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Angel Soul

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Everything posted by Angel Soul

  1. Finally, it's done. After lot and lot of work, I've finished it. WHAT'S NEW? - Added a completely new icon set - Improved effects - Fixed bugs - Added new menus - SP menu now has music! EDIT: - Separated the resource and mod file packs. Now you can download the mod pack (25 MB) separately from the resources! (79 MB) Resource pack is not required for mod to run. - Added couple of new effect variations. EDIT 2 (version 2.01b): - Added a completely new and reworked HUD ENJOY! DOWNLOAD LINK JKHub: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1449-ultimate-force-icons-mod/ DOWNLOAD LINK Moddb.com: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ultimate-force-icons-mod-v201a PS: - Mod downloaded via the "Download" section in Moddb.com - Resources (not required) downloaded via the "Addons" section in Moddb.com
  2. Ahhh... oky. I get this one too. But here's my problem: the recovery icon does not show the other images mapped to it. I have sparkles, glitters, auras... all kind of cuteness mapped to it, but they don't show. They do in ShaderEd2, but not here. This is the only thing I need to get fixed so I could finally release my mod pack I have been working on. EDIT: Okkkaayyy... this thing gets wierder and wierder. O.o I actually GOT it to work for one gameplay. Then not again. I added RGBIdentity to the images used for the rage recovery. I was playing "openjk_sp.x86.exe". I tried ordinary jasp and it didn't work agian. I tried "openjk.x86.exe" and even jamp... nothing. Even though that the shader file in the ShaderEd2 that worked (even in game) was copied over to the pk3 file!... This doesn't seem to be a bug from my part really... but rather in how the files are read! O.o I wonder... @@Raz0r ... what is your opinion about this? I know you work with OpenJK a little. So... what do you think this might be? EDIT 2: Ok, I've solved the problem. The thing is - like you said @@Omicron - that JKA reads some shaders only from a shader file with a certain name. The ragerec icon is defined in "mp.shader" file... so, I copied all what stood in the base "mp.shader" file, removed its definition of the ragerec icon... and added the shadering of my force icons, including the ragerec one. And now it works flawlessly. Both SP and MP. While I can now release my mod (FINALLY), I am somewhat concerned if there are mods out there that change the "mp.shader" file... if they do, won't that make my own icons stop working since the shader file might be overriden?
  3. Allrighty. The recovery one works to me in SP, but not in MP.
  4. Allright man. That's all that was necessary. That rage recovery icon (you know, when the character is slowed down - an icon that pops up blinking) is just making me confused. I know that all other work for certain. But ok... if this icon works for you... Would you be willing to try one more thing? This is another effect file. Like above, the rage recovery icon is the one I have problems with - despite coding seemingly being correct. Does it work well for you? Will the sparkliness and aura of them show on this one as well like the other icons in the .pk3 file? https://www.dropbox.com/s/00q7tvejif6mqb9/UFI_C_Effects_v201_sparklyauraandglitter_v1.pk3?dl=0
  5. I find this most ... confusing. Hahah And it works in MP too? Sorry if I repeat the question... but I just don't get it why it shouldn't work for me. My .pk3 with the effect files has the most z's now and it still won't work. But it works perfect in ShaderEd2... and looks like for you too.
  6. And the rage recovery?.... Its background is also same as the other icons? That power pulse of sorts? Like a shining star?
  7. @@Omicron here - I uploaded the files to my dropbox. Just recently got it. Can you please check and see if it works for you? Mod file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bzy7803atj061v3/UFI_v201_C.pk3?dl=0 Effect file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/unz2okdnaspk5sy/zzzzz_UFI_C_Effects_v201_powercore.pk3?dl=0
  8. I've tried all these now... and LT128 seems to have been working a bit.. not really sure. What do they do? Also, in ShaderEd2 where I edit the images - ragerec is the only forcepowers whose font is red in the preview menu section. Does that mean anything?
  9. // THE FORCE DRAIN ICON SHADER gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_drain { nopicmip nomipmaps //Drain X { map gfx/mp/drain_x blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow tcMod stretch sin 1.01 0.04 0 0.3 } //Red Core { clampmap gfx/mp/redcore blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow tcMod rotate 50 } { clampmap gfx/mp/redcore blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow tcMod rotate -50 } { clampmap gfx/mp/redcore2 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow rgbGen wave sin 1 0.6 0.2 3 tcMod rotate -25 } { clampmap gfx/mp/redcore blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow rgbGen wave sin 0 1 0 8 tcMod rotate -80 tcMod stretch sawtooth 0 1 0 3 } { map gfx/mp/f_icon_dk_drain alphaFunc GT0 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE glow rgbGen identity } } // END OF FORCE DRAIN //FORCE RECOVERY ICON SHADER gfx/mp/f_icon_ragerec { nopicmip nomipmaps //Rage X { map gfx/mp/rage_x blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow tcMod stretch sin 1.01 0.04 0 0.3 rgbGen wave sin 0 1 1 1 } //Red Core { clampmap gfx/mp/redcore blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow tcMod rotate 50 rgbGen wave sin 0 1 1 1 } { clampmap gfx/mp/redcore blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow tcMod rotate -50 rgbGen wave sin 0 1 1 1 } { clampmap gfx/mp/redcore2 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow rgbGen wave sin 0 1 1 1 tcMod rotate -25 } { clampmap gfx/mp/redcore blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow rgbGen wave sin 0 1 1 1 tcMod rotate -80 tcMod stretch sawtooth 0 1 0 3 } { map gfx/mp/f_icon_ragerec alphaFunc GE192 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow rgbGen wave sin 0 1 1 1 } }//END OF FORCE RECOVERY ICON SHADER Here it is. I added Force Drain coding to it for comparison. Force Drain works perfectly, while Rage recovery does not.
  10. Hmm... I just tried that. Copied the gfx.shader and put it into a separate pak. And at the bottom of it were all my icon shaders. Unfortunately, now no shader worked! hahah
  11. Yep. THAT one is. But there's another file which is put later on. And I've found it now. It's called "main_centerblue.jpg"
  12. Heya I've prepared a new set of icons for a release of new force icons. And I've been editing through ShaderEd2. The problem I am having, which I am unable to solve or understand, is that the extra images I've added for background for rage recovery icon - work perfectly in ShaderEd2... but they don't show up in-game? Is this icon some sort of special case or...? I mean, all should work. All other icon work perfectly with same image and coding.
  13. Allright @@Stoiss. Thank you. I hope I find some nice midi-mod like this to incorporate in my pack.
  14. Hmm. Allright. Though - I'm not intressted in OJP about this. I was hoping there was some for standard JKA.
  15. Hey guys, I don't know if this is the right area to ask this - but... I wonder; is there any Holocron mini-mod for JKA? One that enables Holocron FFA/TFFA/CTF and Jedi Master game modes for JKA? Basically - I am almost done with my "Ultimate Force Icons" mod, where I have added new icons and new backgrounds for JKA (yes the SP Menu now has music)... and to complete it, I would Love to have these game modes to be incorporated in my mod, where the Holocron force colors matches that of mine in the mod. Have a nice Saturday!
  16. Allright @@Raz0r will give it a go! Thanks man. LOL!!!!! xD xD :D
  17. The map is beautiful... I want to play it in Team FFA!! Why doesn't it show up on my map list? I got it installed. :/ Someone help? Please?
  18. Heyo, guys... I've been modifying the game's menu background images - but I can't make screenshots. Not even if I bind a key to it. And print screen just delivers a black image. Any thoughts?
  19. Heya, When you just start JKA, there's a video of sorts in that middle ring menu. But when you click "NEW" or "LOAD" or whatever... the video in the center ring disappears, and is apparently replaced by a static image file. But I am unable to locate it. Can anyone tell me what image it is? Thank you.
  20. Yep. I solved it. It was in .shader files. Had to use GL_ONE_SRC_ALPHA something for the icon frame and it worked Used ShaderEd2 to check it out.
  21. Hey, I recently created a new Force Icons set which will be added in a whole new pack. I've made a set which would show in SP Force choice menu, and for MP force display. They work perfect in the single player force choise menu before a mission, but when you use the icon sets in multiplayer (or just simply switch/use force powers), their alpha channel isn't read well at all - and they look so corny and absolutely horrid. Anyone knows why? :/ Yes, I have named them all correctly.
  22. Wow! that looks terrific! I would love to have it too!
  23. Excellent for the Mario Bros. player model
  24. @ViceK - I think this is the file? http://jkhub.org/fil...kis-mace-windu/
  25. Music and Video Games. ForceMod 3 to be specific (albeit I wish the bugs there were fixed and it added abilities of JA+ and JA++)
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