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Everything posted by OCD2

  1. Thank you for all the information. I'll try the things you've suggested. Ill figure it out at some point, i think it's going to be practice that will make it click.
  2. What aspect of the disco shows the effect you are trying to teach me with the keyword and values rgbgen const wave inversesawtooth 0 1 0 1 ? There's a lot going on there lol. Is it the dance floor with the lights that bloom one at a time in colors?
  3. Little bit of something to look at today since its been quiet - The entry way layout, matched to the source material. Added the resized and repositioned cross pillars to the ends of large corridors. Resizing and realigning of various aspects to be more inline with the source material, and some other small details adjusted. Its looking a lot more uniform and already "feels" good to explore the area - with the right textures/shaders and models it would definitely evoke scenes from the show. Still need to work on the final textures: the walls need some minor wear marks around the edges, the hall doors need new textures, and all the various panels need retexturing etc. Will be putting in more work today after lunch, likely focusing next on the cell doors which need a bit of enlarging and optimizing. And then ill need to re-read the shader manual, and some tutorials. I have read it multiple times (over a few months), and each time I feel like I understand the order syntax and keywords/values - but then I try to implement my custom shaders and most often they fail or simply do nothing lol. Any tips or links to "grasp" and "master" shaders would be much appreciated.
  4. I added the waveform stage to my shader file glow stage, and nothing happened as far as I could tell. I tried making a little cube with the example white waveform shader texture, and still nothing. Well, the map hung up for a bit on devmap load, with the map image only showing up on about 1/4 of the screen. It remedied after it eventually loaded, but that was new... { map textures/colors/white blendfunc GL_ONE GL_ONE rgbgen const wave inversesawtooth 0 1 0 1 } I tried using the color green in the shader file, and applying it to the text cube and nothing. I tried the different values to see if that changed anything, but still nothing. Do I have to enable anything while using devmap to see the effect? Here is my current shader file after those attempts, if that helps: I tried a bunch of combinations, no luck getting anything out of the effect, im doing something wrong.
  5. Ah, I would have never thought of something like that as a solution! (At least parttly because I've not done anything with waveforms yet lol) One question about using the method you recommend. I would like the shader to have two "settings" - always on, and then triggered to strobe. Could I simply trigger the always on shader to remap to the strobing waveform shader to make it work? (Trigger, use script, switch to the waveform shader) PS. The link to your disco example is a 404 error.
  6. Hello, I'm working on some shaders today, which is an aspect of modding where I still have a lot learn. I wanted to ask some preemptive questions before getting to work. One of the shaders I will need to make is intended to be a slow strobe light - which ideally would come from my existing shader that has an alpha channel and glow. Questions: Would I be able keep the glow keyword on the shader, and would it show the glow when it is strobing on - or would it show at all times, even when it's "off"? Is there a keyword function that would allow a shader to strobe? One idea I had to possibly make a shader strobe, would be to use an 2 stage ani map, with an animation that changes the color of the alpha channel for a brief moment to simulate a strobe light. Any input appreciated.
  7. No, I did not.
  8. Hey thanks for the kind words! I've not remade the control room yet, I'll be resizing it to scale to match the rest of the ship. I was inspired and had the time to work on it for multiple days - though each day gtkradiant had different bugs occur that I had to try and fix before continuing. Funny you should say that, actually my thought for the next project was to keep up with a ship theme and make the Gozanti freighter as a map. I actually thought I would be able to sneak in both ships as a surprise bonus entry for the contest, but I'm thinking that's wishful thinking with the issues I've had with the map editor lol.
  9. Everyone told me they wouldnt use Luke. And then a single X-wing appears.. Not bad, luke got his jedi moment, somewhat like Vader in Rogue One. Even crushing a robot like his father. The special de-aging effects were okay, not much better than the previous de-aging attempts. Well, now I'm wondering how the show will continue next year. I have a feeling baby Kylo Ren will interact with Grogu next season.. maybe force fight over cookies. Good job Mandalorian, way better than expected.
  10. After much wrestling with the editor, here are a few shots of the entry point layout matched closely to the episodes depiction, and a slighting modified compile for better lighting.(thank you AshuraDX and MJT) After reviewing the episode for more reference, I noticed the entryway was in a different format than I initially thought. The main corridor of the entryway consists of 4 parallel cells, one connecting intersection corridor and four security doors. The corridor was shrunk down to match, 2 cells were removed, and security doorframes were placed accordingly. Hopefully GTK cooperates for awhile, ive got a lot to complete before the deadline!.
  11. After much I was able to restore the textures being displayed by going through the load texture directory menu, and reselecting the directory for loading textures .... after manually reselected the location that was already displaying just to double check, it restored the texture images in the editor........ I looked at it as one of the first steps to troubleshoot, but since it displayed the correct path, I figured it was not the problem. Lol. So three more hours wasted on trouble shooting editor issues (gtkradiant 1.4). I've been advised to use a different editor, which seems like very sound and sanity saving advice at this point.
  12. Sorry everyone, but yet again, having problems with GTKRadiant. Every day I have a few hours to work on my map, something seems to break! This is the third or forth time in a row that my available time is being spent trying to troubleshoot just getting the editor to work! It's very deflating. About 15 hours that could have been put into this map, spent in high frustration - if this keeps up, I'm not sure ill make it in time for contest submission. I opened my map file today, and my textures/brushes/entities are not showing up skinned - everything is white in the 3d view window. Also, if I try to view any textures with the texture menu, they present as blank white squares in the selector.... I tried all of the texture menu > render quality options - wireframe works, and flatshade shows a few of the colors to the textures but incomplete. I tried flush and reload shaders. What did I do / what happened? This is what it shows with flat shade selected in the texture render quality menu, so the textures are still intact somewhere.
  13. I'm wondering how they will work out the last episode. A few guesses: Big fight between mando and gideon - (has to happen, because of the beskar spear). Mando dies saving baby yoda, Grogu subsequently Rey's him back to life. Big climactic fight, all is almost lost and the surprise jedi shows up and saves the day. Who is the surprise jedi? Luke would be interesting of course, but perhaps hard to pull off because of Hamils age. Mace Window would be interesting because he is in direct conflict with Boba Fett for killing his father in front of him. He could save the day and say he would train Grogu, only to be killed in retaliation by Boba, leaving Grogu without a teacher again. Or maybe the jedi shows up early, joins the fight, they make good progress, only to be put in peril by the Dark Troopers near the end. There's too many of them! Boom, New Republic X-wings/troopers show up and save the day. In the end they gift Mando with a new ship for all his hard work against the imperial remnants. Those are the scenarios that seem likely.
  14. Second pictures blank lol
  15. Teach me everything you know!
  16. Wow comes to mind for feedback! This looks outstanding, it's inspiring for me as someone who wants to eventually start modelling. What program do you use?
  17. Bouncegrid did seem to help some with player model lighting, and gave some of the brush edges a bit more smoothing through shadow.
  18. I noticed It added an additional "clean" user.proj file. I was able to successfully use the existing compile options, and start adding more parameters, and it's remained stable so far.
  19. Okay, I found a solution to reset the stock BSP menu. I went into edit>preferences and click the "clean" button, then reset all of my gtk mapping preferences and now the BSP menu is reset and back to functional.
  20. Still having issues with compiling.... It reverted back to outputting a corrupted hall of mirrors BSP. I cannot figure out what's going wrong - I retried what you previously suggested @NAB622, and its not providing me with an epair entry in the local pref file anymore to try and fix the problem. Also, as an additional note: q3map2 seems to not be accepting the bounce 8 command. While the compiling was remedied short term after your previous help, it was not running bounce 8 and propagating the lighting as it was previously - and today it is producing the same bad BSP output.
  21. It will be a single level, with some amount branching. Not too complex, much like the source material. There will be triggerable security doors that change the flow of the level temporarily to give some depth to the gameplay. I've not had much time to work on it since having issues with the compiler. I tried today, though it seems like the compiler commands are still broken, or at least the one I tried today is not working properly. I do not have knowledge of how the light mapper works, nor do I know any of those aspects of lighting for mapping you mentioned. I would definitely be interested in those topics, anything I could learn to would be appreciated.
  22. Thank you for the information. I have not delved into BSP options yet, so that's good to know. @AshuraDX What do you need to do to add -bouncegrid to the compile parameters?
  23. Might need the stun baton that the security droid is shown wielding in episode 15.
  24. Another nice episode again today. The turn around and callbacks were placed well enough. Pedro Pascal must have a clause in his contract that allows him to take the helmet off once per season lol. I thought it was funny that Boba had enough time to repaint his armor while they've been tracking down Moff Gideon. Good quality over-all, hard to believe the season is done next week.
  25. Thanks you, I did something like that to clear our the extra entries and then repopulate with the correct path. There were huge strings of that directory error - maybe about 100 each at every point where there should have been one. I'm still boggled why it occured, but thankful you guys were here to help solve the problem.
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