days an for all April month. However... It's not a shader issue, if yu have the two textures of shield and droidekashield1 on the path of .SHADER file, your file is correct. You want the droideka Enemyes that cloak like the Saboteur? Well, yu have two possibility. 1: Edit the Code about the cloacking sysmet, very hard thing to do, yu need cmake, visual cstudio, and download the Code of Openjk and good knowloegde of C++ and build the exe and dll of the game. I am not a coder, so i cannot help yu in that. :S 2: Edit the NPC file of droideka. make 2 droikekas NPC One, yu set like an assassin droid, and so fight shooting, and with electrocuting shield device. DEMP2 weapon can take down the enemy easily. the droideka2 NPC instead... need some changed: - On the models/players/droideka etc, yu need to make another skin file, copy model_default.SKIN as model_cloaked.SKIN open and set in *off the mesh of the shield. example: torso_shield,models/players/droideka/shield into -> torso_shield,*off. in that way, the spheric shield is invisible on the NPC. Step two: open the droideka NPC file and copy the droideka parameters. make another Droideka string. so yu need to make: Droideka2 as NPC parameters: - Playermodel Droideka - CustomSkin- cloaked .other keys\ values : same of the original. - on the class parm, set as CLASS not CLASS_ASSASSIN_DROID, but CLASS_SABOTEUR. and so the droidke act like a sabouter. coloack himself and decloack when shoot. Note 1: Yu need to set more health for the saboteur version of droideka, because your droid is more weak to saber damage. Note 2: saboteur class is resistance to DEMP2 weapon,. yu can take down the cloaking device for a lot of second, but it's not a good weapon for kill. Note 3: The droid use SABOTEUR AI, be careful with sound datas. I have not another idea for help you. The alternative is to hack the code. :S
  7. Wow! Fine!! But my mod is fantasy. Well, i suppose the brush can be used too for making some other things, with a different textures \ shadering.
  8. so it's a explosive grenade of Force. I have not played to DF2. :S Mmm, and if you make a force power that acts like WP_THERMAL or a new Weapon like WP_THERMAL with custom effects, models and sound with code edited for a one shot explosive without time count attack also for first shoot? (first attack like the second of thermal that explode on impact, without count of seconds)?
  9. Yu need tolearn how to make custom NPC and Custom models. models of the game are on models/players/jaden_male and jaden_female. some files can be edited with notepad: NPC file of ext_data: yu need to create a NPC file called Jaden.NPC or jaden_new.npc or what yu want as name, and set as playermodel jaden_new or whatever yu want to be the name. after, yu copy jaden_male or jaden_female folder into a jaden_new folder. at the end, open the SKIN files and change the path of the textures of the model by models/player/jaden_male/texturename to models/players/jaden_new/texturename. Last step: Shader: samething of skin files about Jaden texttures shadering. that's if yu wanna make a custom model. If you want to make something more easy and fast, simply make and NPC file copying jedi.NPC and setting as playermodel of the NPC jaden_male or jaden_female, for sound, yu need to set the path of sound/chars/jaden_male/misc or sound/chars/jaden_female/misc in snd, sndjedi, sndcombat yu need to set the value "jaden_male" or "jaden_female" And so can work.
  10. mmmm.... Why you work about concussion as saber exactly? What you want to do exactly? If you make the Concussion functions like the saber functions... i think for customize efx yu need to think the concussion as a saber, so need a SAB file with "hitothereffect path\effect.efx" parameter and "BounceOnWalls 1" In that's mode maybe fire the EFX when impact on a surface. Yu can also decide the splasdamage, the splashradius, the splashknockback and the knockbackscale and damagescale value. SAB file too. Ehi, i can shoot a big stupid thing, now, eh? i am not again a coder. i am ending my custom saber efx at moment. I not know if my foolish idea can be of some help.
  11. @@JediBantha . For Force Stasis maybe yu can ask to @@Serenity937. on his mod he make something like a freezing grenade. So He know how to make stasys. http://jkhub.org/topic/3450-changing-force-aura-fx-sense-protection-rage-etc/?hl=aura See that thread. Scrolling the discussion, yu can see something of interess about the coding of Freezing function. Maybe can help yu a lot.
  12. WOW! Thanks very much for your sharing!!! I cannot wait for the stasis *_* i need too this power for a spell called "incapacitate"
  13. Me too. i use angles for func_door, but not for Light. if wanna make a oriented light, i simply link the light to an info null oriented in the direction i want. so i can make a spot light.
  14. it's like func_door angle -1 or -2 orient the entity on top or bottom. a light with -2 i think a spot light by bottom to top, if it's linked to a info_null. angle -1 make a light by top to botton. good for ceiling lamps. -2 i think can be used for light placed under the floor, that enlight ground by grates and a lower level.
  15. models/players/water_elemental/water { q3map_nolightmap cull disable { map models/players/water_elemental/water tcMod scroll 0 -0.3 tcMod scale 4 4 } } Tcmod it's used on shadering for making scaling, scrolling, rotating and turbing effect of sprites. it's common in water, lava and liquid surfaces. ù
  16. Some method can be used for making a classic door for castles, mansion or medieval dungeons. The rotating object need to have the origin to the center of door rotation, one of the 2 edges.
  17. For automathic floating platform, use func_bobbing. Func train and path corner for make a platform or brush that follow a path. func:_door can be applied to a platform, too, but for little squared movement. it's good just for a moving block.
  18. you can choose between green, orange, blue, purple, yellow and red.
  19. i have not again edited code for my mod because first i wanna config all SAB and NPCs. but i have replaced many shooter weapons of JA with elemental cinetic shot balls. So, for the starting: yu can remove the weapons model by many way: yu can edit weapons.dat and item.dat for changing the wordlmodel and the weapon model path. the replacing model is an empty md3, just need to have the tag_weapon and the tag_flash. so the shoot by fired by the hands. yu can change animation in animation.CFG using force unleashed animation force push for repliacing the shooting animation of concussion rifle. the problem is that change anim also for other twohanded shoot weapons. but i think by code yu can custom the animation of c rifle. For effect yu need just to change by effect editor. the problem more bad is the physic of your weapon \ force power. i canot help for that.
  20. Workin on my MD3 , i see two ways for change textures path: one: save the blender project in a copy of new md3 and put on md3shader key a different value of relative path. example: lightpshref01 mesh md3shader models/map_objects/forge_light/lightpshref for original file. i make another file called "darkpshref" the lightpshref01 mesh has that new key: md3shader value: models/map_objects/forge_dark/darkpshref After you export the custom md3 edit , the new model find the text path you have changed. the texture is the same, just in another folder and with another RGB color edited with pain shop pro 9 . that's is the way for reskin a model by blender. the other way is to apply a skin file with md3view for changing appereance. But work about model on blender is more safety and stable. i begin mad for an entire month for this job. XD
  21. Boothand is right
  22. You need to add to the shaderlist the name of all custom shader files of your mod for a correct build.
  23. yes, i am too surprised about carcass process the GLM without told me nothing. O.o well, carcass get error if the vertx are not full weighted, and stop the building of GLM, but the weight was Okay. Was not Okay the number of vertx and faces. I think carcass not watchs the complexity of the surfaces. So i not receive notification of the error. And so, when i make NPC and SAB file and put ingame "shader max indexes hit" WTF??? Janos audron not crash and vorador crash? janos is more complex of vorador as model! O.o well, the trouble was simply: ripping the model by defiance sometime 3dreaper duplicate a thousand of time some isolated vertex. for my md3 object build by defiance models, i had to clean with "remove isolated verts" command for that's issue. i clean also the playermodels, but I see a strange thing: that's damn duplicate verts was not cleaned i got luckly and i found check mesh vertx and faces count by edit -> object properties of 3D studio max.
  24. Okay ROFTL. i have looked the model and i found a vertex duplicates a thousand of time in mesh hips_pants. deleting the ghost verts, model Work!
  25. Does like me, @@IrocJeff. Download Blender 2.68. in download section you can get the plug in for blender 2.88 of @@mrwonko. create a folder with model 3ds and texture. example "models/map_objects/hothlab/barrel.3ds and barrel.jpg files. import the 3ds into blender and save. draw model into 0 0 0 origin for correct asset. now you need to select manually every mesh of the barrel. for every mesh go in Custom properties of objects menu and set: Key: md3shader value: models/map_objects/hothlab/barrel <- relative path of the texture. Now, export your object into md3 with mr wonkoplug in. YU need to select ALL mesh with A key, before. and yu need to put barrel.md3 (also *.md3, yu need, ot export not work) into the name. and after yu export to the folder. now watch your model with md3view of mister wonko. you can see the model textured. at this point, the model it's ready for set into your map as misc_model or misc_model_static.
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