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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. yes, i am too surprised about carcass process the GLM without told me nothing. O.o well, carcass get error if the vertx are not full weighted, and stop the building of GLM, but the weight was Okay. Was not Okay the number of vertx and faces. I think carcass not watchs the complexity of the surfaces. So i not receive notification of the error. And so, when i make NPC and SAB file and put ingame "shader max indexes hit" WTF??? Janos audron not crash and vorador crash? janos is more complex of vorador as model! O.o well, the trouble was simply: ripping the model by defiance sometime 3dreaper duplicate a thousand of time some isolated vertex. for my md3 object build by defiance models, i had to clean with "remove isolated verts" command for that's issue. i clean also the playermodels, but I see a strange thing: that's damn duplicate verts was not cleaned i got luckly and i found check mesh vertx and faces count by edit -> object properties of 3D studio max.
  2. Okay ROFTL. i have looked the model and i found a vertex duplicates a thousand of time in mesh hips_pants. deleting the ghost verts, model Work!
  3. Does like me, @@IrocJeff. Download Blender 2.68. in download section you can get the plug in for blender 2.88 of @@mrwonko. create a folder with model 3ds and texture. example "models/map_objects/hothlab/barrel.3ds and barrel.jpg files. import the 3ds into blender and save. draw model into 0 0 0 origin for correct asset. now you need to select manually every mesh of the barrel. for every mesh go in Custom properties of objects menu and set: Key: md3shader value: models/map_objects/hothlab/barrel <- relative path of the texture. Now, export your object into md3 with mr wonkoplug in. YU need to select ALL mesh with A key, before. and yu need to put barrel.md3 (also *.md3, yu need, ot export not work) into the name. and after yu export to the folder. now watch your model with md3view of mister wonko. you can see the model textured. at this point, the model it's ready for set into your map as misc_model or misc_model_static.
  4. if the -1 health parameter not work, try to set the work as Undying entity booleans: set_undying , true. So the door can arrive to 1 of health, but never "die" . with NPC works. maybe work also with a door?
  5. Okay, i am using as exe the openjk_sp86.exe (i am not so fool to make something big like a legacy of kain conversion with the default exe XD ) model of Vorador have some trouble: when i spawn as playermodel or npc spawn cheat for testing the AI in combat in my testroom, vorador crash the map and appear error shader max indexes hit. if i turn Off the skin of the head of vorador (yes, i am tryed to make a headless vorador model XDDD ) the model crash after 1 second, instead of immediatly. That's model is of Defiance game. it's an HD model. that's is strange because i have an HighPoly Janos Audron model, that fight and spawn with no shader crash problems. Any idea? or i need to use the more simple soul reaver 2 model? i not like much, it'not the better as graphic. :S
  6. You need to create a shader that be read by radiant and by JA engine, during build process, and after, into the game. the shader need to set water movement and reverb, fogcolor of underwater, texture path and... q3mapmaterial water parameter first of the specific stage about movement, turbing, scrolling, and lighting reflection effect of the liquid. Example of a good water shader:
  7. I am configuring the NPC files of JA game for my legacy of kain mod at moment. When i end and all NPC i need are operative (i hope Open jk allow me to have the little... hundred of NPC i require lol ) i have that's idea: for modding the AI i have the idea of align every AI CLASS of Jedi Academy to a kind of Nosgoth creatures. Example: CLASS_JEDI: wraiths and reavers (like Raziel) CLASS_REBORN (good vampires) CLASS_KYLE e CLASS_LUKE (Kain, Vorador, Janos Audron etc.) CLASS_PRISONER : civilian human generic weak and no weapons. CLASS_JAWA: ghosts and spectral creatures CLASS_RANCOR: sluagh (soul predators of spectral realms, for make a young sluagh i used sr2 model and for a old sluagh a rancor with small scale and green texturees and sluaghs sounds LOL well, can grab the player and eat it LOL very funny as scene XD if you are not fast to cut with spectral reaver must be devoring) same thing also for elementals, corrupted vampires, golems, etc etc. every corrupted vampire clan of soul reaver has 2 class: one for default vampire and one for boss vampire. some class are elemental weaknesss and elemental resistance. example: Turelim vampires, life ina vulcanic land called dark eden, they are ressistance to fire and weak to water and sound, so sonic weapons and water weapon making more dmg. so WP_REPEATER and WP_TRIPMINE can be deadly for a turelim and WP_BLASTER and WP_THERMAL unsueful. in my mod the SW weapons are replaced with elemental balls of dark for blaster_pistol, fire for blaster, light for bowcaster, water\ ice for repeater, earth for flechette and for rocket launcher air. therma, tripm,ine and detpack become glyphic expliosive human weapons so THERMAL is a fire grenade, TRUPMINE are sonic trap and DETPACK are quake sismic bomb that not make dmg, but freeze the enemyes for some seconds (after coded) there are another classes however for Elder God, (i think i use for tentacles the sand creature class and for head the ATST class for shotting deadly projectiles by the eye) however my idea it's that. it's very hard and strong create a new force power and there are not again a tutorial for make new SP force power. Do something like @@Serenity937 in his mod: changing the force aura powers at the second of the CLASS of the NPC using. Serenity has told me something about bthis part of code, so cannot be a trouble for changing the powers. protect and absorb using a shader and push and grip another, need simply to edit the shader sprite of thats poerr and setting another colors in the code for the shield force at second of CLASS of utiliziers. same thing for push, pull and grip shadering and colors for the telekinesis EFX. i have an idea about the code for changing efx of a force power of other classes. Maybe you not know but if you cheats game with playermodel BOBA_FETT and after you set SETFORCELIGHTNING 1-3 into the console. using force lightning you can shot.... the flamethrower efx by the tag of bolt_flamethrower of boba fett models. i am interessed about that's part of Bobafett code. maybe can be applied for other classes for customize the efx of force lightning. so, a monster of ice can shot a glacial - snow beam aura efx with force lightning , and a demon of fire can shot by mouth a flame breath, etc etc. (also rancor can be breathing atk with the poison, you can see the mutant rancor enem,y for that) so it's possibole for make elemental lightning force by other parts of the body insteand of left_hand tag of models using tags and BOBA_FETT flamethrower AI part on the programming. I ask if @@Serenity937 or someother can see me how to change the force powers efx file and sounds, by classes for powers like lightning, rage, drain etc. Thanks for every answer.
  8. mmm, nice. can be a good arena if you work a lot about finitures.
  9. Oh, thanks very much @@AshuraDX
  10. Hello to all. I need a model by filefront. Filefront rules have banished italy by the territories of download so i cannot dowload by myself. I need that model: anyone can give me? please. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Mystic_Grave_Guard;95389x Thanks.
  11. For character... mmm, why not Lando Carlissian? I never see a mdo with lando as main char. For level, pretty good! nice work! I love the atmosphere, remember metal gear.
  12. Need weapons and force powers Bar, but it's pretty good!! Wonderful work!!!
  13. Ah, but you wanna a blaster with low ammo for all game\mod? i understood you want just at the start of the mission. LOL, if i knew that i have told you your answer are in weapon.dat LOL. Yes, your are correct. i have an edited weapons.dat for my mod... by i have incresead my ammo. i have different exigents. XD.
  14. You need to take my "dark shield" , use the path of your textures and as sprite you need 3 good textures of cloaking shader for your exigents. I saw a good cloak shader in the mod of mara jade vengeance of the sith. Maybe you can use the shader of that mod, but yu need permission of autors. otherwise, you can find the cloack edited texture and shadering of this mod and you can make custom shader using for example the cloaking sprites of the VOTS mod.
  15. WOW!!! Well i am not exactly a beginner because i am good right mapper and rigger and i am modding by about something like 6 years or more... but i am not a programmer so the code get me crazy. and yes, i see that coders sometimes are little... easy to go to anger. LOL. you... You make a Freeze grenade??? That's is amazing!!!! O.o Maybe is more easy to make the "incapacitate" like a weapon so i can shoot a projectile than freeze the enemies folliwng example of the code of your grenade. I think i can manage more easy that thar making a stasis power. And it's better. Incapacitate spell are shooted as a projectile in blood omen game. However, you are very skilled! My regards, really! And sorry for my bad english. Now i am ending 2 maps: the Ice Forge for my mod, for make more powerful the Water Reaver ghost sword. it's very labyrinthic and in soul reaver 2 style. When i end the temple, i try something about coding. but before i make the effects of the spells, obvious XD. the sounds... i have already done that. and for effect i am faster to make. however thanks very much. for all help and answer. I think i become with the more easy things: changing efx for some weapons and end the customizzation of the weapons. so i can learn something about the code. after i pass to class damage and at the end at the new force power or new weapons. Thanks very much! ^^
  16. Mmm, i think it's better add a new force power called "Soul Drain", maybe is more easy that make the differential color for class for the attack powers. it'more easy to make that with effect ed. however no, LOL. In my mod i align every class (only theorically) to the nosgoth creatures. so example: class jedi? sarafan human warrior. class Reborn? Vampires (generic) Swamptroooper class (cannot drown) rahabim vampires. (are immune to water) rockettrooper class? elemental air creatures.... etc etc etc. my coding trouble need 3 step: 1: changing effects for some weapons SP like blaster pistol briar pistol and jawa,., they have the same efx >_> also many droid weapons use same efx of other, i wanna every weapon do dmg of a different element (i edit the efx after with effected) so i need to change some address for efx of the weapons. 2: cucstom class damage: like demp2 deadly for droid and unuseful against living enemies, i need to make the same thing for other weapisn, so a earth shoot weapon can be deadly for a enemy of element fire, the "light" weapons can be deadly for the vampires. the darks weapons are strongs against humans, the fire weapons against ice and water monster etc etc. 3: some new force power for more variety in the attack. i need the same thing, not any modification for damage of effect or the physics. simply i need some custom "rage" powers for different enemies classes. it's the same, identic power, but i can make different efx, so the FP_RAGE has an effect, the FP_RAGE2 another, FP_RAGE3 another again etc etc. the same thing i need for the attacks. the unique new effect that i need to encodes in JA are the following spells: Stun: stun the enemy for a few second like force mindtrick level level 1: enemie be stunned like mindtrick level 1. level 2: enemies be stunned more strong. level 3: enemy get paralyse (a spell called incapacitate, that require an aura efx like protect for statis duration, like in KOTOR game) enemy cannot atk, move, or do any animation and be freeze for some lot of second. using force absorb or force push can nullify the statis state. Inpire hate: it's like mindtrick level 3: the enemies get to TEAM_PLAYER and fight for player for a lot amount of time. i think the Rank can determinaze the duration of the changing of teammeate. at level 3 the NPC can change team for permanent time. LOL. sure, function only with human and weak mind enemies, not for undead, demons etc etc. FP_NPCheal: it's like the teamheal of multiplayer, but can heal the allied NPC targetted by player, not the player itself. i need just that's new powers, for other, i can simply make a copy of the existing powers. The problem is: in that site there is a tutorial of eezstreet for how to make a new force power. but is for MP. I see you know very good the JASP code so can i ask you tu make a tutorial for changing the aura efx and making new force power customizable in the sound and efx or physics? i have a desperate need of that for know how i need to manage the code for making that's thing. for the differenzial dmg and effects of weapons i am okay, and i not need to create new weapons, because cannot be mopre of 32 weapons in the game and in the SP there are already 28 weapons. The bad problem of all that it's: i need that a new force power can be used by player, obvious, and that require a modification of icarus for add the new line of command in the icarus script. also, the new power need to be available by NPCS, so need to interface also with NPC and SAB files (for force restrict) so create a new force power is very difficult. II not know if you can help me with that or making a tutorial for that's site about that but if you make i can have the idea more clear about my modding work. now i am ending a map. when i end, i think is time to learn something of coding. Can yu help me a lot @@Serenity937? Can you make some tutorial about the force power customization on the SP code or how to create a new force power working for NPC files , sab file forcerestrict and player with icarus scripts? I know, that need a strong alteration and customizzation also of behaved. :\ uff, hacking the Force it's rthe more diffucult thing of Jedi Academy. :\ However the Hylden class not exist LOL. the Hyldens are creatures of Nosgoth,. i am making a conversion of JA about legacy of kain saga. the Hyldens are a demonic, exiled race enemy of the ancient vampires.
  17. Very interessing! Very very interessing! So i can also make the force lightning of different colors when they are shooted at second of shbooter classes? maybe the "Hyldens class" lightning can be green and some other can shoots yellow. shold be very nice! Also for Force Drain! Vampires can drain the blood so not need to recolorize my effect but the Reavers wraith like raziel can add in their class a "blue aura" on the drain. so can seee like draining the soul instead of the blood.
  18. You're right @@therfiles the map now works! and is wonderful!! Thanks a lot! You saved my work by the madness of JA engine.
  19. Uh, Zoidberg! You found another Zoidberg fan, man! He's hilarous also in italian voices. XD. for your problem.... yu need a level with flying enemies. Whatch how are set the waypoint in t2_wedge for the two rockettrooper2officer that ambush you when yu come back by the lift for placing the tractor beam at the base of the entire structure. also... taspir2 have a lot of thats fellons.
  20. Oh. What madness ... >.< Yeah, effectly i have some new textures resized to 512x512 that pass me a friend for same elemental symbols. i think i need to resave the JPG using paintshop pro in a new, different file with low quality, right? O.o Heee, she want ever get the photorealism super extra strong! LOL, JA is pretentious engine. XD.
  21. If you want to make droideka as assassin droid class with a cloacking shield, i think that's is not possible because the cloak function is something encoded in saboteur class AI. so you cannot cloak an assassin droid. I have some elemantl dark golem that using the cloaking (with sound and shader little edited) the sound are in cloak and decloak.wav file of shadowtrooper sound. about the shader, sure it's in gfx\effects find something like cloak yu need to edit that sprite. for the Cloaking of droideka, you CANNOT cloaking droideka as assassin droid. i set assassin droid for my golem for elemental shields, and the shader is textured by the .skin files of my golem. so example: golem_gold has as texture for the shield mesh the gfx/misc/light_shield.jpg and my shader is like you can look here. so model -> skin files -> shader for force_shield_off mesh, -> shader file parameters. i suggest you to make the "shield_metal" shader for your droideka with an electric forcefield antiparticles. if yu want a cloacking droideka, yu need to create the NPC like CLASS_SABOTEUR, and not as CLASS_ASSASSIN_DROID. the droideka will atk cloacking and are resistence too to demp2. but saboteur behavour it's like a human enemy. you will not have a ddismembernet so good. yu need to set in NPC the dismemberment probs parameters to 100 for all limbs. also, yu need to make more up the health of the droideka with an high value like 500 because it's not resistance like an assassin droid and can be damaged also when it's cloaked. remember: SABOTEUR class cannot use as weapon WP_NOGHRI_STICK. i see if i equip with that they shot with blaster rifle. . . for
  22. Hello, i am working about a map and tryinto into the game, with open jk engine, i have this crash error. someone can told me why that's happened? i have GTK radiant 1.5.0 yesterday not load to me some textures so i have reset default preference settings. maybe is for that, or maybe is because i am working as "custom JA modification" and not as Jedi academy Singleplayer map? thanks for every answers.
  23. I have elemental shader for earth, water, electric, fire, frozen, foggy, dark and light shield for my mod. Here's the shader parameters. (however, yu need good sprites quality textures )
  24. Aaawww thanks so mech! is terrible to add a new force power on the game, so the better way is to customize code of existings powerrs, so the protects of the vsampires can be really scarry to see, and the portect of humans or sarafan warrior can be somethjing like a sacred aura. thanks so much!!! Okay, if yu make some test about that in your mod and you have more suggestion i am glad to learn by you. altering effects is one of my first code attempts for my mod.
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