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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. weapon switching fixed. but it crash when it try to return by last weapon selectable and equiped to the lightsaber or, by lightsaber to last weapons equiped. for the rest is fine. i will need to works a lot more on this. and to make the code of other SP weapons. lol. (that's is the hardest part o.o ) for the moment i can switch all weapons into HUD and i added into code/ weapons.h the entry of the new 4 weapons. typedef enum //# weapon_e { WP_NONE, // Player weapons WP_SABER, // player and NPC weapon WP_BLASTER_PISTOL, // player and NPC weapon WP_BLASTER, // player and NPC weapon WP_DISRUPTOR, // player and NPC weapon WP_BOWCASTER, // NPC weapon - player can pick this up, but never starts with them WP_REPEATER, // NPC weapon - player can pick this up, but never starts with them WP_DEMP2, // NPC weapon - player can pick this up, but never starts with them WP_FLECHETTE, // NPC weapon - player can pick this up, but never starts with them WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER, // NPC weapon - player can pick this up, but never starts with them WP_THERMAL, // player and NPC weapon WP_TRIP_MINE, // NPC weapon - player can pick this up, but never starts with them WP_DET_PACK, // NPC weapon - player can pick this up, but never starts with them WP_CONCUSSION, // NPC weapon - player can pick this up, but never starts with them //extras WP_MELEE, // player and NPC weapon - Any ol' melee attack //when in atst WP_ATST_MAIN, WP_ATST_SIDE, // These can never be gotten directly by the player WP_STUN_BATON, // stupid weapon, should remove //NPC weapons WP_BRYAR_PISTOL, // NPC weapon - player can pick this up, but never starts with them WP_EMPLACED_GUN, WP_BOT_LASER, // Probe droid - Laser blast WP_TURRET, // turret guns WP_TIE_FIGHTER, WP_RAPID_FIRE_CONC, WP_JAWA, WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE, WP_TUSKEN_STAFF, WP_SCEPTER, WP_NOGHRI_STICK, WP_BLOODGUN, WP_CANNON, WP_SONIC, WP_POISON, //# #eol WP_NUM_WEAPONS also, i edited the MAX_WEAPONS parameter into common/q_shared by 28 to 32.
  2. there is some error in datapad code scroll up. i am fixing.
  3. I used mp code for learning because tutorials and examples are only for MP code but my very desire is to create weapons on SP. otherwise, today i have edited the HUD part of switching weapons. i edited the code part of give all cheat for allow player to get ALL weapons of SP, not only the player weapons. also, i have edited the functions of previous and next weapons (and relative datapad functions) for allow player to use it. this is the edited code part in cg_weapons.cpp /* =============== CG_NextWeapon_f =============== */ void CG_NextWeapon_f( void ) { int i; int original; if ( !cg.snap ) { return; } /* if ( cg.snap->ps.pm_flags & PMF_FOLLOW ) { return; } */ if( g_entities[0].flags & FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS ) { CG_PlayerLockedWeaponSpeech( qfalse ); return; } if( g_entities[0].client && g_entities[0].client->NPC_class == CLASS_ATST ) { CG_ToggleATSTWeapon(); return; } if ( cg.snap->ps.eFlags & EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON ) { // can't do any sort of weapon switching when in the emplaced gun return; } if ( cg.snap->ps.viewEntity ) { // yeah, probably need a better check here if ( g_entities[cg.snap->ps.viewEntity].client && ( g_entities[cg.snap->ps.viewEntity].client->NPC_class == CLASS_R5D2 || g_entities[cg.snap->ps.viewEntity].client->NPC_class == CLASS_R2D2 || g_entities[cg.snap->ps.viewEntity].client->NPC_class == CLASS_MOUSE )) { return; } } original = cg.weaponSelect; int firstWeapon = FIRST_WEAPON; if (G_IsRidingVehicle(&g_entities[cg.snap->ps.viewEntity])) { firstWeapon = 0; // include WP_NONE here } for ( i = 0 ; i <= MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS ; i++ ) { //*SIGH*... Hack to put concussion rifle before rocketlauncher if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_FLECHETTE ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_CONCUSSION; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_CONCUSSION ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_DET_PACK ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_MELEE; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_MELEE ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_BRYAR_PISTOL ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_ATST_MAIN; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_ATST_MAIN ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_ATST_SIDE; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_ATST_SIDE ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_TUSKEN_STAFF; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_TUSKEN_STAFF ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_BLOODGUN; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_BLOODGUN ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_CANNON; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_CANNON ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_SONIC; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_SONIC ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_POISON; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_POISON ) { cg.weaponSelect = firstWeapon; } else { cg.weaponSelect++; } if ( cg.weaponSelect < firstWeapon || cg.weaponSelect > MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS) { cg.weaponSelect = firstWeapon; } if ( CG_WeaponSelectable( cg.weaponSelect, original, qfalse ) ) { // cg.weaponSelectTime = cg.time; SetWeaponSelectTime(); return; } } cg.weaponSelect = original; } /* =============== CG_DPNextWeapon_f =============== */ void CG_DPNextWeapon_f( void ) { int i; int original; if ( !cg.snap ) { return; } /* if ( cg.snap->ps.pm_flags & PMF_FOLLOW ) { return; } */ original = cg.DataPadWeaponSelect; for ( i = 0 ; i <= MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS ; i++ ) { //*SIGH*... Hack to put concussion rifle before rocketlauncher if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_FLECHETTE ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_CONCUSSION; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_CONCUSSION ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_DET_PACK ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_MELEE; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_MELEE ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_BRYAR_PISTOL ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_ATST_MAIN; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_ATST_MAIN ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_ATST_SIDE; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_ATST_SIDE ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_TUSKEN_STAFF; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_TUSKEN_STAFF ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_BLOODGUN; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_BLOODGUN ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_CANNON; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_CANNON ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_SONIC; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_SONIC ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_POISON; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_POISON ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = FIRST_WEAPON; } else { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect++; } if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect < FIRST_WEAPON || cg.DataPadWeaponSelect > MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = FIRST_WEAPON; } if ( CG_WeaponSelectable( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect, original, qtrue ) ) { return; } } cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = original; } /* =============== CG_DPPrevWeapon_f =============== */ void CG_DPPrevWeapon_f( void ) { int i; int original; if ( !cg.snap ) { return; } /* if ( cg.snap->ps.pm_flags & PMF_FOLLOW ) { return; } */ original = cg.DataPadWeaponSelect; for ( i = 0 ; i <= MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS ; i++ ) { //*SIGH*... Hack to put concussion rifle before rocketlauncher if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_CONCUSSION; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_CONCUSSION ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_FLECHETTE; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_MELEE ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_DET_PACK; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_BRYAR_PISTOL ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_MELEE; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_ATST_MAIN ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_ATST_SIDE ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_ATST_MAIN; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_ATST_SIDE; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_TUSKEN_STAFF ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_BLOODGUN ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_TUSKEN_STAFF; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_CANNON ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_BLOODGUN; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_SONIC ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_CANNON; } else if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect == WP_POISON ) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = WP_SONIC; } else { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect--; } if ( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect < FIRST_WEAPON || cg.DataPadWeaponSelect > MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS) { cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS; } if ( CG_WeaponSelectable( cg.DataPadWeaponSelect, original, qtrue ) ) { return; } } cg.DataPadWeaponSelect = original; } /* =============== CG_PrevWeapon_f =============== */ void CG_PrevWeapon_f( void ) { int i; int original; if ( !cg.snap ) { return; } /* if ( cg.snap->ps.pm_flags & PMF_FOLLOW ) { return; } */ if( g_entities[0].flags & FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS ) { CG_PlayerLockedWeaponSpeech( qfalse ); return; } if( g_entities[0].client && g_entities[0].client->NPC_class == CLASS_ATST ) { CG_ToggleATSTWeapon(); return; } if ( cg.snap->ps.eFlags & EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON ) { // can't do any sort of weapon switching when in the emplaced gun return; } if ( cg.snap->ps.viewEntity ) { // yeah, probably need a better check here if ( g_entities[cg.snap->ps.viewEntity].client && ( g_entities[cg.snap->ps.viewEntity].client->NPC_class == CLASS_R5D2 || g_entities[cg.snap->ps.viewEntity].client->NPC_class == CLASS_R2D2 || g_entities[cg.snap->ps.viewEntity].client->NPC_class == CLASS_MOUSE )) { return; } } original = cg.weaponSelect; int firstWeapon = FIRST_WEAPON; if (G_IsRidingVehicle(&g_entities[cg.snap->ps.viewEntity])) { firstWeapon = 0; // include WP_NONE here } for ( i = 0 ; i <= MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS ; i++ ) { //*SIGH*... Hack to put concussion rifle before rocketlauncher if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_CONCUSSION; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_CONCUSSION ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_FLECHETTE; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_MELEE ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_DET_PACK; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_BRYAR_PISTOL ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_MELEE; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_ATST_MAIN ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_ATST_SIDE ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_ATST_MAIN; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_ATST_SIDE; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_TUSKEN_STAFF ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_TUSKEN_RIFLE; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_BLOODGUN ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_TUSKEN_STAFF; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_CANNON ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_BLOODGUN; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_SONIC ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_CANNON; } else if ( cg.weaponSelect == WP_POISON ) { cg.weaponSelect = WP_SONIC; } else { cg.weaponSelect--; } if ( cg.weaponSelect < firstWeapon || cg.weaponSelect > MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS) { cg.weaponSelect = MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS; } if ( CG_WeaponSelectable( cg.weaponSelect, original, qfalse ) ) { SetWeaponSelectTime(); // cg.weaponSelectTime = cg.time; return; } } cg.weaponSelect = original; } works like a charm! i havent' put the noghri stick because it crash. some note about weapons: - Weapon Atst_Side: efx are not displayed and it not make damage shooted by player, so i think i will removed it. - Weapon Tusken_staff : working good but player cannot dmg NPCs with tusken staff, so i think i will remove also it by usable weapons. - i will add the stun baton, instead. - the new weapons: WP_BLOODGUN (act exactly like a bryar pistol) is not again coded so when i switch to this the map crash and show me the message of edit items.dat file because bloodgun have a missing item. weapons cannon, sonic, poison: they against not works. (obvious, i not again coded it.) switch this 3 weapon immediatly crash the game. well, otherwise know i am in condition to test the weapons my next step is to remove unuseful weapon like atst_side and tusken_staff by player use, add the stun baton (not sure about noghri stick? it crash if used by player right? so is not a good idea add it on give all cheat...) at this poin i will start to coding the WP_bloodgun.
  4. so game folder create the openjk_sp.x86 and cgame create the ja.dll of single player. understood i need to put the dll into a pk3 file inside the mod. thanks.
  5. so, what i put in cgame code files, i need to put also in game folder's files code? cgame -> client server folder . (specific player settings.) game -> server folder (global game settings) well, is a good begin. if i will got success to add a functionally weapon in SP i hope to write some tutorial about the procedure. for moment, i am again learning. thanks @@ent
  6. I have tryed to edit this files with this example: https://github.com/srcanseco/JKCup/commit/4721050089fb9b1bc43fcd44a3fa86659912ee2d i have not obtained much success, so i ask a little help and suggest about code weapon. sorry for disturb, and thanks for every answer. what i simply want to know is: on SP the information stored on this files, in which files are allocated? i wanna know exactly what points of the code i need to edit for making a new working weapon slot into single player, for player and for NPCs. i not want a complete guide about it because i want to learn to myself, i need just some hints about the code parts i need to edit. thanks to all.
  7. yes, i am trying to doing exactly something like this. i simply want to clone into new four weapons the flechette, the bryar pistol, the concussion and the demp2. i am starting with bryar because i think is the more easy to understand, but i at cause of difference by SP and MP code, i am not much sure about the part of code i need to edit, also for allow NPCs to equip the weapon and for allow player to obtain the weapon by npc deads or with the code "give all" my trouble is simply this. also on Multiplayer, also if have replied exactly the code staff of burst repeater linked up into the thread (but the related code of bryar pistol, not of repeater) and the eezstreet tutorial, new weapon not working :\ if you have done some weapon for SP code, @@DT85 you can tell me which files of SP code i need to edit respect to MP? where are the main difference? example: weapon definition in multiplayer is in BG_weapons.h in single player the equivalent code is in weapons.h. is this kind of thing that is stunning me. :\
  8. i tryed this: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/133-make-any-weapon-usable-from-a-swoop-mpsp/ works pretty well on MP, but also if i added ad entry for new weapon player not use it. instead, on SP not work (but i suppose is okay: new weapon is not again coded on SP) :\ maybe switch weapon function is the key. qboolean PM_WeaponOkOnVehicle( int weapon ) { //FIXME: check g_vehicleInfo for our vehicle? switch ( weapon ) { //case WP_NONE: case WP_MELEE: case WP_SABER: case WP_BRYAR_PISTOL: case WP_BLASTER: case WP_DISRUPTOR: case WP_BOWCASTER: case WP_REPEATER: case WP_DEMP2: case WP_FLECHETTE: case WP_CONCUSSION: case WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: case WP_THERMAL: case WP_TRIP_MINE: case WP_DET_PACK: case WP_BLOODGUN: //case WP_THERMAL: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } works fine, but after the weapon detpack... ROTFL, also new weapon... model is not displayed and player launch detpack projectiles XD @@eezstreet @@ensiform @@ent @@Ramikad : please, someone can give me a little help? how can i add my new weapon as usable by player into MP code? and do you know where are stored this data into SP code? https://github.com/srcanseco/JKCup/commit/4721050089fb9b1bc43fcd44a3fa86659912ee2d
  9. solved after a lock on helpusobi 1 into the code... i see is allowed in the server of map loaded with devmap command. so i load with devmap mp/ctf1 for loading a map with cheats enabled and i set "give all" also i tryed "give weapon_bloodgun" but nothing... there is not the weapon into the weapon slide hud. shuold be before bryar pistol, instead there's not. so i cannot see and test it. years ago there was on filefront a MP mod called dark forces that add various Weapon to MP code. there is noone that have the source code of dark forces mod? really i desire to study it. found it http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Mods/Multiplayer/67030/
  10. Oh... And so how can i test my new weapon? D: sure i cannot put as a map item. also i cannot equip Bots with that... so i am forced to learn how this can work into Single player o.o it's not easy, many things are differents (only the fx_ file parts is pretty similar.) and there are a dozens of files of the code that should be edited for working a weapons. basically, if someone want help me a lot, i need simply to know where i can find into the SP code the equivalent of these functions, i mean, simply a list of the files i need to look for find this functions, nothing more. i want do this by my self, all what i am asking about coding part is just a little help about how to locate that parts of code and some suggest about how can i test the weapon with player and NPC in the SP game: https://github.com/srcanseco/JKCup/commit/4721050089fb9b1bc43fcd44a3fa86659912ee2d so my questions are two: 1 the testing problem: if i use "give all"player get: saber, blaster_pistol, disruptor, blaster, bowcaster, demp2, repeater, flechette, concussion, rocket launcher, thermal, tripmine and detpack. how can i put into SP code the function for add the new weapon to this list? so i can try and debug it? D: 2: location of code part related to weapons into SP. for example: bg_weapons.c weapons definitions, into SP are into weapons.h there is not the equivalent of cg_weaponinit.c (i suppose weapons.dat contain the information stored into bg_weapons.c )and i am a lot confused about the /quaked function o.o about MOD (mean of death) and efx and sound definition instead, i can manage it because i have already edited in past and i know a lot better this chunk of code. . my confusion is about how to insert a weapon into the weapon roll list selectable mnu of the player for try and debug it. o.o
  11. Hello to all! I am trying to learning how to add a new weapon into the game. because there isn't again a tutorial about add a weapon into single player, i decided to begin to learn that about the multiplayer. i have followed the @@eezstreet tutorial http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/131-how-to-create-a-new-weapon-mp/ here. very useful. useful also the @ burst repeater repository code. together, tutorial and that help me very much to understood the basic of this hard work. after an evening of strong coding work, i end all without any single error of building. also SP and MP game works fine... my new weapon is called "bloodgun" (WP_BLOODGUN). and act simply as another bryar \ blaster pistol. my issue is that: on SP game, i haven't again managed good how this stuff work because something are missing (some parameter are moved into weapons.dat) and some other stuff is not on the corrispondent MP files of the SP code. so find the correct part of the code to edit with SP is little hard. so i am trying the weapon on multiplayer in a solo match capture the flag. well. what is my problem? simply... i cannot use the cheats command "give all" or give weapon_bloodgun for try and use the weapon. D: so i really not know how can use it on multiplayer game. why that? because when i type devmapall consolle tell to me: "can't find map /*bsp" when i type helpusobi 1 it tell me "unknown command helpusobi 1" i am using the pure openjk.x86 multiplayer exe . so how can i see my new weapon? on SP server consolle commands works fine. thanks for any answer
  12. good idea. problem is not make the models of new weapons, problem is coding the new weapons on MP and SP client. :\ i think is time i learn something about how can i do it on SP. add a new weapon is a big ampunt of coding works. add stunning function on a weapons... well, i really not have idea about how is possible to make this. ._. but yes should be great a stunning \ freezing function.
  13. Without coding, you can do a scope working on alpha channel on png \ tga format, and working about shader files. the original texture used by engine for scope of tenloss repeater are into gfx/2d folder if instead you want to do a scope for all first person view of all weapons... sorry is not possible without coding. :\
  14. Well i have also a large amount of elemental sounds... D: they are not all ripped by games, many are sampled and remixed by me. i use goldwave and audacity some times. if you are interessed i can pass you the sound of my elemental shoots. for some magic sound you can look into neo dark ages mod. there is a lot of arcane sound because also NDA mod replace weapons with magic weapons.
  15. Oh, understood man. if you want efx i can pass my mod gfx source folder + my effects folder with efx file. maybe there is something of useful that you can use. (i have a LARGE amount of magical efx of every kind of weapon and element, if you are interessed) However... so, green shoots is some kind of witch green fire? cool! D:
  16. Amazing @@Langerd!!! D: Really you have all my respect for this. i love these kind of mods! :3 About blaster pistol, concussion and merrsonn ... what about the darkness-death, holy-light and gale-wind element? bowcaster maybe can shoot acid \ poison element? (greens projectile.) can be an cool magic version of noghri stick
  17. hello to all and sorry for disturb... i was building with carcass my last model of monster and i get this lod error... how can i resolve it without ruin the model and redo all rig >.<? and how can i solve it, in general? any one know? :\ (i am ever worked with LOD 0 model, i see only now that this model have many of LOD 0... how can i fix it? D: ) i use 3d studio max for rigging, not blender. D: i hope anyone know something about that. Roftl i fix it... XD i simply renamed the incriminated mesh. (example claw_1 turn into claw1) i forgot that assimilate read as others LOD mesh with sufix _(number). problem fixed. now all model is in LOD 0
  18. Congratulations!!!
  19. I am reading just now. i am very sad about this. i know JKHUB only by two years, but i never found a community so special and useful about JKA modding and gaming, and about star wars saga. Peoples are very kind here. Thanks Circa and SiLink for all your work. i hope you get every kind of beauty things by your futures. And sorry for my bad english :\ I also hope this community can continue to live again for more, more , more time. if JKHUB will close, or fail, sure will be a shock, also for me :\ You are big, guys! keep it up!
  20. Unfortunely almost 75% of JKA things can be changed only with coding. Hud is one of these. : \
  21. oh, @@Langerd about the freezing function, i guess should better to make a slowing function about the repeater shoots. the alt fire explosion can make a frosting of enemy (enemy can move slowly, but cannot shoot or attack) about paralysis i think is better to make with some explosive weapon, maybe like detpack. making paralysis \ freezing with repeater can be really excessive for balance of combat and gameplay. also, paralysis need to be code in particular way because cannot affected jedi or saberist classes (they should be only really slowed). that's because if you fight a boss, you freeze and you take down..... mmm too easy. it's like cheatting. and is not balanced as combat. however, that's need really a good coding work... or a good coder. :\
  22. Langerd... you... you are looping! D: Langerd! are you okay? XD however... Eeeeeh.. create a stunning \ freezing weapon is my dream but.... @@Serenity937 did a code about some mod of a freezing frost detpack ... but i am not enough skilled for understand this code and implement it into SP game for another weapon. so sorry i cannot help on that at moment.
  23. Oh, my @@Langerd you got the my idea, too. XD into my mod element are little different.... Saber: swords and reaver of nosgoth. blaster: fire balls. disruptor: a magic bow that shoot a ray of pure Light, deadly against vampires (saraphan archer weapon) demp2: spirit energy balls for raziel. they are the cinetic shoot of Spirit reaver. they make an huge amount of dmg, specially with AOE alt fire atk against ghosts, demons and corrupted creatures. dmg is very reduced on mortal creatures or humans or holy warriors. flechette: earth shoots. shoot a green stone projectile. the alt fire shot two explosive green stones. repeater: frost bolt like your,. the alt fire shot a frost explosive bolt that freeze an area- concussion: this slot is for necromancy spell. first fire shot a ball of necromantic energy that explode absorbing health. the alt fire is the spirith death spell of blood omen. (separate soul by body of enemy. istantly kill most of emeny. large mana consuming) rocket launcher: air bolt: shoot a sphere or wind that explode at impact with a violent knockback wave. not much damage, but big knockback thermal: an acid-toxic grenade. tripmine: sonic mine that explode with a sonic wave, stunning the vampires. detpacl:quake bomb, or an impaling thorn. XD blaster_pistol: this weapon shoot a ball of darkness. enemy hitted take a large amount of dmg if they are light elemental or light golems. dmg is more on humans, dmg is less on undeads and shadows. bowcaster: deadly light projectiles that bounce on the walls. deadly for vampires and creatures of darkness, low dmg with humans and mortal creatures. NPC WEAPONS: noghri_stick: shoot poisons gas shoots bryar pistol: not sure, some kind of alchemy cannon for kill vampires... wp_jawa: a sonic stunning projectiles. (i fixed and it work on my mod) atst_main: a big electrical shoot. atst_side: a demonic big fireball. alt fire is the deadly Elder God Energy burst Sphere of Defiance. emplaced gun: a green fire balls shoot for the hylden witch and wizards. NOTE: i edit the code for making class damaghe using the MOD functions of weapons, and i add custom mod function on WP_JAWA, WP_BRYAR and WP_BLASTER_PISTOL. also i changed they effect so the weapons have 3 different efx and elemental dmg type. on default JKA engine they use the same shooting effect and MOD function : \ pity i cannot add some freezing function of NPC hitted by flechette or repeater alt fire :\ . another thing i desire should be the possibility of change efx, sound and icon of a weapon when the element of this weapon get an upgrade. :\ but this really is not possible,. on SP weapons are only 32 and SP game using 28 weapons, is not possibole to add into the code all cloned weapons i need for making that. (every weapon should have two upgrade.)
  24. Oh, so the Langerd suspect was true... pity Thanks for the answer, however
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