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Everything posted by Mandalorian

  1. nope no spoilers for me at all. It seems really split down the middle with who likes and dislikes the film. Each to their own I suppose. It's the crystal skull of star wars.
  2. I wish that it would happen but It will never happen. It has never happened and will never happen. This film cost to much. Petition to have some bullshit where Luke gets magicked back to life maybe that might happen if you get a few million people to demand it. Rian Johnson should definitely not be allowed to go near another Star Wars film. Just ignore this film. Just choose what you consider canon. You will always have the eu and George Lucas Star Wars.
  3. Luke dying is not understandable. Luke is star wars and to kill him off and be ok with that is so very wrong. If I had known I would of not seen this film. I will never allow anyone to bullshit to me or anyone else that Luke is somehow unimportant enough to be killed off and let that slide, absolutely fuck no. "Luke dying is understandable" - fucking blasphemy. I know I am biased but what the shit? I am dismayed at the lack of outrage at this. This is fucking Star Wars and FUCKING LUKE SKYWALKER IS DEAD.
  4. @. Definitely is a soft reboot.
  5. I was going to avoid spoilers with my opinion but I think that has gone out the window now. Leia had no force training by luke. How she did what she did was stupid. It made no sense whatsoever. The trilogy is about Luke, the prequels are about his father. The new trilogy is about a random person. They killed the legacy of the force.The prophesy to bring balance to the force with anakin being fulfilled with luke destroying the sith and turning vader to the light side is now moot. Snoke was a pointless and shallow character. He had no meaning to the star wars universe and you do not find out a single thing as to who he was and why he wanted Skywalker dead, how he corrupted ben nothing he was just there to be a imitation palps. Knights of ren isnt a thing.They just forgot about it. You do not see luke do any training or the fall of the temple or anything. This film and the prior film actively undo the six films before it. Absolutely nothing that the original trilogy did matters any more. It's a slap in the face. It feels like it was made to personally insult the fans and all the years i loved star wars despite being bullied and shamed for it was for nothing.
  6. I didn't like it. There where some good parts. But I think I'll just stick to the OT and old canon and ignore everything else from here on out. I probably will never watch a star wars film again. I will never forgive disney for the new trilogy. I am angry at there decision in this film. If you have seen it you know which one. Fuck Disney and Kathleen Kennedy.
  7. Off to see The Last Jedi.Wish me luck lads and ladettes

    1. Fuse294


      Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

    2. Mandalorian


      Obi Wan... WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?

  8. Yeah fair enough. I don't go jedi just Boba or Han, Bossk or Lando. It could use far more depth on the saber combat but it is still fun if you prefer blasters.
  9. It's one of the coolest things in the game. I really wish I could get a game with no credit farmers in it, because HvV is really solid.
  10. it is only online matches that the levels are reset and cards locked. This has been fixed. I prefer the first one by far.
  11. Today I got a nice little update that removed all my progress in matches. None of the unlockable content is usable and I believe this is affecting everyone.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mandalorian


      no but i may make one. It does look funny around the eyes. I am not sure if it is the texture or the model.Probably both. Thanks guys for the feedback, I will work on it some more and maybe make a thread.

      It will just be an improved version of the existing model

    3. Seven


      Looks like Alden Ehrenreich tbh (the new Han actor)

    4. Mandalorian
  12. I came here just to say that dammit!
  13. Also if you are Boba Fett and someone hits you with a disruptor starcard then your jetpack is permanently malfunctioned and will not work again. Pretty annoying.
  14. I hope they change the crosshair. It's to thin and It doesn't change colour when your over an enemy.The hero point system is good but should be lowered by a thousand points. The flamethrower trooper is useless. Got it on ps4 and it looks pretty good. Duplicate cards in the crates for me just about everytime which is frustrating.
  15. got to level 100 months ago too. I have over a million credits. @@Circa Yeah It must be pretty low and I always join the east or west coast servers. The connections terrible but there is always players on those. Americans play different to Aussies. Beta is tomorrow yeah?
  16. Lol I thought you snuck into one of mine! I would of added you proper but it was pretty late and I didnt want to wake my gf up. I remember you stomped pretty good.
  18. I separated the scripts into one for the camera and one that moves the player separately and I got it to work! thanks for the help anyway @@Noodle
  19. Would it be easier to use a origin tag and move the npc along it playing the animation? I havent used any of those functions yet so I don't really know how they work.
  20. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1JUNHBFtLwnYnRVV0xfQ2tITzA Here's a pic in radiant. Pretty simple set up.
  21. is there another way to do it? Is the way I have written there in the script fine? Do you want a screencap ingame with the show navgoals and paths or a picture of my .map in gtkradiant?
  22. //Generated by BehavEd affect ( "fakeplayer", FLUSH ) { task ( "walk" ) { set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NAVGOAL", "nav_player1" ); } set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@@weaponx_NAMES*/ "WP_DISRUPTOR" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_UPPER", /*@ANIM_NAMES*/ "BOTH_GUARD_IDLE1" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WALKING", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ ENABLE ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "startcam", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "startcam", ORIGIN)$, 0 ); wait ( 2000.000 ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ ZOOM, 40.000, 4000 ); wait ( 2000.000 ); dowait ( "walk" ); } wait ( 8000.000 ); remove ( "fakeplayer" ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ DISABLE ); run ( "city/start" ); mind you that I have changed this script a few times to get it to work differently.
  23. So I have no problem moving a npc around but when it comes to moving a fakeplayer around it either doesn't move or it disappears I cannot understand why there is a difference. Any one know if there are different rules for a fakeplayer npc. reading redasaurus singleplayer tutorial and following it exactly gets no result. I have tried a few different commands like task and dowait and i have looked at sample maps and scripts from singleplayer to no avail. The player in the cinematic just stands there being lazy.
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