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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. Ahahaha WOW! is like the combat of my mod! D: can you pass me the pk3 when you end? i wanna see what you've done.
  2. Yes, forgive my idea. i was thinking about @@minilogoguy18 post about the other engine's simple collider meshes. i was thinking about some plug in allow gtk radiant to have the same addons. :\ .
  3. Mmm and a plug in that add on radiant function the possibility of generate simple shaped brushes of various coliding forms of all kind of prism, sphere, emisphere, cone, cylinder, patch and polygon? so need just to be scaled and matched to the models.
  4. Should be a good idea and mount e blade models and building have also the colliders already ready (thanks @zefilus for the mount&blade idea... really useful D: ) BUT... as wonko told... eh eh... the collider are simple, but need however to be triangulized >_> so they however make a lot of structural junks into the map. should be better of MD3 models, but they make however too much structural things... sigh. JKA engine is really limitated on this point... okay okay, manually clipping forever ._. Well, you gave me another idea, maybe for future: if some release of gtk radiant can contain some function about the auto generatig a simple clip system of collision for the misc_models entities. it's possible to write some kind of plug in for gtk radiant 1.5.0 and 1.6.0 about this?
  5. Oh, craps :\ pity, that's is really frustrating . Thanks for answer.
  6. i was thinking a solution about this... when you place and MD3 models into map, you need to manually building the colldier with brushes textured with system/physic_clip round the model. because using the solid spawnflag of model is not a good idea because engine generate a solid structural collider very complex and heavy for map and for engine itself. so... i was thinking about that... why not make on blender the models itself with also their collider boxes textured with md3shader "textures/system/physic_clip" or any other kind of clip shaders? so the model MD3 itself get is own collider, include with MD3 itself. during radiant compiling, engine read the shader of the physic clip and male solid the collider meshes. that was my idea. should be work? or the engine automatically avoid to clipping the misc_model entities?
  7. Amanzingrock'n'rollinstoningefjewojweojeojojw... @@Langerd D: really, superlative!
  8. Cool and Elegant! D:
  9. Amazing! D: can you pass me the model if you will go success? D: (sorry i am good for rig into 3d max, but not in blender :\ ) but with blender there is a plug in that can allow you to see the weights of the glm you import on it by JKA base assets models. @@Cerez sure could tell you more about it.
  10. I think is caused by the patches of the map. if they are too large (more big of some amount of map units) they give this error. :\ the unique way to fix is to edit the map structure and editing the incriminating patches make it more smallest. but this can change geometry. also, decompile a map is not a good idea because you lost all uvmapping of the texture and all light entities. :\
  11. Shoul be very cool a not letal weapon I suppose it could shoot into close range.... or maybe like a normal stun pistol?
  12. well, i suppose something like add to the weapon effect on the NPCs the code block relative at the Stunning effect of force telepathy mind trick level 1-2. for knockbacking the code related should be the force push code. a level 2-3 push should be sufficient. but that's require a coding work. and pity but my coding skill about weapons is again noobie skill,. i know just how to change effects by MOD or how to change sound and efx of force power by CLASS of the casters. (SP code). so i cannot help in that because i have not the necessary skils. i need again to learn how to add a new weapon to code, and i work on SP, not on MP. before i do that, i need to end a map i am working in these days.
  13. Pro: remove stun baton allow a new weapon slot for contain some new weapon in the code more efficiently. Contro: i agree about necessity of a stunning weapon not letal that dmg a lot the enemies and knockback it. instead of removing stun baton, i think is possible to replace with some shooting stunning \ freezing weapon, or with a knockbacking stun baton... shoul be interessing a weapon that not shooting (maybe shoot with alt fire, with first fire only do swing and beats) generatic a magnetic force field that deflect the blaster and knockback opponent when the jedi is unarmed. so my idea is: improved stun baton: fire: a "shot" create a magnetic field around player of 0.5 second (or just torward player) this magnetic field knockback enemies that can touch it and deflect blaster shoots. damage of sabers and explosive weapons are reduced by 50% if the shield is casted during hit \ impact. altfire: shoot a projectile like demp2 altcharge... its explosion does a lower health damage. enemies are stagged on ground for one second, or stop to shoot, or are knockbacked. this shot require a large time of recharge. need a lot of code work, but can really be a wonderful weapon with this edits. also, with that, saber is not more the only defensive weapon because also stun baton can protect by shoots. so, i am too for improving, not for removing.
  14. set npc on BS_CINEMATIC state checking the apposite cinematic spawnflag box and he not run anyway. or clip it. there is no other solution, except scripting.
  15. @@Scerendo : is possible to make the NPC of secura more tall with scalex scaley scalez paramaters into NPc file.
  16. Well almost is unarmed. use the spawnflag 64 on the entity property on radiant. should setting the NPC in BS_CINEMATIC mod in BS_CINEMATIC npc cannot run and not use AI. if this not work there is a only way: scripting... or clipping the NPC how i told you. There is a waypoint net near NPC? you are doing this for MP or SP?
  17. Ah yes, i understood, i maked a level of my mod with monster of different scales (and power and status, more little, more weak, more big, more stronger XD ) with spawnscript and massive scripting. it was too funny. try this as start button code of the level by a menu: itemDef { name buttonname type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 394 440 200 24 text "Buttontext" font 2 forecolor 1 1 1 1 textscale .7 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 200 textaligny -1 visible 1 mouseEnter { } mouseExit { } action { uiScript "characterchanged" uiScript "resetcharacterlistboxes" setcvar g_char_model "Tiny" setcvar g_char_skin_head "head_a1" setcvar g_char_skin_torso "torso_a1" setcvar g_char_skin_legs "lower_a1" setcvar g_char_color_red "255" setcvar g_char_color_green "255" setcvar g_char_color_blue "255" setcvar sex "f" setcvar g_saber "(the saber of the twilek jedi name)" setcvar g_saber_color "(the sabercolor of your twilek" snd "Name of sound/chars/twileksoundfolder: example: aayla, alora, asajj, etc. " uiScript "updatecharcvars" close all uiScript startmap mapname exec "helpusobi 1" exec "wait 30" exec "playermodel Tiny" } } that's should avoid also the savegame scaling\ character issue told by mrwonko
  18. Yes, pretty easy @@MagSul add the following line into the cvar option of the button that activate the level when clicked, into the previous menu that start the level: playermodel tiny wait 10 map "namelevel" and make an NPC file called tiny when the playermodel is "playermodel player" with a scale 90 or any value you desire. you want to make the tales of a giant jedi or a little ant?
  19. Ah no problem. i suppose you ever make Multiplayers map, they not need scripting, except for interactive stuff and brushes, because rarely they got NPCs. script instead are necessary for SP game, and i am more expert on SP then in MP. try with CLASS_PRISONER, WP_NONE and TEAM_NEUTRAL Into npc file. you get a passive unarmed npc, but you cannot have a static invincible NPC... the unique idea i have is you put your npc in some isolated room with glasses \ jail \ walls, or you build around NPC entity an hollow physic clip box that isolated NPC by the rest of map and avoid every shooting \ interacting with it. using a NPC_spawner entity and enable the "cinematic" spawnflag, so NPC should be passive. on entity npc with N key you can put an health value of 10000 or something like that for making "invincible..." or really strong to die... the other way is that you clipping outside Npc with system/Clip, (avoid player touch npc, but shoot can pass) and putting a trigger_hurt inside this boss with negative value of damage. there is a way for make a trigger_hurt that not hurt, but restoring health of every entities they touch it or are inside it. think about this.
  20. Look, man, i told you what you need for got an invincible NPC. about the fact the NPC bring the e11 rifle, this is normal. some class using however the blaster as weapon, also if you put on it WP_NONE. is better if you set the NPC as CLASS_PRISONER, instead of CLASS_GLIDER, is not a good class for disarmed NPC. about the setting of invincibility, neutrality etc, you can set on npc file PLAYER_TEAM and ENEMY_TEAM to TEAM_NEUTRAL or to TEAM_NONE, but if it not work you need to use Icarus. is nothing of complicated. because icarus and the map are interactive each other. simply you need to download icarus by SDK tool of JKA , the program is very use friendly and need simply to make these: 1 - on NPC propriety (N Key) , make a key spawnscript as value the path of the icarus script "example: yourmap\unarmed" 2 -now with icarus you can make the file "unarmed.txt" and you save into the folder scripts/yourmap/ 3 - now simply add these parameter clicking on the blue set string. - SET_INVINCIBLE, true, - SET_BEHAVOUR_STATE BS_CINEMATIC. - SET_IGNOREENEMIES, true, - SET_IGNOREPAIN, true. that's all build the script and this make you an IBI file, now the character is read. if TEAM_NEUTRAL not work you need to make this. there no other solutions. for disarm the NPC, simply add "weapon WP_NONE" into NPC file after you changed class to CLASS_PRISONER
  21. also with icarus add SET_BEHAVOUR_STATE, BS_CINEMATIC. this disable his AI. SET_IGNOREENEMIES avoid he go to anger or flee when see the player or enemies, and SET_IGNOREPAIN avoid pain animations. you can also yse SET_EARSHOT and SET_VISRANGE for change the range of his sight and earshot.
  22. yes, i did the same question to myself in past. but need coding, sorry :\ some istruction that can be storage in g_combat.cpp i suppose, something like "if client blablabla hitted & client using taunt... stop taunt using pain voice... well, the concept is this i suppose need to be done in g_combat.cpp Edit: i have not found again the line of taunts speech on code, but i found on g_combat.cpp something about victory states. is the code part that define that npc is gloating when parry a shot with saber. need time to find the correct string. and also if i find, i not know how to edit for making this working. :\
  23. tag_blade1, define orientation of saber and also origin of BladeEffect spawned by SAB file. be careful making the blade effect: set the count of particles ONLY to 1, 1. blade effecvt is spawned to each frame of game, so with 1, 1 count you get 60 primitive for second. PS: i mean this about Bladeffect: into effectEd, into the two count field, put for every primitive you use for efx the value 1 , and 1, into count value. you get so 60 sprites for second when saber is turned on. a higher value can create trouble: 1 - massive blade efx can be nasty and burn the eye of player. that's is vaid also for the effect of the fx_runner entities. for hitpersoneffect, blockeffect and hitothereffect, they are spawned only when they hit an enemy, a func_brekable, a wall, or when a swing is parried, so the count of the sprites can be highter... but i warning you however to avoid value > of 10. 2 - too maxive effect can give you error like SHADER_MAX_INDEXES hit. also, the engine masks the maxive efx particles when they are too hight and they are not fine showed ingame.
  24. Convert external data in map file is pretty difficult. you need to use an old version of blender, 2.48 if i remember fine, and the map expoerter. map structure can be huge, complex and with much deformation. :\ is a way that not ever works. in every case, after, you need to retexture manually in gtk radiant all skyscrapers faces. Also, you obtain a sctrutural map and time of building this are veeery long. and you need to decompile a map and to merege skyscrapes into the map you wanna edit. but in bsp decompilation you lost all light information and all texture uvmapping.
  25. Well, you Know, Desann think that corellian ale is too weak, and Rosh... Rosh is Rosh!
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