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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. @@GPChannel - Unfortunately, real-life has been kicking my butt and leaving me with no free-time... I hope to be able to get back to my projects this fall. So it's not totally abandoned-- I will get back to it.
  2. on the translations... bummer-- I was hoping they said, "For a good time call..." lol
  3. probably some artist that worked at Raven
  4. nice! your words should be in Aurek-Besh... not English.
  5. IMO... I think folks use the Discord channel for more real-time help, chat, etc. JKHub serves a purpose for project updates, etc.
  6. I've fixed the two ROFF2 bug issues in SP code (along with a couple of new enhancements) and @@Xycaleth has merged them into OpenJK. Now I need to finish compiling the revised .ROF exporter for all versions of 3dsMax 6-2020. @@AshuraDX has also written a .ROF exporter as part of his Q3ME toolset. Maybe @@mrwonko will update his Blender plugin to add the new notetrack types.
  7. Immensely difficult task to polish the terd that Rian Johnson shat on the Star Wars universe. If I was directing-- I'd have Ezra and Ashoka return and alter time and set things straight. Redeem Luke... and bitch-slap Kylo Ryn.
  8. @@MXXIV ...if you are planning to interface some scripting language, perhaps you should chat with the other OpenJK devs on Discord.
  9. @@minilogoguy18 - his jump/hop back animation looks blocky/clunky.
  10. Looking good... I think his nostrils need painting to give a more realistic appearance of depth.
  11. your new animations have to be the exact same frame length as the ones you are replacing... isn't there a readme for the GLAmerge tool? Search the tutorials.
  12. I discovered I had created 3dsMax NoteTracks on the modified object (i.e., Modifier stack)... but my exporter code is expecting the NoteTracks to be on the base node... once I moved them to the base node, my NoteTracks exported and played correctly in the ROF file. So now, @@AshuraDX and I need to figure out two issues that I believe are game-code related bugs. (1) "sound" type notetracks do not get played correctly. Only footstep sound is briefly heard. (2) The ROF format supports multiple efx/sfx notetracks on a given frame. The game code loops thru and parses all notes specified to be played at a given frame-- however only the first note gets played the subsequent notes for that frame do not.
  13. Ok! Well, I have the ROF animation playing correctly now from my 3ds Max .ROF exporter plugin. (thanks to some discussions with @@AshuraDX)
  14. Well, I can't believe I started this in 2013... but I've started recompiling the ROFF2 exporter for newer versions of 3dsMax... the exporter required many changes regarding the ASCII to UNICODE text switch over that occurred in Max2013. I should have a beta version for Max2015 this weekend.
  15. look here: http://www.scifi3d.com/list.asp?intGenreID=10&intCatID=14
  16. I agree with @@AshuraDX that 3dsMax is the best supported 3D app. But I'm working on a project that should expand modding for both Blender and Maya. No idea how long it will take... my free time is limited.
  17. @@Darth Futuza ...why not just create a StarTrek-like Bacta Hypo-spray injection. Then just create a stabbing animation of applying it to yourself or others?
  18. Awesome toolset! Looking forward to the official release.
  19. I will need to look at that max2010 scene you have and run my "fix" script on it myself. Will do when I get back from travels (if you did email the .max scene file to me as I asked-- your last email contained only 4 jpg images).
  20. @@Asgarath83, he does not use 3dsMax... @@ChalklYne uses Softimage/ModTool. It will not help you in 3dsMax.
  21. @@ChalklYne - I'm close to having him get his stuff fixed in 3dsMax. Walking him step-by-step thru some things.
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