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Everything posted by OCD2

  1. Hello all, Once again, I've done something thats halted my project (s)! I attempted to write a shader to smooth brush edges in my map. Failed! The map lighting was darkened. To preface, I also edited the map I was working on in the same session, and thought that may have caused darkening to that level when tested. But today while testing different things with Chalklynes spider on another map project, I found that map to be darkened as well! I tried reverting the shader file to a working version I saved before my editing attempt, but it did not have any effect. What could I have done? Why would more than one map project shaders/light darken?
  2. Thank you for all the information, I will test this out!
  3. Better late than never. Fight me for the 5th place loser trophy! (I'm one of the people who missed the deadline too)
  4. Currently I test in MP - the first iteration of the map will be MP, afterwards im hoping to convert it to SP. I believe I understood what you were explaining, though im not certain how to implement that exactly. I look forward to your sample, and appreciate your time and effort to help! (im not sure what a lift trigger is though, ill have to investigate)
  5. What's in the jedi academy blister pack, a cd copy of the game?
  6. Tried to make the beveled area passable, by overlaying caulk non solid pieces over the bevels and cylinder that connect the laddered areas. No success. Now the character will float up the the ceiling and drop down slowly, and then re-jump to the ceiling repeatedly. I believe its keeping with the wait 3 timing now. But still not a large enough or maybe not properly "non-solid" yet for a player model to go through. Im now recalling someone telling me that if I add inverted patch meshes overlaid stop the textured side that the model should pass through - will try that next time I work on the project. Tried smoothing some brush edges through a shader, limited success lol, will need to try more another day. Recessed the cell doors further, which gave them a nice depth, and bringing them closer to the source.
  7. Decided to prioritize working on the existing area before building out the map further. Some things need to be optimized, some need to be rebuilt - its best if the beginning area is further streamlined before mirroring out the rest of the map sections and having to rebuild/optimize each area individually. One aspect that I worked on today, was the attackers entrance ladder area. I realigned the "razor crest room" to the proper orientation, and resized it to approximate scale. Plan to have it as a bonus area, not essential to the map, but for completion/immersion. (And eventually single player) The Razor Crest area will likely consist strictly of the cargo hold interior where they enter into the transport. Perhaps over time it will include the cockpit and etc. I also retextured the ladder entrance ceiling, which in the episode I found was the same as the floor material. Another thing I tried adding today was a way to scale the ladder, to what will eventually be a modelled interior of the razor crest. I tried using a trigger_push, for the first time. This is how it worked out so far: The effect is not what I expected; currently any time youre in the trigger_push, it constantly keeps you suspended up to the ceiling where you stay! You never come down unless you hold control and slowly edge out of the area. What I want to occur, is have the player be able to trigger the push up to scale the ladder if and when they want. So far I have a trigger_push, with the keys speed 100, wait 3, multiple and linear checked in the entity entry - and its linked to a target position. I suspect it requires a trigger multiple attached to a target activate attached to the trigger_push? Any input on how to make that work as intended would be appreciated! Also, the bevels around the hole may be the barrier to being able to enter the ship. I discussed how to make them not solid with someone months back, though before I was able to implement the idea I was derailed by a life event that postponed my project and I've subsequently forgot how to make the bevels non solid! The other aspect I worked on today was the shape, size and position of the prison cell door frames. Incomplete but where I left off in the remake. BEFORE: After: Any input on how to address the trigger_push issue would be very much appreciated!
  8. Creating the area portals out of system/skip, and then one face of the door being Area portal did the trick! Thank you guru!
  9. Yes of course, going to the trouble of commissioning a model, you can have whatever you want!
  10. I do not see any z-fighting in the area. (other than the areaportal flickering inside the door if you look up at it from below with hidden floor brushes) Ive not tried anything with prtview ever, so Ill have to give that an attempt and see what I can find. I am a newer hobbyist modder,, with lots to learn - My area portals are strictly brushes with the area portal texture. They were working as they should before today, but clearly one of the changes I made around the map had an impact. I would like to try the proper way of area portal creation you mentioned as a fix - Does it matter what side is textured with area portal?
  11. Im going to have to sneak your name in Aurebesh onto the map somewhere as a tribute! Maybe on a control room monitor?
  12. I had a nice block of time today to work on my map project. So I clean up a few areas, made some small changes and adjusted some textures around the map as a start, with intentions of making some larger changes soon afterward. But ran into a problem in an area that I did not touch today. (As seems to be customary when I have time to work on my project!) Now in testing the map ive found that in one C shaped corridor near a door that contains an area portal, if you look towards that corridor, one wall is producing a hall of mirrors effect. The strange thing about it, is if you open the area portal-ed door, the hall of mirror effect stops while the door is open - but then returns when the door closes. What might cause that to happen? Approaching the area: Opening the door with the area portal removes the "hall of mirrors": The area portal door closes, and the "hall of mirrors" returns: Things I did to trouble shoot: I ran Bobztoolz, which found 4 duplicate plane brushes (not on the problematic wall). I removed entity lights from the area. I slammed my fist on my desk, but nothing happened. Im stumped!
  13. !!!!!!!!!!! Thats amazing and completely unexpected news! Now ill have to put every extra effort to make the Prison ship map top notch! I shall redouble my efforts!
  14. Found this page about the creation of the droids, by the studio that did the special effects work. It has sliders that you can move from right to left where you can see the basic grey 3d modelled droids, or move the slider to the right and you can see the final textured product. Might be helpful to any prospective modeller. https://image-engine.com/case-studies/the-mandalorian-season-1/ Also, a video of their special effects work from season one. The droid footage begins around 3:28. https://image-engine.com/portfolio/the-mandalorian-season-1/ Very interesting just to see the production process.
  15. Hey there, are you still working on this project? Was looking forward to seeing this one, your early pictures really had me hooked.
  16. I wish I was able to complete my entry in time. Everyone did a bang up job. Doughnuts model is perfection, a definitive version that no one could likely top. The spider is very cool, I would love to see a companion map for it as well some day. The calodan map is a good rendition. Its very cool and would be great if someone built a model of the Magistrate to duel on the bridge with Ashoka. The boba fett was full service, all of the costumes from the show in one pack. Good job to you all!
  17. Had some time to work on the connective corridors further today. Here is the current approach- the ceiling is simplified to be almost mirrored from the floor. I think something practical looking makes sense for a military/industrial utility type spaceship interior. Still needs better textures of course, keep in mind that these are still just quick mock up textures.
  18. Its a fun mash up character, but its reflective of one of the things I do not like about current Star Wars - why does everything have to be a near identical re-hash copy of something else? The force awakens was extremely close to being just a full new hope clone. Kylo Ren was made very Vader-like - which okay storywise he was a descendant; but then they make him part of something new, the Knights of Ren, but then do nothing with the new characters or Kylos association to the unknown group? And the Last Jedi rehash of the Hoth seige of an rebel base by atat, but it takes place on "salt" instead of snow, which had to be pointed out by a throwaway line by a random actor. Not to mention Rise of Skywalker doing much from the Return of the Jedi, the join me or watch your friends die in space scene... And baby yoda, which is just yoda, but a baby...... As well as countless other rehash. George Lucas liked to say "its like poetry, it rhymes". But its reached the point where "its like self-plagiarism, its copied." Lol, silly rant aside, its a fun mash up character and its nice to see you keep working and coming up with new characters and ideas. To plagiarize a bit of dialogue, as is customary in the new Star Wars : "I will be watching this thread with great interest.".
  19. Some surprise downtime today, so I optimized and simplified the connecting corridors, and did some work in the access shaft area. With the exception of the corner room "light panel" position, I feel the connecting areas are clean and uniform to the rest of the level, all while including an easy to areaportal doorway. The rest of the map can be propagated soon, and that should go fairly quickly as it is a lot of mirroring with minor alterations. The biggest piece left is to build the control room to scale. I have some diagrams and photos, just need to do the math, and then build it out.
  20. Early connective corridor build. At the end of the main hallways, this type of C shaped connector will be applied to connect the subsections of the map. This area being shown is near the attackers starting point, and an alternative route to the maintenance shaft that will lead to the area above the control room via ladder access. Its a risk/reward area - it will lead directly to the 1st objective, though there is little to no cover available along the path. It does require some backtracking to access, so its not quite a perfect navigation choice. If an enemy makes it to the secondary ladder access point and enters the shaft, they will have a clear line of fire to anyone in still the shaft. The area is incomplete/bland currently, and my intention is to decorate/spruce up the corridor with decorative/inaccessable doors to either the engine bay or a droid bivouac station. Progress!
  21. Small reprieve from rebuilding the house today! So gtkradiant is open and forward progress continues on the project! Someone recently mentioned interest in making the Type 1 security droid, the ultimate companion piece for this map, and got me excited. I already spent hours yesterday fighting with Doughnuts amazing Din Djarin NPC around the map and it was a blast. Completing the map and its set pieces, as well as having the main antagonist droid model would really push the project to the next level. Already began the process of further building out the connective joints this morning. The project will see the light of day eventually!
  22. Thank you for the information! I think I should be able to repurpose my creations into single player with (hopefully) minor adjustments - and significant work with entities, scripting, "cutscenes", etc and all the work it would entail. My creations are going to be based off the Mandalorian show. My tentative plan is to make scenes from the show playable as Multiplayer maps, and then afterwards if time and energy allows, convert them into single player experiences that recreate the episode(s). It's a far out plan, but it's good to know it's a possibility.
  23. I've been working on a map as a multiplayer project. I have intentions/hopes of making the map into a Single Player experience after completing the Multiplayer version. My question is: When im ready to start working on the map as a Single player experience, can I simply open the map in the editor, and change it from Multiplayer project to SinglePlayer project and start building/editing? Or is it not that simple?
    Very cool, complete set of NR era Boba Fett!
  24. OCD2


    What a great map, just like the source material!
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