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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. @Jashugan i cannot download it. give me "internal server error" damn, is NICE! >.< i want!
  2. Mmm, yes, good idea D: maybe that depend by code because this effect is not played by a projectile (the Death appear 2 times, one for a saber shockwave effect, one for a projectile effect explosion on alt_hit.efx of alt fire of a concussion variant) the problem of orientation is related to force power \ saber effect, not of concussion, that's Death.md3 is fine. appear in the correct position in front of enemy hitted by explosion, like she want to judge him or reclaim his life. so maybe is a code related problem specific of my force power customization, if is that, i can fix only with a model rotation. thanks, @@mrwonko effect orientation is setted by these code string however: G_PlayEffect( G_EffectIndex( "reavers/Deathimpact2.efx" ), self->client->renderInfo.handRPoint ); infact, shockwave effect is played by the right hand that hold the sword into the animation BOTH_VICTORY_STRONG... maybe in this specific case orientation of emitters not work fine... so it need a manual fix of the models. O.o .
  3. Hello, i have a MD3 model attacked to an efx file of shockwave explosion of a special saber attack. the effect is played by Kata move of a sab file, but can also be played by a force power with code. the problem is that the emitter of the efx file with the attacked model. i tryed to change orientation of emitter model with effectEd, but it never took the edit. i need to rotate the MD3 model about 90 degrees. some suggest? : \ this is the incriminated Primitive of the effect: Emitter { flags useModel spawnFlags orgOnSphere life 5000 origin 30 0 50 angle 90 -90 -90 90 90 -90 models [ gfx/misc/death2.md3 ] } Screenshot: https://postimg.org/image/e2fwfog3f/ i tryed every paramter of angle for the model but it not change the orientation in game of the model itself. how can i fix it? Yes, it's a necromantic attack. it spawn the Death for five seconds to reclaim the soul of victims hitted by sword's shockwave. pretty impressive and scarry. O.o But Death not spawn forward but below the effect center. and i need to fix that.
  4. As already told, No clip cheat man. D: i ever use for explore maps with complex path when i end ever to lost myself XD Oh, i remember this old map. I love it too. the temple with the two water \ lava path. is a pretty nice place, very dreamful. .
  5. I am not much expert in code part related to animations, i haved did some force power when NPC hitted by shockwave doing a certain animations but they get some bug (the saberist not ever do the animation if they are porting an attack) i have make the same thinkg with projectiles of same weapon. is possible to make a projectile that an enemy hitted get cower1 or sonicpain animation XD the bad is also that this happen to player and with this animation active player cannot attack LOL, it's a nice way of stunning. mmmm, i am off topic. back in thread... well, i have not played so much with JK2, also if he replace the skeleton the animation between two games are pretty different. i suppose i need to replace all _humanoid folder of JK3 with JK2 folder, this is the fastest way...mmm i am not sure that JK3 model can works fine, after that...if this not make some trouble with model compatibility the fastes way is this. if instead this cannot work the unique way is to get a custom skeleton animation (i not know how to make animation sorry) and changing on code the BOTH_ATTACK3 and WEAPONREADY etc animation related to two handed guns weapons to the JK2 animation. EDIT: sorry guys but it not works: also if i replace humanoid of JK3 with skeleton of JK2 .... all models are rigged with JK3 skeleton and so the weight appereance of the models is little... hilarous: and if you try to change playermodel or load NPC it crash showing a message about a mismatching with default stormtrooper model mmmm maybe i think the stormtrooper model is used by code as default test \ placeholder model for check rig and skeleton and animation. maybe is possible to pass around the crash replacing JK3 stormtrooper model with JK2 stormtrooper but also in that case... all JK3 model get JK3 rig soooo... not good. https://s8.postimg.org/jwwyfclzp/ROTFL.jpg it's so cutie XDDD ... if player should be a squid or a mollusk , maybe .-.
  6. I was wondering how can i change some weapon models (NOT sabers, but the shooting weapons, like blaster pistol) with code into SP client for adding more variety in the shooting weapons of my mod. example: we get two Enemies equiped with WP_BLASTER, if one is CLASS_STORMTROOPER get a weapon model, if instead is CLASS_JAN get another model. i know how to do that with visual effects of weapon shoots, but not with weapon models. some suggest? where i can find the SP code part that define the weaponmodels and attack the models to NPC right hands? I need also to overload the weapons.dat field about the weaponmodels? same question for animation, but about shooting and ready animations i have some half idea based on my SP weapon tutorial.
  7. Maybe it was a malformed brush. sometime happened. Can we see screenshot of confrontation? o.o Are you sure JKA is setted to HIgh resolution into the setup? maybe a .shader file can give a better look to the texture.
  8. mmm try to fix manually on radiant with the S key set to 1.0 the horizontal and vertical stretch. Before of do that make sure you had selected the face of the brush with the bad texture.
  9. Good point, check if the shader you use has not some strange tcmod scale parameter @@SkullCruncher
  10. Maybe is a stupid suggest but... no, i not think you have the snap grid enabled into properties. mmm... i never see a texture so nasty before that. how is possible can happen that? O_o what kind of map buildind and radiant version are you using? i can only think of some trouble with q3map2 building. Also, texture is applied on a brush or on a patch mesh? patches can be bad with texture alignment some times. >.<
  11. auto push rockets for player also shoulb be very funny into single player... i can image jaden with a cultist that pass hours playing baseball with a rocket XDDDD
  12. https://www.sendspace.com/file/9jjmza
  13. I think after lunch i will up and link to you some defiance track. but i have not dialogue because i have the italian version. otherwise, i have the pain sounds.
  14. if the model is not correctly capped and tagged, dismemberment can be really bad and weird to see. it's auto setted on humanoid models. On the Npc file of crystal guard, try to add these fields: dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 0 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 0 this should avoid any kind of dismemberment of every body parts. it's the % of possibiliets that the limb is cutted off.
  15. Asgarath83

    Wookiee Voices

    Funny D: i hope some cultist not lose his arms for that.
  16. the force explosion bubble is the force repulse of JAE.
  17. i think with BS_WALK AI of enemy is turned off, so he ignore and not attack and walk randomly throught nav grid of waypoints. you need to set an angerscript, or an awakescript, to the enemy, so when enemy see the player will attack it. on the angerscript or awakescript you can put this: SET_BEHAVOUR_STATE BS_DEFAULT SET_ENEMY, player By the way i use BS_WANDER instead of BS_WALK.
  18. And on my tutorial about adding new weapons into single player, there is a field that explain how edit Npc_stats.cpp for define the shooting rate of NPC with a weapons. you can use this also as example for change shooting rating of the default weapons, you need just to change into the code some numeric value. Edit. sorry, i have the memory of a red fish >.< you need to edit NPC_combat.cpp, not NPC_stats.cpp case WP_BLASTER_PISTOL: ent->NPC->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON; if ( ent->weaponModel[1] > 0 ) {//commando ent->NPC->aiFlags |= NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON; ent->NPC->burstMin = 4; ent->NPC->burstMax = 12; if ( g_spskill->integer == 0 ) ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 600;//attack debounce else if ( g_spskill->integer == 1 ) ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 400;//attack debounce else ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 250;//attack debounce } else if ( ent->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SABOTEUR ) { if ( g_spskill->integer == 0 ) ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 900;//attack debounce else if ( g_spskill->integer == 1 ) ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 600;//attack debounce else ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 400;//attack debounce } else { // ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 1000;//attackdebounce if ( g_spskill->integer == 0 ) ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 1000;//attack debounce else if ( g_spskill->integer == 1 ) ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 750;//attack debounce else ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 500;//attack debounce } break; here you can change the shoot spacing time of all weapons on SP client. this is an exaple how i edited that on my code.
  19. 1: icarus script: SET_SHOOT_SPACING and you set how many millisecond between two shoots. 2: coding: npc_stats.cpp there is a shoot burst switch that set how many time pass between two shoots.
  20. I also dislike that pretty much. :\ i had also found the code part that make this... thing, but now i not remeber exaclty where it was. i want to do a question: i do a mod that change effects of projectiles by CLASSES of the shooter. so example, CLASS_STORMTROOPER with BRYAR shoot a different visual and sound effect projectile respect at CLASS_IMPERIAL. some one can explain me why when a projectiles is pushed away with force push, or deflected with saber, it change all his visual effects istantly to the effect i setted on the CLASS of saberist's pusher i shoot?
  21. it's easily possible. is sufficient a specific SHADER file for a model that apply this rendering feature on the textures. you can do by yourself making a custom shader file. is possible to edit shader file open them with notepad.
  22. Without a specific code about that, is not possible to do other. the autododge function is specific for NPCs. also is not easy to works. i removed into SP code for my mod, and i was not easy, i get a big amount of crashes before fix the problem. the unique idea i have is to allow this function to be used also by CLASS_PLAYER and bosses classes. (so can work with platermodel cheat) however, this will make jaden really overpowered. i think the best way for making you happy is to add a consolle cheat command that allow to player to make what you desire. but i cannot attempt the request, sorry. :\
  23. You can Make a custom player NPC with CLASS_LUKE or CLASS_KYLE or CLASS_DESANN as class setting. and use playermodel cheat for play it. this allow you to autopush the force gripping. about instead auto push explosive shoots, and autododge sniper rifles... eeeeh, that require coding, man. it's not so easy.
  24. O.o :huh: Sure it not work man. I think is the first time you use icarus. you need to put two separate command: SET_ENEMY "targetname" SET_BEHAVOUR_STATE BS_DEFAULT understood? every command is a separate line \ string. if you want the NPC attack the player, you need to set. SET_ENEMY "player" if you want an NPC attack another opponent you need to set the opponent's targetname into the radiant map. example: SET_ENEMY "merc1" the enemy will search, attack and chase a NPC with "merc1" as targetname. BEHAVOUR state change the behavour of the NPC. in that case it set the AI of NPC to default setting. so if an NPC was into cinematic modality, because you place into the map with cinematic spawnflag, this turn NPC into Default modality with full AI. i suggest you however to study how are the icarus script of the default JA \ JO ibi files, for fully understand how work scripting.
  25. My pleasure
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