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Everything posted by OCD2

    Unexpected and great contest choice! So many great things in this project, from the animations to the textures and the model itself. Makes me want to build an ice cave stat! Cant wait to see how it evolves and the fixes/enhancements you make over time!
  1. ! I posted a few photos of the droid in the request section. I'll try to get more photos, it's challenging getting clear shots.
  2. All of the submissions are great, everyone wins!
  3. Good stuff! I have interest in making some of the smaller scenes from the Mandalorian. Would love to have the eweb available, might tempt me to make a Grogu rescue scenario map. Do you think you will complete those models?
  4. Sexy Eweb and tusken raider dog?
  5. To show a bit of the tentative plan for the map, here is a rough sketch of the layout. The Purple Circle indicates the attackers starting point, and end point to escort the NPC prisoner for a win. The Gold Circle indicates the defenders tentative starting point. The RED Star is the 1st obj, entering the control room. The BLUE Star is the 2nd obj, the NPC prisoners cell location. The Correctional Transport has a large spline ridge across the top centerline, which im going to use creative license to adapt to be an in-ceiling maintenance shaft for gameplay enhancement purposes. The episode shows Din Djarin ambush Burg the Davarionian in the control room, from an in-ceiling grate - the maintenance shaft will be the way to access that location, and a way for the attackers to flank and breach the control room (1st obj). The Blue Line represents the upper level maintenance shaft, and the Green Circles indicate ladder access points to enter the maintenance shaft. The Red Lines indicate doors that will be included to divide the map into sections and help with portal-ing and VIS. The Orange Lines indicate extra unlockable flank corridors, to help attackers breach the control room. Its a relatively straight forward layout that reflects the source material closely, but has a number of possible routes to keep players moving and flanking. With inclusion of the security system that will drops doors on player detection, im hoping there is never be a single choke that dominates the map, and each play through can potentially feel dynamic and new/different.
  6. Doughnuts outstanding Din Djarin model has really inspired me, having the proper model is starting to add immersion to the map. Its starting to feel like youre playing scenes straight from the episode.
  7. Very nice! Would love to make a level to compliment this model, lots of fun potential!
  8. OCD2


    I was not able to even finish my map in time so.... There's always fixing it to your standard when you have the time. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Lol It looks great already, it would be very fun to play on it as rosario dawson vs the Diana Lee (the magistrate).
  9. Thank you, that makes sense. Its the first day in about a month ive been able to sit and try to work on my project, feeling rusty!
  10. Perhaps it could be on a moving brush... Never thought of that as an option. I was hoping to have a trigger cause the sprite animation to activate. The intended effect would be to have the "sprite" come from out of a wall/brush, and then return into the wall. Would it be possible to make an alpha shader "sprite" texture, and put it on say a caulk brush and have it move from left to right and back, on a trigger?
  11. OCD2


    Very cool, I thought about making this scene eventually, you did an excellent job! Bring on the Magistrate!
  12. I would like to try and make a two sided sprite (visible from both sides), that scrolls out of a wall from right and stops, then back to the left starting position. Start: | Scroll: |----* Return: | -* End: | What are the best options to achieve that effect? An animap sequence seems like it might be choppy, could you use a tcmod scroll? Can you control scroll distance, and make it reverse?
  13. Just as an update to let anyone who watched this thread, know that it looks like I will not make the contest deadline in time. Had some personal setbacks in a home disaster that occured on New Years eve which ruined part of the house and some of my things, and temporarily shut down my workshop. Ive been extremely busy dealing with the aftermath since! I intended to at least push out a "beta" version of the map for the contest, though nearly all of my waking hours have been dedicated to restoring the house and my workshop etc. I do plan to follow through with the project, when time allows. I have a ton of ideas for the map, things I think people will appreciate. I have a lot of photos, diagrams and notes ready for when I am able to take up the project again at a quicker and more focused pace. Thank you to everyone who has been guiding and helping me along the way, and will probably be helping me again in the future! Just to show a bit of the minor progress I made during my disaster: Remade and optimized the entry point ladder for the attackers to be closer to the source material. Added a access hole above the ladder and a small "Razor Crest room" (its a placeholder grey textured room currently). Still need to make the ladder "scalable". Fiddled around with the alarm system functionality. An iteration of the connecting corridors that will lead to the other sub-sections of the map. The connective areas are not shown in the episode, so there is going to be some creative interpretation to achieve symmetry with the rest of the map. I think this half-wall and beam structure that I made fits well already, though needs some refinement (last 3 pictures show the area).
  14. It's like a robot defibrillator
  15. Little bit of a ship shape. Head of ship given first pass on shape, gun batteries built to match source, side protrusions (radar?) shaped, engine attachment piece and some early placeholder textures.
  16. It looks really nice, looking forward to giving it a playthrough.
  18. Ah, alright. Its a new occurrence on my end, I was just wondering if anyone else was having it happen.
  19. More work today on my mini practical model Razor Crest I plan on using the mini Razor Crest in more of my mods, for intro movies and etc, so it will be receiving "model" (brushwork) and texture upgrades over time. All of the riveting and panel lines are really extensive, that will take a bit to texture nicely. Did I mention the ship is only 110 x 76 "map" units? Eventually I will add things like working animated side and cargo doors, and landing gears. As well as a partially textured interior. But im liking it already in its plain early stages: My little RC certainly still needs work, but its far closer to the source material than the prison transport; which unfortunately the transport does not have a lot of clear appearances on camera The couple of times its featured, there are discrepancies in its depiction. Missing parts in different scenes, 2/3 holographic maps shown in the episode that are all different...... Its going to take some time to get the lines right. Edit:. After watching the episode for the umpteenth time while exercising, I spotted and took some screenshots of clear angles of the prison ship! Its even wired framed lol, so the shapes are clear. Will definitely expedite the process. Also did some good optimizing, alteration and reworking on the actual playable map today- I've been busy!
  20. For the past week or so, often when I try to interact with the JKhub website, it returns an jkhub host cloudflare error. Anyone else?
  21. Hmm, I'll have to check, I added ref tags and in general changed a lot afterward, not knowing/thinking it would matter. Do you need all of the new ref tags origins, or strictly the starting point of the origin brush of the mover and the last ref tag? Edit: Sent you all of the coordinates, if you could update the roff that would be amazing. Or just the start and end points? I'm unclear as to the process, so whichever is easiest for you. PS What program do you use to actually view the ROFF files? Extra PS: If I added an fx_runner, would it need its own ROFF? I tried to add one to the brushwork and found thats not possible. Just looking to have a puff of steam or smoke come out near the nose of the ship right before it docks. (like the source)
  22. Significantly remodeled Crest(+textures), modified Correctional ship, and more work on scripted landing. (non-Roff for the moment) And some more textures, improved brushwork and some changes to the correctional transports gun batteries based off source material. Done for the day, but far from done.
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