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Posts posted by Corto

  1. My experience with OpenJk is that any mod l with more than 10,000 vertices crashes the game when the model gets hit. Also as Ramikad said, the weapon adds a factor to it.


    I believe the main reason for that is that the engine calculates hit detection using the lowest LOD available. If a model doesn't have proper LODs, the engine will try to use the highly detailed model and crash. It's recommended to add LODs even if it´s just duplicates of the highest detail LOD and then add one last LOD made of a very simple mesh. Please someone confirm or deny this. Thanks.

    The Punisher and lpriefer01 like this
  2. I'm going to trust in Ron Howard. Basically because he's the only thing that can be trusted from the project. I had my prejudice with Rogue One, after feeling like they cannibalized Jan's and Kyle's story, but in the end I think they pulled it off and I really enjoyed that movie. It felt like without the pressure of having to satisfy a cry-baby fan base, they actually managed to tell a nice story in a nice way.


    Now with this movie, I expect to see a quick flash at Han's early life, then right into the part where he rescues Chewbacca while deserting the empire, then some skirmishes with Lando and how he won the Falcon, then how he fucked up a job for Jabba and at the end of the movie I would like to see them at the Mos Eisley cantina, desperate to find a job, where the meet Luke and Obi Wan. I'm afraid that if they do a random story with no tie ins with the movies, then it could feel like a random movie with star wars skins and names, but no more.

    Noodle likes this
  3. We can only say:"Help us Disney, you're our only hope." xD


    That it's true. But on the other hand, a common mistake I'm starting to see more often from the largest studios, is this obsession with creating the ultimate, larger than life, ultra immersive experience, that ends up being just another "I can't believe the visuals, but I don't want to give up living just to learn how to enjoy this game". Maybe it's just me that I want to be amazed by great storytelling and relatable characters, rather than the "ultimate experience". I mean, I still like to go to a magic show and believe the magician is doing real magic. For realism and having a "sense of pride and accomplishment" I have my own life to live. Whatever the fuck that means...

    General Howard and Circa like this
  4. Easy low blow there. While it's not up to the original trilogy storytelling level, Andromeda was still a fun game to play and, other than the ill-fated facial animations and some hilarious bugs, it looked amazing. Now, with the experience of KOTOR and the original Mass Effect trilogy, a new Star Wars game that follows the Jedi Knight line doesn't seem impossible. But EA nowadays is more about marketting and what can shipped with "we expect you keep paying if you want to know the end of this story" than delivering an old school, solid, single player experience.

  5. I know what I'm going to do with the guns, code-wise, on my mod. But this is just a 3d model. If anyone here wants to use the model on a mod that turns it into a sniper rifle, be my guest. I can model the DLT-19X scope really quick and provide the variant. But still, I will only be providing the pk3 file with this gun replacing an existing one.

    Maksman likes this
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