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Everything posted by Asgarath83
Not worry , take your time. strange issue. D: i could understant if was caused by the l_arm meshes, but by a cap...mmm the cap lose UVmappings. :\ for lucky, cap Uvmapping can be easy to redone. The hierarchy is all good? i mean also the cap and tag hierarchy to the main meshes.
oh, i am sorry . not worry man. it's nothing. i understand you. also, i have a great respect of you. i confess i am not an expert of blender , and i use 3d max for editing and exporting model. for GLM i use the old method of exporting the XSI and building GLM with carcass. i never used lods, i admit, and i not know much of blender, because i use blender for MD3 objects. so, yes, i make a little mistake. my error. today i have not sleeping much, maybe i am lazy for this. well, between two hours i will go into Morpheus 's kingdom. my english is ... horrible. i know. because i not my mother language. and i have not a much lucky life. ('cause of heal and family trouble, i never ending the high school study) so i am sorry if my english is very irritant. english is not my mother language. i am italian. there are italians that write and talk english a thousand time better than me. many time i have difficult to remember or find in my mind the exactly word or syntax for tell what i wanna tell in english. so i write very horrorific grammatical accident. when i'am tired as today, this is also more evident. So not worry Wonko. also, i like your knowledge and dedition to work. also, i need to thank your for your useful MD3 exporter for blender 2.64. 3dmax not keep the textures of materials for MD3, so your plug in is my safe for making the misc_model of my mod. sometime i am little touchy. i admit touchyness is my worst flaw. i am sorry for this. so, peace, brother. i offer a pizza, okay? how do you want it? @@Ramikad so, they are used for LODs and when he export the GLM by blender the _0 sufix disappear? i not knew that. so i make this mistake. i am sorry. however, @@dark_apprentice ...really check the hierarchy of meshes of your model. i have the big suspect that the saber missing and the force bug is caused by this. if hierarchy is uncorrect, maybe force powers are spawned by model's origin. :\ about uvmapping. i never understand why blender make this strange issue, but this happened also to a my friend. she fix manually uvmapping every time this happen. some time, this is fixed rebooting blender. this happen with character models. this uvmapping bug is one of the reason i prefear working models on 3d max. Well i think i go to sleep. goodnight to alls, men.
Please, be respectul. i am just telling a suggest. isn't necessary to be offensive or destructive. nope, i am telling that in a model should be a mesh called hips, with childrens mesh l_leg, r_leg and torso. torso need a children mesh called head , l_arm and r_arm and r_arm and l_arm need children mesh called l_hand and r_hand. i ever thinked that that's name are necessary in every GLM models for have a working sabers \ force powers. is not it? years ago i rigged a model without this meshes with these names in this parenting, and and the model hasn't the use of the sabers,. sabers not works, models use, but not appear and not make damage. working only with shooting weapons. so i am not telling notsense, because this affermation is on a my personal experience. if hierarchy is not correct or mesh have not the correct name, sabers not working. why? i not know, i not know the code of GLM , but on myu modding experience happened that. . So is for LODs? i admit i never worked on LOD . well, i am sorry, but your answer was little hurting. the fact is that: with a wrong \ mesh names hierarchy saber not work. i think his model haven't a working saber for this issue.
oh my, all meshes got _0 as sufix... you need to remove it. engine expected names like l_arm, r_arm, head, torso etc. D:
Scripting a enemy character to change level upon death.
Asgarath83 replied to RevanKnight's topic in Modding Assistance
1 on target_level_change put targetname: end_level mapname ( value: the name of the map of next level On npc entities of the map use key deathscript value scriptfolder/scriptnamefile ) example : Key: deathscript value: mustafar\bossdeath name your script bossdeath and put on scripts/mustafar/ (mustafar is a subfolder of the scripts folder of your mod) on bossdeath script file, using Behaved, put use endlevel and build the ibi file. clicking Build button on icarus. done. -
Scripting a enemy character to change level upon death.
Asgarath83 replied to RevanKnight's topic in Modding Assistance
target_level_change as told Rramikad on deathscript, but you need also to make a fade in camera into the script for make the fading in black, if you want a fading. After this a "wait 200" for wait for 0.2 seconds, and "use **" ** is the targetname of the target_level_change entity. -
Tag issue: Are you sure the bolt_l_hand and bolt_r_hand tags are between thumbs and index of hands of models? also they are linked to l_hand \ r_hand meshes? @@dark_apprentice
Animations is the biggest trouble with this model
or your download the TFU animations mod for got the backhand pose and customize animation.cfg for your personal use and needs, or your make custom animations stances. :\
MP3 44100 hertz, mono for noises and voices, stereo for music.
Ahahhaha, i not call my cousin by years XD and she has husband and sons. so i have nephews XD there is no danger
Aw, sorry, english is not my mother language and my voice is not much good. Interesting project.
Ahahaha yes XD i did a little disaster with prefab copy paste XD.
i removed area portal... not fixed. really strange. the invisible room is a crossway between an hallway and 3 big rooms... before i adding the third big room, the area was okay. after this, become invisible. o.o @@Langerd i think i found the error. all walls of the incriminating area are duplicated XD.
Maybe i found... there was two bad area portal... in two facing doors of a near little room >_>
@@Langerd I have a little trouble on the map i am working. there is a room and a little hallway that in radiant are alls fine, but when i build the BSP and i try it in game, these rooms are completely invisible, exception for the patch surfaces. how can i fix it? o.o the rooms however are very solid. player can walk and run and jump on the floors, and walls clip and stop him. damn, i not know how to fix it >.<
There is no rush for this model. i think you need to wait until EP VII movie comes out to cinemas. so you can get a large amount of kylo ren scratchs for make a really nice model. trailers are insufficients to capture a character.
Playermodel - vertex limit (The best count..)
Asgarath83 replied to Langerd's topic in Modding Assistance
Oh, sorry for late Langerd. but i see mrwonko answer to you Yes, i know this trouble. happened when the model have a lot of thousand "ghost vertexes." i get this error on one of my models (a Vorador model) and i solve it locating the ghost vertexes and deleting it. are not much difficult to find. you should have some mesh with thousands of vertexes more of 1000. is the incriminating mesh, with a rapid rig you can locate the incriminate meshes. with 3d max you can easily fix this problem if you select all the meshes, go into edit mode, vertexes, you select all vertexes of the model and push into the "remove duplicate vertexes" button. that's function of 3d max istantly clean up the model of any unuseful vertex overflow : -
i think this model need a complete re-weight with the JK3 skeleton. :\
On filefront there was some nice wampa reskins, but no one was to hight detailed. i think is possible to make a better wampa model using the fur effect on paint shop pro on his textures.
Amazing job man D:
Aayla was one of my clone wars secondary jedi favourites. she loved kit fisto and she die tragically. i ever think of her like a kotor "mission vao" jedi version. XD mmmmm... i am too asking also for a normal JKA compatibility. i suggest to try to make the model little more atletic and tall. but for JKA engine is fine. i not think if is possible to fix the hips. i think the face need to more adjustment. great job however, keep it up. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090804024849/starwars/images/6/61/Aayla_TCW.png
JKA modding question: Using Autodesk Maya to edit models?
Asgarath83 replied to battle111's topic in Modding Assistance
Yes. they could be wrong file because should be an exporting issue about pivot coordinates of axes. understood. but i have not maya in any case, softimage too. so i cannot rig a model into maya for testing my FBX skeleton. :\ so i cannot know 100% if they works until someone not use for rig a test model, or check their correct axis alignment into softimage or maya. i haven't these programs. my exporter have not options about axises , because is an old fbx exporter. i working on the oldest max 5 version. so i hope really they works. depends all about is configured my exported for convert the axis orientations. :\ -
JKA modding question: Using Autodesk Maya to edit models?
Asgarath83 replied to battle111's topic in Modding Assistance
Oh, damn, i understood. i never used maya. i am a max \ blender user. pity. well, almos for unity my animation are fine. okay @@battle111 , sorry for my mistakes, not use my FBX, use their job sorry, i not knew that's issue of Yaxis offesetting of Maya and softimage. :S