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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. Nevemind, my error. ii exported the model by blender to max with subsurf modifier enabled so it get polygonal HD definition. it's sufficient to remove the modifier and re-export..., the only thing is i lost 3 days for nothings >.<
  2. @@Psyk0Sith @@Langerd a little help please? D: @@DT85 @@KENNITHH
  3. Carcass (GLA/GLM compiler) v2.1. (C) Raven Software 1998-2003. Written by Gil Gribb, Ste Cork, James Monroe, Mike Crowns -------- C:\base\models\players\_humanoid\model.car -------- ( Build trigger: "c:\base\models\players\_humanoid\model.glm" missing ) entering c:\base\models\players\_humanoid\model.car (90 degree skewing OFF) Loading GLA "models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla"...21590 frames Grabbed 1 files with 21590 frames Processing 'c:/base/models/players/_humanoid/root.XSI' Processing meshes, LOD 0 Processing meshes, LOD 1 (Mesh empty, so total LODs = 1) Generating model.glm ... ( scale: 0.64 ) Writing model.glm ... Writing MDX/GLM model file... ( skin-write inhibited ) Building GLM... ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(849) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "hips" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(596) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "hips_armor_waist" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(844) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "hips_l_knee" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(683) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "hips_l_leg" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(809) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "hips_up" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(892) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_leg" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(802) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_leg_armor" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(991) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_leg_armorb" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(699) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_foot_back" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(912) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_foot_fwd" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(846) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_leg" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(741) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_foot_back" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(976) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_foot_fwd" ) ************************************************************************ Error: Surface 'r_leg_armor' has 1047 verts, max is 1000! ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(1047) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_leg_armor" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(743) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_leg_armorb" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(658) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "torso" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(890) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_hand_anular" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(518) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_hand_finger" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(579) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_hand_finger2" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(896) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_hand_finger3" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(505) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_hand_gloves" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(878) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_hand_index" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(936) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_hand_medium" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(746) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "r_hand_mignolo" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(808) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "torso_armor_plates" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(806) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "torso_bones" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(662) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "torso_collar" ) ************************************************************************ Error: Surface 'torso_l_arm' has 1004 verts, max is 1000! ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(1004) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "torso_l_arm" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(507) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "torso_left" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(880) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "torso_lower" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(828) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "torso_lower_hips" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(536) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "torso_lower_left" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(655) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "torso_lower_right" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(900) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "torso_r_arm" ) ************************************************************************ Error: Surface 'head_helm_horns' has 1105 verts, max is 1000! ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(1105) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "head_helm_horns" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(882) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "head_helm_left" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(843) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "head_helm_right" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(792) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "head_l_ear" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(699) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "head_r_ear" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(830) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_hand" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(832) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_hand_anular" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(692) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_hand_finger" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(818) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_hand_finger3" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(685) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_hand_gloves" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(837) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_hand_index" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(886) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_hand_medium" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(641) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "l_hand_mignolo" ) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(755) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500) ( "hips_r_knee2" ) ************************************************************************ ( Press any Key ... ) Greetings, i am endind an HD model for JKA and i make a test build of glm with carcass. and it shown me this error. how can i fix it? note: i splitted everty mesh for avoid more of 1000 vertexes for mesh. also, carcass tell some crazy number: for example, the head_helm_horns get only 300 vertexes on max, not 1 thousand! D:
  4. npc setted as CLASS_SABOTEUR, if shooters, or CLASS_SHADOWTROOPER, if they're saberist + coding work with set_cloaked, set_playermodel script and set_origin script.
  5. Good luck man. into the time, i'll end my code stuff >.< call me when you have the source file.
  6. If he pass you the spurce file, i can do something, but in this condition... nope. because if i decompile the map i need to re-align all textures and put again all light entities. sure the map at the end will be compromized. i am not good as Langerd or Szico on mapping, so i cannot do miracle. the final result can be really different by the map you wanna use, because i not know the correct color parameter or spawnflags of every light entity of the map. if you can get the map file by this man, okay, if not, the only things possible is that Cerez help you with ent modding. i cannot work into a decompiled map for a project so huge. the coruscant map is pretty large. i NEED the original map file for make something. without it, i cannot do nothing. should be an hellish work and you will get a bad result >.<
  7. Understood. Mmm... i discover that cg_init cannot allocate more of 17 functions for arrays of force power icons. if i add more of that, game crash when loading the maps. so i need to fix my force power code for arrange this limitation.
  8. I use dds converter for convert the dds texture into png or jpg format for JKA. it works pretty wells.
  9. Yes, i know, i am really a "retro" person. :\ the code version is really outdated. because i building all my features on one of the firsts OpenJk versions. i downloaded it on May-June 2013. There is some way for update it without delete or damage every of my changes or rewrite all things into a new solution?
  10. At the end i did it! now the icon are changed when i change playermodel of characters. istantly. not need to reloading level. thanks @@ensiform for all support. fixed on cg_info, cg_drawforceselect. for datapad force select, i will do the next day, when i end to make alls if \ else tree. it was really complex. it need to: - register the new icons. - create new array for the all icons sets of all characters. - create new functions, like force_icons function. - if \ else three setted inside cg_drawforceselect - allocate on cg_init the register, where every new force_icons functions is associated to its own icon's array. I will show you how i did it when i end all icon stuff. i suppose this can works also for description of forcepowers, with the same process.
  11. Oh, many thanks! i have make some progress also on cg_drawforceselect, but the icons got some drawing odd behavours... mmm well, i need just to debug it, fix the datapad icons and the see loading screen icons on cg_info,cpp about the correct loading of icons for players. >.< i am on the right way, however. The Hud central force icon works fine... the left and side scrolls are disaligned lol. now i see cg_info.cpp. if (force_icons[showPowers[i]]) { endIndex = i; CG_DrawPic( holdX, y+yOffset, MAXLOAD_FORCEICONSIZE, MAXLOAD_FORCEICONSIZE, force_icons[showPowers[i]] ); printedIconCnt++; if (printedIconCnt==MAXLOADICONSPERROW) { break; } holdX += (MAXLOAD_FORCEICONSIZE+MAXLOAD_FORCEICONPAD); } } return (endIndex); } int loadForcePowerLevel[NUM_FORCE_POWERS]; /* =============== ForcePowerDataPad_Valid =============== */ qboolean CG_ForcePower_Valid(int forceKnownBits, int index) { if ((forceKnownBits & (1 << showPowers[index])) && loadForcePowerLevel[showPowers[index]]) // Does he have the force power? { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } // Print force powers the player is using // Two rows print if there are too many static void CG_DrawLoadForcePowers( int forceBits ) { int i,endIndex=0; int iconCnt=0,rowIconCnt; // Count the number of force powers known for (i=0; i<MAX_SHOWPOWERS; ++i) { if (CG_ForcePower_Valid(forceBits, i)) { iconCnt++; } } if (!iconCnt) // If no force powers, don't display { return; } // Single line of icons if (iconCnt<=MAXLOADICONSPERROW) { CG_DrawLoadForcePrintRow("forceicons_singlerow", forceBits, iconCnt,0); } // Two lines of icons else { // Print top row endIndex = CG_DrawLoadForcePrintRow("forceicons_row1", forceBits, MAXLOADICONSPERROW,0); // Print second row rowIconCnt = iconCnt - MAXLOADICONSPERROW; CG_DrawLoadForcePrintRow("forceicons_row2", forceBits, rowIconCnt,endIndex+1); } cgi_R_SetColor( NULL ); } // Get the player weapons and force power info static void CG_GetLoadScreenInfo(int *weaponBits,int *forceBits) { char s[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; int iDummy,i; float fDummy; const char *var; gi.Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( sCVARNAME_PLAYERSAVE, s, sizeof(s) ); // Get player weapons and force powers known if (s[0]) { // |general info |-force powers sscanf( s, "%i %i %i %i %i %i %i %f %f %f %i %i", &iDummy, // &client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH], &iDummy, // &client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR], &*weaponBits,// &client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS], &iDummy, // &client->ps.stats[STAT_ITEMS], &iDummy, // &client->ps.weapon, &iDummy, // &client->ps.weaponstate, &iDummy, // &client->ps.batteryCharge, &fDummy, // &client->ps.viewangles[0], &fDummy, // &client->ps.viewangles[1], &fDummy, // &client->ps.viewangles[2], //force power data &*forceBits, // &client->ps.forcePowersKnown, &iDummy // &client->ps.forcePower, ); } else { // will also need to do this for weapons if( gi.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("com_demo") ) { gi.Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "demo_playerwpns", s, sizeof(s) ); *weaponBits = atoi(s); } } if( gi.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("com_demo") ) { // le Demo stuff... // the new JK2 stuff - force powers, etc... // *forceBits = 0; // need to zero it out it might have already been set above if coming from a true // map transition in the demo gi.Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "demo_playerfplvl", s, sizeof(s) ); int j=0; var = strtok( s, " " ); while( var != NULL ) { /* While there are tokens in "s" */ loadForcePowerLevel[j] = atoi(var); if( loadForcePowerLevel[j] ) { *forceBits |= (1<<j); } j++; /* Get next token: */ var = strtok( NULL, " " ); } } else { // the new JK2 stuff - force powers, etc... // gi.Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "playerfplvl", s, sizeof(s) ); i=0; var = strtok( s, " " ); while( var != NULL ) { /* While there are tokens in "s" */ loadForcePowerLevel[i++] = atoi(var); /* Get next token: */ var = strtok( NULL, " " ); } } } Found. thanks
  12. Mmmm, maybe i seek something... i see that cg_drawforceselect, that setting how are displayed the force power icon inside the HUD scrollbar, is called by CGdraw2d, on CG_draw.cpp.
  13. Mmm, this is getting complicated. I will look all the codes parts where are called void cg_init and the menu icons. i need to fully understand how they are drawn on the startup of levels. Yes, i understand that. playermodel not work because jKA is focused on an only player character. is not an RPG like KOTOR when you are T3M4 into a map and the Exiled in another. XD
  14. Mmm, so is a problem of registering... mmm ... cg_init is not the correct place for registered icon. i trapped the shader inside it. so it's wrong and i need to make in another place of cg_main. i need to register them and to use the if\else for define who use what. Also, i need to define if\else statements on Cg_drawforceselect and Datapadforceselect menu. Tomorrow i check better these things. Also, the playermodel command on MENU files is not checked. this is a bad think. >,< the fact is in my mod i not use weaponsselectmenu and forcepowerselectmenu before loading a map, because i set with icarus scripts these things on player on startup of level... Mmm. i need to see how works these two menus and how is coded their UI. I
  15. @@ensiform Pretty funny, I am on testing this stuff of icons. The idea of not change the array f_icon_power is pretty good. i have simply create another const char array with another name and another set of icon powers enumerated by NUM_FORCE_POWERS sequennce. below, on cg_init, there is the "for" block, that tell to load the icon force files. i make two test with and if \ else statement that include this for. basically, i tryed to make an if else by playermodels. the command is basically "if the class of playermodel is that, load force_power_icon array called with this name" else, if the class is this other, load the default array. This works, partially... like yesterday. it load it, only after the map load, if i set playermodel and reload the map, then change the heal icon with the reborn's icon. Otherwise... i tryed also an if \ else statement with specific NPC type named. this works pretty fine, because the NPC of the player is changed with a playermodel command inside the menu itself before the loading of a map. the icons are changed also to the start of the level. but... but there is a strange problem of this. If i load another map, with another model, it takes the icon of the reborn NPC. also, if i change a map, with a different NPC model loaded at start as player character the icon of new player NPC are the same of rebornr NPC. If i save and reload the map ... the icon of the new NPC are the same of the reborn NPC AND, the model is misteriousy changed into the model of reborn NPC! D: so player->client->NPC_class = Good for save and saveloading, bad for map loading. Player->NPC_type = "NameofNPC" = Stucked loading ever the same playermodel in every map, and the same icons set, also if i set another player and another playermodel before startup the map. Pretty madness. I paste here the injuring code. const char *force_icon_files[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = {//icons matching enums forcePowers_t "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_heal", //FP_HEAL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_levitation", //FP_LEVITATION, "gfx/mp/f_icon_speed", //FP_SPEED, "gfx/mp/f_icon_push", //FP_PUSH, "gfx/mp/f_icon_pull", //FP_PULL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_telepathy", //FP_TELEPATHY, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_grip", //FP_GRIP, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_l1", //FP_LIGHTNING, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_throw", //FP_SABERTHROW "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_defend", //FP_SABERDEFEND, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_attack", //FP_SABERATTACK, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_rage", //FP_RAGE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_protect", //FP_PROTECT, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_absorb", //FP_ABSORB, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_drain", //FP_DRAIN, "gfx/mp/f_icon_sight", //FP_SEE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_stun", //FP_STUN "gfx/mp/f_icon_hate", //FP_HATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_controlmind", //FP_CONTROLMIND "gfx/mp/f_icon_incapacitate", //FP_INCAPACITATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_fear", //FP_FEAR "gfx/mp/f_icon_wrack", //FP_WRACK "gfx/mp/f_icon_forceglyph", //FP_FORCEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_stoneglyph", //FP_STONEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_soundglyph", //FP_SOUNDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_waterglyph", //FP_WATERGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_fireglyph", //FP_FIREGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_sunglyph", //FP_SUNGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_windglyph", //FP_WINDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_holyglyph", //FP_HOLYGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_darkglyph", //FP_DARKGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_necroglyph", //FP_NECROGLYPH }; const char *force_icon_files1[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = {//icons matching enums forcePowers_t "gfx/mp/f_icon_v_heal", //FP_HEAL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_levitation", //FP_LEVITATION, "gfx/mp/f_icon_speed", //FP_SPEED, "gfx/mp/f_icon_push", //FP_PUSH, "gfx/mp/f_icon_pull", //FP_PULL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_telepathy", //FP_TELEPATHY, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_grip", //FP_GRIP, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_l1", //FP_LIGHTNING, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_throw", //FP_SABERTHROW "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_defend", //FP_SABERDEFEND, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_attack", //FP_SABERATTACK, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_rage", //FP_RAGE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_protect", //FP_PROTECT, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_absorb", //FP_ABSORB, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_drain", //FP_DRAIN, "gfx/mp/f_icon_sight", //FP_SEE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_stun", //FP_STUN "gfx/mp/f_icon_hate", //FP_HATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_controlmind", //FP_CONTROLMIND "gfx/mp/f_icon_incapacitate", //FP_INCAPACITATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_fear", //FP_FEAR "gfx/mp/f_icon_wrack", //FP_WRACK "gfx/mp/f_icon_forceglyph", //FP_FORCEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_timereaver", //FP_STONEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_dimensionreaver", //FP_SOUNDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_statesreaver", //FP_WATERGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_conflictreaver", //FP_FIREGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_energyreaver", //FP_SUNGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_mindreaver", //FP_WINDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_soulreaver", //FP_HOLYGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_darkglyph", //FP_DARKGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_bloodreaver", //FP_NECROGLYPH }; if ( player->client->NPC_class == CLASS_REBORN || player->client->NPC_class == CLASS_MONMOTHA ) //if ( player->NPC_type = "Kain" ) { for ( int i=0;i<NUM_FORCE_POWERS;i++) { if (force_icon_files[i]) { force_icons[i] = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( force_icon_files1[i] ); } } CG_LoadHudMenu(); // load new hud stuff cgi_UI_Menu_OpenByName("loadscreen"); //rww - Moved from CG_GameStateReceived (we don't want to clear perm ents) memset( cg_entities, 0, sizeof(cg_entities) ); CG_TransitionPermanent(); cg.loadLCARSStage = 0; CG_GameStateReceived(); CG_InitConsoleCommands(); } else if ( player->client->NPC_class == CLASS_LUKE ) // else if ( player->NPC_type = "Raziel" ) { for ( int i=0;i<NUM_FORCE_POWERS;i++) { if (force_icon_files[i]) { force_icons[i] = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( force_icon_files[i] ); } } CG_LoadHudMenu(); // load new hud stuff cgi_UI_Menu_OpenByName("loadscreen"); //rww - Moved from CG_GameStateReceived (we don't want to clear perm ents) memset( cg_entities, 0, sizeof(cg_entities) ); CG_TransitionPermanent(); cg.loadLCARSStage = 0; CG_GameStateReceived(); CG_InitConsoleCommands(); } else { for ( int i=0;i<NUM_FORCE_POWERS;i++) { if (force_icon_files[i]) { force_icons[i] = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( force_icon_files[i] ); } } CG_LoadHudMenu(); // load new hud stuff cgi_UI_Menu_OpenByName("loadscreen"); //rww - Moved from CG_GameStateReceived (we don't want to clear perm ents) memset( cg_entities, 0, sizeof(cg_entities) ); CG_TransitionPermanent(); cg.loadLCARSStage = 0; CG_GameStateReceived(); CG_InitConsoleCommands(); } /*CG_LoadHudMenu(); // load new hud stuff cgi_UI_Menu_OpenByName("loadscreen"); //rww - Moved from CG_GameStateReceived (we don't want to clear perm ents) memset( cg_entities, 0, sizeof(cg_entities) ); CG_TransitionPermanent(); cg.loadLCARSStage = 0; CG_GameStateReceived(); CG_InitConsoleCommands();*/ // COMMENTED OUT FOR AVOID LOOPING LOADGAMES. // // the game server will interpret these commands, which will be automatically // forwarded to the server after they are not recognized locally // This works for load and saves, but not for loading icon on startup of the maps.Instead: const char *force_icon_files[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = {//icons matching enums forcePowers_t "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_heal", //FP_HEAL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_levitation", //FP_LEVITATION, "gfx/mp/f_icon_speed", //FP_SPEED, "gfx/mp/f_icon_push", //FP_PUSH, "gfx/mp/f_icon_pull", //FP_PULL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_telepathy", //FP_TELEPATHY, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_grip", //FP_GRIP, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_l1", //FP_LIGHTNING, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_throw", //FP_SABERTHROW "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_defend", //FP_SABERDEFEND, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_attack", //FP_SABERATTACK, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_rage", //FP_RAGE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_protect", //FP_PROTECT, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_absorb", //FP_ABSORB, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_drain", //FP_DRAIN, "gfx/mp/f_icon_sight", //FP_SEE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_stun", //FP_STUN "gfx/mp/f_icon_hate", //FP_HATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_controlmind", //FP_CONTROLMIND "gfx/mp/f_icon_incapacitate", //FP_INCAPACITATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_fear", //FP_FEAR "gfx/mp/f_icon_wrack", //FP_WRACK "gfx/mp/f_icon_forceglyph", //FP_FORCEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_stoneglyph", //FP_STONEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_soundglyph", //FP_SOUNDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_waterglyph", //FP_WATERGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_fireglyph", //FP_FIREGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_sunglyph", //FP_SUNGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_windglyph", //FP_WINDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_holyglyph", //FP_HOLYGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_darkglyph", //FP_DARKGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_necroglyph", //FP_NECROGLYPH }; const char *force_icon_files1[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = {//icons matching enums forcePowers_t "gfx/mp/f_icon_v_heal", //FP_HEAL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_levitation", //FP_LEVITATION, "gfx/mp/f_icon_speed", //FP_SPEED, "gfx/mp/f_icon_push", //FP_PUSH, "gfx/mp/f_icon_pull", //FP_PULL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_telepathy", //FP_TELEPATHY, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_grip", //FP_GRIP, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_l1", //FP_LIGHTNING, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_throw", //FP_SABERTHROW "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_defend", //FP_SABERDEFEND, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_attack", //FP_SABERATTACK, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_rage", //FP_RAGE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_protect", //FP_PROTECT, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_absorb", //FP_ABSORB, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_drain", //FP_DRAIN, "gfx/mp/f_icon_sight", //FP_SEE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_stun", //FP_STUN "gfx/mp/f_icon_hate", //FP_HATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_controlmind", //FP_CONTROLMIND "gfx/mp/f_icon_incapacitate", //FP_INCAPACITATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_fear", //FP_FEAR "gfx/mp/f_icon_wrack", //FP_WRACK "gfx/mp/f_icon_forceglyph", //FP_FORCEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_timereaver", //FP_STONEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_dimensionreaver", //FP_SOUNDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_statesreaver", //FP_WATERGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_conflictreaver", //FP_FIREGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_energyreaver", //FP_SUNGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_mindreaver", //FP_WINDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_soulreaver", //FP_HOLYGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_darkglyph", //FP_DARKGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_bloodreaver", //FP_NECROGLYPH }; // if ( player->client->NPC_class == CLASS_REBORN || player->client->NPC_class == CLASS_MONMOTHA ) if ( player->NPC_type = "Kain" ) { for ( int i=0;i<NUM_FORCE_POWERS;i++) { if (force_icon_files[i]) { force_icons[i] = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( force_icon_files1[i] ); } } CG_LoadHudMenu(); // load new hud stuff cgi_UI_Menu_OpenByName("loadscreen"); //rww - Moved from CG_GameStateReceived (we don't want to clear perm ents) memset( cg_entities, 0, sizeof(cg_entities) ); CG_TransitionPermanent(); cg.loadLCARSStage = 0; CG_GameStateReceived(); CG_InitConsoleCommands(); } //else if ( player->client->NPC_class == CLASS_LUKE ) else if ( player->NPC_type = "Raziel" ) { for ( int i=0;i<NUM_FORCE_POWERS;i++) { if (force_icon_files[i]) { force_icons[i] = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( force_icon_files[i] ); } } CG_LoadHudMenu(); // load new hud stuff cgi_UI_Menu_OpenByName("loadscreen"); //rww - Moved from CG_GameStateReceived (we don't want to clear perm ents) memset( cg_entities, 0, sizeof(cg_entities) ); CG_TransitionPermanent(); cg.loadLCARSStage = 0; CG_GameStateReceived(); CG_InitConsoleCommands(); } else { for ( int i=0;i<NUM_FORCE_POWERS;i++) { if (force_icon_files[i]) { force_icons[i] = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( force_icon_files[i] ); } } CG_LoadHudMenu(); // load new hud stuff cgi_UI_Menu_OpenByName("loadscreen"); //rww - Moved from CG_GameStateReceived (we don't want to clear perm ents) memset( cg_entities, 0, sizeof(cg_entities) ); CG_TransitionPermanent(); cg.loadLCARSStage = 0; CG_GameStateReceived(); CG_InitConsoleCommands(); } /*CG_LoadHudMenu(); // load new hud stuff cgi_UI_Menu_OpenByName("loadscreen"); //rww - Moved from CG_GameStateReceived (we don't want to clear perm ents) memset( cg_entities, 0, sizeof(cg_entities) ); CG_TransitionPermanent(); cg.loadLCARSStage = 0; CG_GameStateReceived(); CG_InitConsoleCommands();*/ // COMMENTED OUT FOR AVOID LOOPING LOADGAMES. // // the game server will interpret these commands, which will be automatically // forwarded to the server after they are not recognized locally // This working pretty fine on the startup level loading. BUT.... i not know why engine save system is stucked up on Kain icon and kain models.
  16. Oh,i do a lot of trial and i see that the load system of savegames is pretty different by the load system of the maps. so, there are called different function. i think the solution is in this dilemma.
  17. Mh, i need to make some little adjustment because when i load the map, also if i have selected a playermodel with NPC name, into the mod menu, with g_char_model and ui_char_model setted, and also playermodel setted... the map load fine, the playermodel load fine, but the icons are displayed only if reload the map or if i make a save and reload. this need some little fix. i need to study exaclty how work the loading system of JKA and how it's load the HUD icons. o.o
  18. Yes, it working!! Need just to change the playermodel and reload the map and i can see the icon changes. thanks!
  19. Uff, bad work >.< On cg_media.h // ALL FORCE ICON POWERS SHADERS // Heals qhandle_t heal_icon; qhandle_t heal_v_icon; qhandle_t heal_d_icon; qhandle_t heal_h_icon; qhandle_t heal_s_icon; // Jump qhandle_t jump_icon; // Speed qhandle_t speed_icon; // Telekinesis qhandle_t push_icon; qhandle_t pull_icon; qhandle_t grip_icon; // Sword skills qhandle_t saber_attack; qhandle_t saber_throw; qhandle_t saber_defend; // Rage qhandle_t icon_rage; qhandle_t icon_berserk; qhandle_t icon_trance; qhandle_t icon_fear; qhandle_t icon_runeshield; qhandle_t icon_tkshield; qhandle_t icon_eldershield; qhandle_t icon_poisonshield; // REPELS qhandle_t icon_protect; qhandle_t icon_absorb; // DRAINS qhandle_t icon_bloodgout; qhandle_t icon_bloodshower; qhandle_t icon_souldrain; qhandle_t icon_necrodrain; qhandle_t icon_hyldendrain; qhandle_t icon_demondrain; // VAMPIRES DARK POWERS qhandle_t icon_light; qhandle_t icon_revelation; qhandle_t icon_stun; qhandle_t icon_hate; qhandle_t icon_controlmind; qhandle_t icon_incapacitate; qhandle_t icon_fear2; qhandle_t icon_wrack; // GLYPH POWERS qhandle_t icon_forceglyph; qhandle_t icon_stoneglyph; qhandle_t icon_soundglyph; qhandle_t icon_waterglyph; qhandle_t icon_fireglyph; qhandle_t icon_sunglyph; // THE REAVERS qhandle_t icon_darkreaver; qhandle_t icon_smogreaver; qhandle_t icon_voidreaver; qhandle_t icon_lightreaver; qhandle_t icon_lightningreaver; qhandle_t icon_sunreaver; qhandle_t icon_firereaver; qhandle_t icon_warmreaver; qhandle_t icon_magmareaver; qhandle_t icon_airreaver; qhandle_t icon_fogreaver; qhandle_t icon_stormreaver; qhandle_t icon_waterreaver; qhandle_t icon_icereaver; qhandle_t icon_crystalreaver; qhandle_t icon_earthreaver; qhandle_t icon_mudreaver; qhandle_t icon_stonereaver; qhandle_t icon_dustreaver; qhandle_t icon_poisonreaver; qhandle_t icon_deathreaver; qhandle_t icon_spectralreaver; qhandle_t icon_spiritreaver; qhandle_t icon_holyreaver; qhandle_t icon_lifereaver; qhandle_t icon_soundreaver; qhandle_t icon_astralreaver; // THE PILLARS qhandle_t icon_mindreaver; qhandle_t icon_dimensionreaver; qhandle_t icon_conflictreaver; qhandle_t icon_naturereaver; qhandle_t icon_energyreaver; qhandle_t icon_timereaver; qhandle_t icon_statesreaver; qhandle_t icon_deathreaver2; qhandle_t icon_soulreaver; qhandle_t icon_bloodreaver; qhandle_t icon_balancereaver; // ARCANE ATTACKS qhandle_t icon_energybolt; qhandle_t icon_lightning; qhandle_t icon_web; qhandle_t icon_ghost; qhandle_t icon_life; qhandle_t icon_hollyfire; qhandle_t icon_necro; qhandle_t icon_psychic; qhandle_t icon_crystal; qhandle_t icon_stone; qhandle_t icon_water; qhandle_t icon_fire; qhandle_t icon_skull; qhandle_t icon_lava; qhandle_t icon_poison; qhandle_t icon_hell; qhandle_t icon_hylden; qhandle_t icon_greenlightning; qhandle_t icon_yellowlightning; qhandle_t icon_wind; qhandle_t icon_burst; qhandle_t icon_ice; qhandle_t icon_dark; qhandle_t icon_void; qhandle_t icon_smog; qhandle_t icon_sonic; qhandle_t icon_acid; qhandle_t icon_astral; qhandle_t icon_fireball; qhandle_t icon_holly; [On cg_main.cpp void CG_Init( int serverCommandSequence ) { // New Adding gentity_t *player = &g_entities[0]; // cgs.serverCommandSequence = serverCommandSequence; cgi_Cvar_Set( "cg_drawHUD", "1" ); // fonts... // cgs.media.charsetShader = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("gfx/2d/charsgrid_med"); cgs.media.qhFontSmall = cgi_R_RegisterFont("ocr_a"); cgs.media.qhFontMedium = cgi_R_RegisterFont("ergoec"); cgs.media.whiteShader = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "white" ); cgs.media.loadTick = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/hud/load_tick" ); cgs.media.loadTickCap = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/hud/load_tick_cap" ); // ALL ICON REGISTERED! cgs.media.heal_icon = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_lt_heal" ); cgs.media.heal_v_icon = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_v_heal" ); cgs.media.heal_d_icon = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_d_heal" ); cgs.media.heal_h_icon = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_h_heal" ); cgs.media.heal_s_icon = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_s_heal" ); cgs.media.jump_icon = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_levitation" ); cgs.media.pull_icon = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_pull" ); cgs.media.push_icon = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_push" ); cgs.media.speed_icon = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_speed" ); cgs.media.grip_icon = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_grip" ); cgs.media.saber_attack = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_saber_attack" ); cgs.media.saber_throw = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_saber_throw" ); cgs.media.saber_defend = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_saber_defend" ); cgs.media.icon_rage = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_rage" ); cgs.media.icon_berserk = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_berserk" ); cgs.media.icon_trance = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_trance" ); cgs.media.icon_fear = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_fear" ); cgs.media.icon_runeshield = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_runeshield" ); cgs.media.icon_tkshield = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_tkshield" ); cgs.media.icon_eldershield = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_eldershield" ); cgs.media.icon_poisonshield = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_poisonshield" ); // REPELS cgs.media.icon_protect = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_lt_protect" ); cgs.media.icon_absorb = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_lt_absorb" ); // DRAINS cgs.media.icon_bloodgout = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_drain" ); cgs.media.icon_bloodshower = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_drain2" ); cgs.media.icon_souldrain = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_souldrain" ); cgs.media.icon_necrodrain = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_necrodrain" ); cgs.media.icon_hyldendrain = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_hyldendrain" ); cgs.media.icon_demondrain = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_demondrain" ); // VAMPIRES DARK POWERS cgs.media.icon_light = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_sight" ); cgs.media.icon_revelation = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_sight2" ); cgs.media.icon_stun = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_stun" ); cgs.media.icon_hate = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_hate" ); cgs.media.icon_controlmind = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_controlmind" ); cgs.media.icon_incapacitate = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_incapacitate" ); cgs.media.icon_fear2 = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_fear" ); cgs.media.icon_wrack = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_wrack" ); // GLYPH POWERS cgs.media.icon_forceglyph = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_forceglyph" ); cgs.media.icon_stoneglyph = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_stoneglyph" ); cgs.media.icon_soundglyph = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_soundglyph" ); cgs.media.icon_waterglyph = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_waterglyph" ); cgs.media.icon_fireglyph = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_fireglyph" ); cgs.media.icon_sunglyph = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_sunglyph" ); // THE REAVERS cgs.media.icon_darkreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_darkreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_smogreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_smogreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_voidreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_voidreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_lightreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_lightreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_lightningreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_lighningreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_sunreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_sunreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_firereaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_firereaver" ); cgs.media.icon_warmreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_warmreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_magmareaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_magmareaver" ); cgs.media.icon_airreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_airreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_fogreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_fogreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_stormreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_stormreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_waterreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_waterreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_icereaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_icereaver" ); cgs.media.icon_crystalreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_crystalreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_earthreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_earthreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_mudreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_mudreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_stonereaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_stonereaver" ); cgs.media.icon_dustreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dustreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_poisonreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_poisonreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_deathreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_deathreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_spectralreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_spectralreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_spiritreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_spiritreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_holyreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_holyreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_lifereaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_lifereaver" ); cgs.media.icon_soundreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_soundreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_astralreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_astralreaver" ); // THE PILLARS cgs.media.icon_mindreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_mindreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_dimensionreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dimensionreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_conflictreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_conflictreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_naturereaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_naturereaver" ); cgs.media.icon_energyreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_energyreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_timereaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_timereaver" ); cgs.media.icon_statesreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_statesreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_deathreaver2 = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_deathreaver2" ); cgs.media.icon_soulreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_soulreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_bloodreaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_bloodreaver" ); cgs.media.icon_balancereaver = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_balancereaver" ); // ARCANE ATTACKS cgs.media.icon_energybolt = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_l1" ); cgs.media.icon_lightning = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dk_l2" ); cgs.media.icon_web = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_web" ); cgs.media.icon_ghost = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_ghost" ); cgs.media.icon_life = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_life" ); cgs.media.icon_hollyfire = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_hollyfire" ); cgs.media.icon_necro = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_necro" ); cgs.media.icon_psychic = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_psychic" ); cgs.media.icon_crystal = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_crystal" ); cgs.media.icon_stone = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_stone" ); cgs.media.icon_water = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_water" ); cgs.media.icon_fire = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_fire" ); cgs.media.icon_skull = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_skull" ); cgs.media.icon_lava = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_lava" ); cgs.media.icon_poison = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_poison" ); cgs.media.icon_hell = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_hell" ); cgs.media.icon_hylden = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_hylden" ); cgs.media.icon_greenlightning = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_greenlightning" ); cgs.media.icon_yellowlightning = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_yellowlightning" ); cgs.media.icon_wind = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_wind" ); cgs.media.icon_burst = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_burst" ); cgs.media.icon_ice = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_ice" ); cgs.media.icon_dark = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_dark" ); cgs.media.icon_void = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_void" ); cgs.media.icon_smog = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_smog" ); cgs.media.icon_sonic = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_sonic" ); cgs.media.icon_acid = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_acid" ); cgs.media.icon_astral = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_astral" ); cgs.media.icon_fireball = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_fireball" ); cgs.media.icon_holly = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/hud/f_icon_holly" ); [ Each one of these have his custom Special FX, already working and registering. Tomorrow i will set the display conditions of the icons. thanks Razor! >.<
  20. so i add at the start of cg_init gentity_t *self (like at the start of some force powers like forcetelepathy) , so is included and defined, and i register the new shader pictures before i call it with the else if arrays. thanks
  21. Hello, i need a little suggest about that. I was wondering, if there is some way, working on void CG_init on cg_main.cpp , for changing force power icon by CLASS of Npc that using force power and is the playermodel. for example. in case the player use a model and enable it loading with playermodel command. it load a NPC file and set the player model with npc attributes. so, if i put in consolle "playermodel kyle" i get kyle katarn model with kyle katarn NPC settings for player force powers. What i am asking if is possible to work on this code: void CG_Init( int serverCommandSequence ) { // New Adding gentity_t *player = &g_entities[0]; // cgs.serverCommandSequence = serverCommandSequence; cgi_Cvar_Set( "cg_drawHUD", "1" ); // fonts... // cgs.media.charsetShader = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("gfx/2d/charsgrid_med"); cgs.media.qhFontSmall = cgi_R_RegisterFont("ocr_a"); cgs.media.qhFontMedium= cgi_R_RegisterFont("ergoec"); cgs.media.whiteShader = cgi_R_RegisterShader( "white" ); cgs.media.loadTick = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/hud/load_tick" ); cgs.media.loadTickCap = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/hud/load_tick_cap" ); const char *force_icon_files[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = {//icons matching enums forcePowers_t "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_heal", //FP_HEAL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_levitation", //FP_LEVITATION, "gfx/mp/f_icon_speed", //FP_SPEED, "gfx/mp/f_icon_push", //FP_PUSH, "gfx/mp/f_icon_pull", //FP_PULL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_telepathy", //FP_TELEPATHY, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_grip", //FP_GRIP, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_l1", //FP_LIGHTNING, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_throw", //FP_SABERTHROW "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_defend", //FP_SABERDEFEND, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_attack", //FP_SABERATTACK, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_rage", //FP_RAGE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_protect", //FP_PROTECT, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_absorb", //FP_ABSORB, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_drain", //FP_DRAIN, "gfx/mp/f_icon_sight", //FP_SEE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_stun", //FP_STUN "gfx/mp/f_icon_hate", //FP_HATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_controlmind", //FP_CONTROLMIND "gfx/mp/f_icon_incapacitate", //FP_INCAPACITATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_fear", //FP_FEAR "gfx/mp/f_icon_wrack", //FP_WRACK "gfx/mp/f_icon_forceglyph", //FP_FORCEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_stoneglyph", //FP_STONEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_soundglyph", //FP_SOUNDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_waterglyph", //FP_WATERGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_fireglyph", //FP_FIREGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_sunglyph", //FP_SUNGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_windglyph", //FP_WINDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_holyglyph", //FP_HOLYGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_darkglyph", //FP_DARKGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_necroglyph", //FP_NECROGLYPH*/ }; // Precache inventory icons for ( int i=0;i<NUM_FORCE_POWERS;i++) { if (force_icon_files[i]) { force_icons[i] = cgi_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( force_icon_files[i] ); } } CG_LoadHudMenu(); // load new hud stuff cgi_UI_Menu_OpenByName("loadscreen"); //rww - Moved from CG_GameStateReceived (we don't want to clear perm ents) memset( cg_entities, 0, sizeof(cg_entities) ); CG_TransitionPermanent(); cg.loadLCARSStage = 0; CG_GameStateReceived(); CG_InitConsoleCommands(); // // the game server will interpret these commands, which will be automatically // forwarded to the server after they are not recognized locally // cgi_AddCommand ("kill"); cgi_AddCommand ("give"); cgi_AddCommand ("god"); cgi_AddCommand ("notarget"); cgi_AddCommand ("noclip"); cgi_AddCommand ("undying"); cgi_AddCommand ("setviewpos"); cgi_AddCommand ("setobjective"); cgi_AddCommand ("viewobjective"); //ConsoleCommand in g_svcmds.cpp cgi_AddCommand ("entitylist"); cgi_AddCommand ("nav"); cgi_AddCommand ("npc"); cgi_AddCommand ("saberColor"); cgi_AddCommand ("saber"); cgi_AddCommand ("saberblade"); cgi_AddCommand ("setForceAll"); cgi_AddCommand ("runscript"); cgi_AddCommand ("playerteam"); cgi_AddCommand ("playermodel"); cgi_AddCommand ("saberAttackCycle"); cgi_AddCommand ("use_electrobinoculars"); cgi_AddCommand ("use_bacta"); cgi_AddCommand ("use_seeker"); cgi_AddCommand ("use_lightamp_goggles"); cgi_AddCommand ("use_sentry"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_throw"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_pull"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_speed"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_heal"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_grip"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_distract"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_rage"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_protect"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_absorb"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_sight"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_stun"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_hate"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_controlmind"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_freeze"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_fear"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_wrack"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_repel"); cgi_AddCommand ("force_glyph"); cgi_AddCommand ("stone_glyph"); cgi_AddCommand ("sound_glyph"); cgi_AddCommand ("water_glyph"); cgi_AddCommand ("fire_glyph"); cgi_AddCommand ("sun_glyph"); cgi_AddCommand ("taunt"); cgi_AddCommand ("bow"); cgi_AddCommand ("meditate"); cgi_AddCommand ("flourish"); cgi_AddCommand ("gloat"); cg.weaponPickupTextTime = 0; cg.missionInfoFlashTime = 0; cg.missionStatusShow = qfalse; cg.missionFailedScreen = qfalse; // Screen hasn't been opened. cgi_UI_MenuCloseAll(); /*for (int i = 0; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; i++ ) CG_RegisterWeapon(i); }// So the loadscreen menu will turn off just after the opening snapshot cgi_UI_MenuCloseAll(); // So the loadscreen menu will turn off just after the opening snapshot*/ } for making something like that, that can work in game: if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_LUKE ) { const char *force_icon_files[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = {//icons matching enums forcePowers_t "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_heal", //FP_HEAL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_levitation", //FP_LEVITATION, "gfx/mp/f_icon_speed", //FP_SPEED, "gfx/mp/f_icon_push", //FP_PUSH, "gfx/mp/f_icon_pull", //FP_PULL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_telepathy", //FP_TELEPATHY, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_grip", //FP_GRIP, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_l1", //FP_LIGHTNING, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_throw", //FP_SABERTHROW "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_defend", //FP_SABERDEFEND, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_attack", //FP_SABERATTACK, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_rage", //FP_RAGE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_protect", //FP_PROTECT, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_absorb", //FP_ABSORB, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_drain", //FP_DRAIN, "gfx/mp/f_icon_sight", //FP_SEE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_stun", //FP_STUN "gfx/mp/f_icon_hate", //FP_HATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_controlmind", //FP_CONTROLMIND "gfx/mp/f_icon_incapacitate", //FP_INCAPACITATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_fear", //FP_FEAR "gfx/mp/f_icon_wrack", //FP_WRACK "gfx/mp/f_icon_forceglyph", //FP_FORCEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_stoneglyph", //FP_STONEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_soundglyph", //FP_SOUNDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_waterglyph", //FP_WATERGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_fireglyph", //FP_FIREGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_sunglyph", //FP_SUNGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_windglyph", //FP_WINDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_holyglyph", //FP_HOLYGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_darkglyph", //FP_DARKGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_necroglyph", //FP_NECROGLYPH*/ }; }; else if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_KYLE ) { const char *force_icon_files[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = {//icons matching enums forcePowers_t "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_heal", //FP_HEAL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_levitation", //FP_LEVITATION, "gfx/mp/f_icon_speed", //FP_SPEED, "gfx/mp/f_icon_push", //FP_PUSH, "gfx/mp/f_icon_pull", //FP_PULL, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_telepathy", //FP_TELEPATHY, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_grip", //FP_GRIP, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_l1", //FP_LIGHTNING, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_throw", //FP_SABERTHROW "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_defend", //FP_SABERDEFEND, "gfx/mp/f_icon_saber_attack", //FP_SABERATTACK, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_rage", //FP_RAGE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_protect", //FP_PROTECT, "gfx/mp/f_icon_lt_absorb", //FP_ABSORB, "gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_drain2", //FP_DRAIN, "gfx/mp/f_icon_sight", //FP_SEE, "gfx/mp/f_icon_stun", //FP_STUN "gfx/mp/f_icon_hate", //FP_HATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_controlmind", //FP_CONTROLMIND "gfx/mp/f_icon_incapacitate", //FP_INCAPACITATE "gfx/mp/f_icon_fear", //FP_FEAR "gfx/mp/f_icon_wrack", //FP_WRACK "gfx/mp/f_icon_forceglyph", //FP_FORCEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_timeglyph", //FP_STONEGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_spaceglyph", //FP_SOUNDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_statesglyph", //FP_WATERGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_conflictglyph", //FP_FIREGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_energyglyph", //FP_SUNGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_mindglyph", //FP_WINDGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_balanceglyph", //FP_HOLYGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_darkglyph", //FP_DARKGLYPH "gfx/mp/f_icon_deathglyph", //FP_NECROGLYPH*/ }; }; else if ... etc yes, i added some new force power. obvious, in this case not works. because self is not defined in cg_init. I hope someone can give me some suggest about that. thanks for any answer
  22. Great Mod!!! I will use the single player version! Thanks!
  23. @@Cerez I cannot use the control + j and edit mode because all manifold get the same material so separate is possible only by loose parts. in that case, i obtain so many suboject that i not understand more nothing. (rejoin the parts after triangled should be difficult in that way) otherwise i have installed multiedit and also if the plug in give me a lot of bug, (i think i need again to understand how it works exactly. ) seems to be fine. i have selected all things into edit mode and triangulated. i get some trouble to exit by multiedit modality. for the rest it's okay. thanks!
  24. Yes, it's a single windows project with a lot of meshes of a large amount of buildings (towers, house, doors, castles, battlements etc) not the bulding itself... they are HD poly and i get already exported. in that case, i am working to they manifolds colliders. these meshes have quad faces. i need to convert all of it by quad to tris, placing a md3shader with a clipping shader like the physics clip of system of gtkradiant (but this step is not aproblem for me i make some custom invisibile physics clips with custom q3map_materials for footsteeps on the objects. for example: the collider "snow" will generate snow puff efx and snow steps when player run on it. ) my problem is simply that. ^^ convert all manifold quad mesh into tris mesh quickly. make one mesh by one and every time go into edit mode is loong and tedious. i had google for problem but i not found nothing of useful on blender forums. now i have tryed to select all meshes with A in the scene, i am on edit mode and i click control+t ... but is converted to triangle only the active object. :\ Not works with others, even if they're selected. @@Langerd thanks however for the answer I am doing that worls for making colliders md3 for boost up the map work and avoid to make manually the clipper of each object when i will use as misc_model and misc_model_static. so i can place an misc_model object into the map, not solid, and copy paste itself, and convert it to his own misc_model collider md3 model, with solid spawnflags. the colliders md3 have really a low amount of vertex and edges compared to the trues model that they will clips. i have already tried that with a castle map on my first terrain map, and this works very fine.
  25. Hello. i have a large amount of model to convert into md3, but every single mesh is into quads polygons. and for be properly processed by md3view and JKA, they need to be converted into tris. I know is possible to do this so blender going into edit mode and hitting ctrl + t, but there is some script or addon that convert ALL quad mesh into tris mesh presented in entire scene, into object mode? something right. A -> select all object. -> plug in. -> all quad object are converted instantely to tris. this can really boost up my job. i use blender 2.64 -2.68 version and mrwonko plugin suite. @@Cerez @@Langerd @@mrwonko .
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