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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. It was my understanding that his importer script imported the bone files and played the animations correctly in 3dsMax. Is this not correct? If so then maybe he needs to reset transforms or something like that (@@Psyk0Sith). He then exports to XSI using the original Raven Max5 XSI exporter (as I understand). Maybe @@Asgarath83 should try exporting one animation and the root.max file using the Max2010 he has and my Max2010 dotXSI exporter. It is important to know how the transform matrices are oriented for the skeleton_root, etc. Because my exporter does a coordinate transformation from 3dsMax to Softimage. Such that if you look at the axis tripods in each program they would appear to match (albeit Max is +Z up and Softimage is +Y up). I suggest him to open his .XSI exported files in the XSIViewer I uploaded. Now back to mixing mortar for a shower pan...
  2. I thought a SwampTrooper was an underwater/water-tight type... not a standard uniform open to water intrusion.
  3. My thinking about Cloth models... was to modify (if necessary) the openJK code to allow bolting on of MD3 models... where the MD3 models are exported cloth simulations. Or you could create a separate bone cloth model and bolt it onto the player-- so the bones are not part of the humanoid skeleton... but it would require code changes to synchronize the playing of animations of the humanoid and the cloth objects...
  4. Why can't you save the imported dotXSI files directly as action sources? Why the export to FBX and re-import?
  5. @@ChalklYne - do we have those JKO animations in the released animation files? If so, you could send me the list and I could try in 3dsMax to import the XSI and re-export it for you as an XSI file that Softimage can open.
  6. I'm sorry... I just do not have any free time. Real life has me very busy. I wish I could help... I hope you are able to figure it out. Maybe someone else here could help you. Try asking in the Discord Coding channel.
  7. @@JaceSolarisVIII ...bitbucket is easy to use if github scares you away.
  8. Download @@minilogoguy18 's skeleton rig and watch his tutorials.
  9. you will need to use either 3ds Max, Blender, or Softimage ModTool to manipulate the mesh objects to pose the character in the JKA root A-Pose. You will find skeleton files for these 3D programs in the Files>Utilities section. Also, check the tutorials section. Once in the A-pose you will have to weight (skin) the mesh to the skeleton bones... then export to the game format... Blender does this differently than 3dsMax or Softimage ModTool. Good luck.
  10. Could be done easier as an NPC skeleton rather than the humanoid.
  11. You can also use normal mapping on brushes, correct? @@SomaZ
  12. Google "Fuel Refinery" and "Naval Fuel Depot" and look at the image results for more inspiration. Looks great so far.
  13. @@Psyk0Sith - (to my knowledge) the dotXSI exporters do not turn edges on export.
  14. Adding a vert where you suggest still results in all quads if you remove the top vertical edge, and ignore your two lower red diagonals... but just add another edge loop all around-- this would allow you to round out that existing bottom belly edge loop and allow for better fat roll, no? Looks great @@ChalklYne!
  15. what is providing the structural support for the curved rails? Or are they just floating in space?
  16. @@eezstreet, @@Raz0r, @@Xycaleth, @@ensiform, @@Stoiss, @@UniqueOne ... any of you have time to help with this?
  17. @@DT85 - Stalactites? Rather than "radioactive glowing crystals. Maybe the lighting is realistically dark and requires judicious use of the head lamp item... NV googles wouldn't work either (i.e., no light source)
  18. @@AshuraDX - Flying home today... how can I be of assistance?
  19. you should do that with C++ NPC movement code... but I am not familiar with the code (sorry).
  20. @@Jedi_Mediator - please grab the actual image link that works with IMG tags.
  21. I'm wondering if it would be viable to have Bolt-On GLM/GLA models for things like armor, capes, robes, etc.? It would require a coding change to allow bolting on of robes, cloaks, capes, additional armor, etc. and would also require having the base humanoid.gla to tell the bolt-on models what anim to play. So they would have to be animated 1-to-1 to match the base anims. What do you think? Seems like then you would not have the humanoid gla burdened with ancilliary bones... @@Raz0r, @@redsaurus @@eezstreet, @@DT85
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