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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. What you exactly need to do with interactive scripts? you can use the "declaire" on icarus for set a function name, the set parameter for assign to declaired function a temp value. and you can make an if \ else brank cycle for changing is value at second of some conditions. if you want an example of that, check the scripts of t1_danger map about the rescue of part of device for repair ship transport and leave planet of sand creature. the Objective completed and some events that remove or place the MD3 files of device part you take are setted with declaire, set, if and else function. they are not cvars, but with that system i make the following thing: - there is a tomb with a wraith ghost, there are 5 souls into the tomb. every souls is usable.at start of level, is declared a value souleated. souleated are setted as 0 for every soul the reaver eating (taking the souls and using with use function - i make usables trigger_onces) any soul trigger the same script. into the script are setted that parameter: - play sound of soul devoured. - remove soul efx. - add to souleated value +1 - unlock for player a force power. - add 20 health to player. so, when player eat 2 soul, he get more jump abilities. with 3 souls the push abilities, with 5 souls he unlock the saber and is used a force field that deny to player to leave the room. works like a charm. but is not a cvars function . but if you need, you can use also the declaire, set and if \ else functions for making storable values. @@Dusty a lot of everything, but i am not an expert of any thing i am not nice in coding like eezstreet, and i am not nice as mapper as szico. my competence i think can be the "general modding" without any specified field. the more good things i am good to do are the rigging of models, the frankensteining (but on 3d max, not on blender) a lot of reskinning and audio file manipulations. .
  2. Originally i maked this conversion for help a friend to make a fangames into unity3d, because make animation for few persons was too expensive and long, we choose to use JKA animation into FBX format. and so i convert all animation of JKA + a special version of skeleton with bones parented to shapes. in that version of JKA skeleton the shapes of the animation make the movement into unity3d, and they moves the bones, that deform the rigged faces of models. we have tested all stuff into unity3d and that work perfectly. no deformation and no errors, so i think i exported the skeleton in the correcty way. i downoloaded my old file and i importing into my 3d max the FBX file. also i ever merged the JA original skeleton to the fbx imorted skeleton and they match pretty wells. the unique issue i see are the tags. they are a little offsets in they position >_> mmm, maybe is better if use your skeleton. strange. on unity 3d all worked fines ... maybe he can have some tag problems. i am not sure. o.o Checked options of exporting: i have making a standard exporting without any specific setting about axis,. also my exported not contain any option about the setting of axises. Here a pic of my fbx exporting: http://postimg.org/image/p3zf9p38d/
  3. for playermodel and skin is easy: 1 make the info_player_start when you start a level 2 make a trigger_once around info_player_start with playeronly spawnflag 3: make a script runned by trigger_once with usescript command into trigger_once or with a target_scriptrunner fired by trigger_once. into Icarus script make a script file called "Intro " that run at the start of level you can set this: SET_PLAYERMODEL "ahsoka" SET_SKIN "models/players/ahsoka/model_blue.skin" and buld the script in IBI file. put into scripts folder in a subfolder with name of map. for run the script use the command on trigger_once or target_scriptrunner key Usescript value "mapname/intro" no code hacking required. the unique issue is if you make too much custom playermodel and skin changes into the level the savegames should crash. :\
  4. Yes, now they are more... jediful ^^ Nice mod.
  5. Well, on blender follow the frankenseteining tutorial. on 3d max you need to import the glm of the character you want take the head, delete the body except is head, head_ parts and head_cap_torso_off, move the head upon the body of the character you want to replace the head. the more difficult part is to suturate the vertexes of the nek of body with the vertexes of nek of the head and making the reskin of the skin of body for match with nek skin color of the new head. after that... rigging and build glm.
  6. Yes, you need to make a batch process into your gtk radiant folder, put into radiant the bsp map and put this parameter on batch process: q3map2 -game ja -convert -format map yourmap.bsp you get a map file with yourmap_converted name. but as told ramikad... if is for personal use of for learn how mapping is okay. the edited map cannot be shared on jkhub because should be a stoling of another mapper works, withouts the permission of the original author. and you need to pay a big price. - the map lost all light entities stored. >.< so you need to re-light manually is a LONG work. - all texture lost their alignment you need to fill and realign all texture with surface ispector of map. - a certain number of brush be broken and into the game you see it invisible, you cannot see the broken brushes into radiant and you can fix this only if you rebuild the brush or if you make this brushes detailed. so is not much recomandet. is possible build a map into blender and export it as a map file into radiant... but it loose every texture and need to be retextured. is possible build a map into blender and split the building into big MD3 models and export as md3. but you need to follow a procedure for tell to engine every texture shader info of every brushes. in every case, is a hellish work. >.< is not possible to edit the BSP file directly. :\ this is a very good suggest should be work. but i not know if works also for triggers and doors and scriptable objects. never done.
  7. Good luck contact me if you got some issue. but shoul be work.
  8. Try to put into pk3 an edited version of gfx files that contain wake shaders. edit the wake shader field. PS:after you extract by JKA you need to uncheack the file about "only reading" in this properties, or you cannot edit the text.
  9. @@battle111 some years ago i have upload all animation of JKA, except someone, + the JKA skeleton into FBX format. i hope you can import the skeleton into maya for your jobs Download: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1739-jka-animation-fbx-format/
  10. Pretty interessing. but it's strange they allowed first person on thermal, tripmine and detpack. they have solved this problem making the _hand.md3 model for this weapons. all visible as hand is a gauntlet. also if jedi char of jaden korr have not a gauntlet. O.O
  11. Wonderful can be used for amazing fight against invisibles shooting NPCs, that player can revealing only with force sight, mirror and watching the shadows. No wait... force sight working for reveal a "VAMPIRE" npc? O.o
  12. Smart observation D: Ehi Number... the Npc affected by this script can be wounded and killed or is in not solid status like the SET_INVISIBLE ?
  13. Oh thanks! i am ever asked how raven did that on final fight of JO
  14. Nice request. i was ever curios of why the first person is disabled with lightsaber. personally i play ever on third person. because with first person i not see where i jump exactly XD. but first person is very nice for using shooting weapons.
  15. Another strange command is SET_VAMPIRE . is broken also that? O.o
  16. Okay, understood. send me the OBJ, the MTL file and the textures when you are ready.
  17. I have no words... it's wonderful D: thanks Cerez, really! :3 Yes, i can import OBJ without problem, but maybe is better if you pass me on Private Message also the .blend project when you end uvmapping and textures. so i can convert into MD3 and if i have problems i will tell to you. when models is Okay i make a PK3 and i upload on JKHUD if you want. i think this work is very good and can be shared to all community can be useful for fantasy, temples or darkest maps. Edit, for my blender the import format more workable is the .3ds i can works fine with 3ds and obj, but is better the .blend file itself with the project and the textures. i use blender 2.64 for build the md3.
  18. yes understood. this map need a reboot.
  19. mmm Why losting hope? maybe some mapper of Jkhub can take the challenge, raise this map and continue the work. D:
  20. UYes, pretty nice!! D: is exactly how i desire. thanks! :3 Remember only two technical thing about MD3 models. 1: not make a mesh with more of 1000 vertexes, if you overcap this limit, split the model into more meshes. 2: when you end to modelling the model, select all meshes and go to edit mode and press CTRL + T this convert the square faces into triangles. squared faces are not supported by md3view and jka : \ Thanks very much however, it's really cute. :3 i cannot wait to see the textured versions should be really scarry XD
  21. I did it. When i end my actual map works i want to try to add a new weapon on SP. your tutorial will be very useful for understand how tell to code what i desire, and for avoid the crushing or bad syntaxis.
  22. Aaah yes, this map... i played some years ago... and when i start i was excited... after 2 minutes i see a map small, little, with very few roooms. and so happyness become delusion XD.
  23. Good luck! watch a New Hope and study the Death Star architecture.
  24. with two nices CW anakin and obi wan model and a good mapping work can be a begin for some clone wars SP mod adventures when player can play the tree different characters. @@Cerez
  25. It's really nice. the imperial spirit is into your map. keep the work man! i agree about prefab idea and also with @@Langerd review of JKO atmospheres. but i suspecte that in Kejim... was the first map of JKO . i think that mappers of ravens will again taking confidence with GTK Radiant programs Yes, the dreadnought of byss was cutie, but i breah more the darkest imperial air into the cairn and the doomgiver levels. i loved the part when kyle need to pass avoiding imperial detecting him and giving alarms. is really a gameplay like metal gear solid XD. "i am Kyle "Snake" Katarn, at your service!"
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