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Angel Soul

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Everything posted by Angel Soul

  1. Hehe, you're welcome. I see. It's nice! Fov change. Less tech, and gets the job done. Good one! I like the binoculars. Makes me feel like I am actually using a gadget like Luke did on Hoth in Episode 5. Yepsy. You get the disruptor in the dormitory, where an imperial officer has barricaded himself behind force shields together with a couple of stormys.
  2. I don't like Savage Opress, or Darth Maul ... but what you have done is amazing. @DT85, congratulations and really really well done! Easily 5 / 5 from me.
  3. I was playing through on Single Player on JKA, and I am absolutely loving it. Finally beat the "Jedi Knight" difficulty. Had most problem with Alora and a couple Reborn Masters, otherwise it went pretty well. While I was playing, I encountered two really surprising things: 1.) I found a secret in Dosuun. You get a DEMP weapon which is pretty neat to destroying the AT-ST later on (unless you already got Force Lightning). 2.) If you bind a key with "zoom", you get the electrobinoculars as in Jedi Outcast. I find it a bit annoying that you can't really recharge the battery, nor that it does regenerate, as I really love scouting around in that game and using stealth to bypass or take out opponents. There is an exception though. If you use it, and deplete your batteries on the level Tattooine, where you have to find a droid in Jawas' sandcrawler... you can actually recover the batteries, by standing near those box-looking droids which were also found in DF2 (ammo droids BF2), and press the "Use" button. It completely recovers the batteries. Heh... I dunno about you guys, but I never knew about this lol You got more strangeness to share?
  4. I know. I absolutely LOVE Force Throw in that game. I am totally in Love with it haha. I only wish there were more of those things to throw around. In MultiPlayer. Force Throw and Deadly Sight are my fav powers.
  5. @ ViceK, I knew you would do it real well on your Emperor reskin, but this is just plain fantastic. I think it is easily fair to say that the model should be changed to fit your textures better (wider cheekbones and jaw), because this is plain plain amazing. I give you 5/5 without shadow of a doubt. Well done.
  6. That's a cool idea! Do they do anything more beside that? Like... can they charge your ammo/shield/health like some droids in DF2 can? That would be really cool
  7. This is really great! Well done dude! 5/5!
  8. @Omicron - found it. You can find the HUD here. Although I did modify the positioning of the saber style graphics and armor numeric location in mine: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Samus_Aran_Metroid_HUD;117039
  9. Giving up the Jedi Academy modding community. Thanks everybody. Thanks JKHub. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ping


      Take care brosnapper!

    3. Barricade24
    4. Angel Soul

      Angel Soul

      Haha thanks @Ping bro! :D You take care of yourself too.


      Miss me that much @Barricade24? :P xD LOL I'll be around a little now and then. :) You take care of yourself man. Have fun.

  10. Updated to 2.01b. This is most likely the final version. The new here is a new HUD.
  11. Ahaa.... I see.... It's a shame really. Would be so much fun tossing crates and ships at your opponents with the Force Powers! *evil grin* hahah
  12. Heya. Basically what I have in mind is that each hilt has its own unique features. Now I've been playing with them, and I'm not as victorious as I always am vs bots. Sooo... I suspect that the sabers need some re-balancing. I am posting up code here so you can check out. If you wish to try them in game, let me know, and I'll put it up in my dropbox. single_1 { name @MENUS_SINGLE_HILT1 saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_1/saber_1.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberLength 50 saberColor random moveSpeedScale 1.12 animSpeedScale 1.05 damageScale 0.9 breakParryBonus 1 parryBonus 1 lockBonus 2 drawAnim BOTH_SHOWOFF_FAST } single_2 { name @MENUS_SINGLE_HILT2 saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_2/saber_2.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberLength 40 parryBonus 2 lockBonus 2 returnDamage 1 maxChain 4 saberColor random drawAnim BOTH_SHOWOFF_FAST } single_3 { name @MENUS_SINGLE_HILT3 saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_3/saber_3.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberLength 40 saberColor blue drawAnim BOTH_SHOWOFF_FAST1 saberStyleLearned staff saberStyleLearned dual saberStyleLearned desann saberStyleLearned tavion brokenSaber1 single_VaderEp5 } single_4 { name @MENUS_SINGLE_HILT4 saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_4/saber_4.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/YodaON.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum5.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberLength 38 saberColor green damageScale 0.88 maxChain -1 jumpAtkLeftMove LS_BUTTERFLY_LEFT jumptAtkRightMove LS_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT jumpAtkFwdMove BOTH_ALORA_SPIN //LS_SPINATTACK_ALORA drawAnim BOTH_SHOWOFF_FAST //readyAnim BOTH_SABERDUAL_STANCE tauntAnim BOTH_ENGAGETAUNT saberStyleLearned staff //saberStyleForbidden medium breakParryBonus 1 disarmBonus 1 } single_5 { name @MENUS_SINGLE_HILT5 saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_5/saber_5.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber_vader/saber_on.mp3" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber_vader/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber_vader/saber_off.mp3" saberColor red numBlades 1 saberLength 45 saberStyleLearned desann //saberStyleForbidden fast readyAnim BOTH_STAND1 disarmable 1 disarmBonus 5 lockBonus 3 breakParryBonus 5 moveSpeedScale 0.85 animSpeedScale 0.8 damageScale 2.5 noCartwheels 1 noWallRuns 1 noWallFlips 1 noWallGrab 1 noMirrorAttacks 1 } single_6 { name @MENUS_SINGLE_HILT6 saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_6/saber_6.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberLength 40 saberColor random jumpAtkUpMove LS_SPINATTACK knockbackScale 1.10 moveSpeedScale 1.05 animSpeedScale 1.05 returnDamage 1 lockBonus 3 saberRadius 4.5 maxChain 5 } single_7 { name @MENUS_SINGLE_HILT7 saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_7/saber_7.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/dookuon-.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberLength 38 saberColor red drawAnim BOTH_VICTORY_FAST breakParryBonus 1 parryBonus 1 lockBonus 3 disarmBonus 3 animSpeedScale 1.125 saberStyleLearned tavion //saberStyleForbidden strong damageScale 0.75 } single_8 { name @MENUS_SINGLE_HILT8 saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_Common-Jedi/saber_w.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberLength 36 saberColor blue drawAnim BOTH_VICTORY_STRONG parryBonus 4 alwaysBlock 1 disarmable 0 saberRadius 4.5 damageScale 0.88 } single_9 { name @MENUS_SINGLE_HILT9 saberType SABER_SINGLE saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_9/saber_9.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberLength 35 saberColor red disarmBonus 2 lockBonus 2 damageScale 1.4 knockbackScale 1.20 animSpeedScale 0.90 moveSpeedScale 0.90 drawAnim BOTH_STAND1_TALK3 } dual_1 { name @MENUS_STAFF_HILT1 saberType SABER_STAFF saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_dual_1/saber_dual_1.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberColor random twoHanded 1 numBlades 2 saberLength 32 parryBonus 5 alwaysBlock 1 moveSpeedScale 1.05 disarmable 0 damageScale .64 saberStyle staff throwable 0 singleBladeThrowable 1 saberRadius 5 singleBladeStyle medium brokenSaber1 brokenstaff brokenSaber2 brokenstaff } dual_2 { name @MENUS_STAFF_HILT2 saberType SABER_STAFF saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_dual_2/saber_dual_2.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberColor random numBlades 2 saberLength 36 saberStyle staff //noKicks 1 //throwable 1 returnDamage 1 singleBladeThrowable 0 moveSpeedScale 0.85 animSpeedScale 0.90 damageScale 1.3 knockbackScale 1.5 saberRadius 4.5 singleBladeStyle medium brokenSaber1 brokenstaff brokenSaber2 brokenstaff twoHanded 1 } dual_3 { name @MENUS_STAFF_HILT3 saberType SABER_STAFF saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_dual_3/saber_dual_3.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberColor random numBlades 2 saberLength 35 saberStyle staff throwable 0 moveSpeedScale 0.70 animSpeedScale 0.70 breakParryBonus 8 lockBonus 5 damageScale 2.3 noWallRuns 1 noWallFlips 1 noWallGrab 1 noCartwheels 1 jumpAtkFwdMove BOTH_ALORA_SPIN singleBladeStyle medium singleBladeThrowable 1 brokenSaber1 brokenstaff brokenSaber2 brokenstaff twoHanded 1 } dual_4 { name @MENUS_STAFF_HILT4 saberType SABER_STAFF saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_dual_4/saber_dual_4.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberColor random numBlades 2 saberLength 28 saberStyle staff throwable 0 disarmBonus 4 parryBonus 2 lockBonus 3 moveSpeedScale 0.90 animSpeedScale 1.20 damageScale 0.67 singleBladeStyle medium singleBladeThrowable 1 brokenSaber1 brokenstaff brokenSaber2 brokenstaff twoHanded 1 } dual_5 { name @MENUS_STAFF_HILT5 saberType SABER_STAFF saberModel "models/weapons2/saber_DarthMaul/saber_w.glm" soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav" soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav" soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" saberColor random numBlades 2 saberLength 40 saberStyle staff throwable 0 moveSpeedScale 1.20 animSpeedScale 1.05 breakParryBonus 1 lockBonus 2 jumpAtkFwdMove BOTH_ALORA_SPIN singleBladeThrowable 1 brokenSaber1 single_118 brokenSaber2 single_118 twoHanded 1 drawAnim BOTH_SHOWOFF_STAFF singleBladeStyle tavion }
  13. Aww... I was hoping one could add it to SP. Anyway, thanks everybody for your reply. Wonder why they didn't put this in JKA in the first place. Force Grip could have doubled as Force Pull from DF2.
  14. Hey folks, I don't know if it works for you, but I downloaded this mod: http://jkhub.org/files/file/717-throwable-stuff/ And supposedly, from what I understood, many map objects on SP should now be able to influence with force power such as grip/throw and pull. But it won't work for me. Does anyone know why? I would to be able to use crates and other map objects that are on SP (and MP) and just smash them into opponents, drop things on them... etc etc etc
  15. Yep. Got it. I will give it a go! Phew.... thank goodness. I am glad it's streched and be same size! Coz I really want to finish this project once and for all without worrying about this and that.
  16. I just checked the sp_ingame.str. The Force powers name have no ^2 and ^1 kind of stuff - coloring of fonts...but in-game they are colored. Now I wonder, even if I do change this through the .STR files... will it be changing the variable number of the nr of times different force powers were used? BTW, thanks @@Circa
  17. Eek... I've never done that before. LOL How do I edit the .STR files?
  18. Actually there's only one I can think of right now But I'll ask more when I think of any. I know there were some. So... here we go: In SP, after you've finished a level, there comes a screen where you're shown amount of attacks you've been doing. And it also shows force power usage. Now I want to change some of the font color here. The force power usage of Light side to green, and Neutral to Blue. How and where do I do that? EDIT! Ahh... now I remembered 2.) How do I change the font of the HUD numbers? 3.) If I choose a higher resolution on JKA... will the HUD also look smaller? I am mainly concerned because I've made a new HUD mod for JKA. And it's small and beautiful. And I want it to keep looking just as good in all res. 4.) When you start a single player map, and you are about to select a Force Power... once selected, all other force powers are darkened, to show that you have highlighted your current Force power. Where is this script that determines this? I wish to change icon blending, and also add a swirly circle on the highlighted force power. Like in JO when you got a new Force Power.
  19. @Jose Carlos - this sounds mighty cool. Is there any chance you could make crates grip/throwable - like the ones found on Bakura and in Nar Shadaa streets too? Would be fun using Force Grip, bringing it above the head of a target and just drop it. Muahahahah
  20. @Ruxith - what skins/models did you use in screenshots? Links please?
  21. You could try out ForceMod 3 - Revenge of the Sith. If you play as "Jedi Aurorian" or "Sith Zealot" you can choose additional styles for your single saber. This includes, Desann's, Tavion's, Dual-, and Staff saber fighting style with your single saber!
  22. Yep. I agree. The thing is, I am not sure how to change the font of numbers into others.
  23. Here it is. It's for my Ultimate Force Icons Mod I have made. What do you think guys? Is it too small, or just right? https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/908x681q90/673/HQ0qFf.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/908x681q90/673/pGt1LA.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/908x681q90/904/UUS7ZC.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/908x681q90/673/lqx0gU.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/908x681q50/905/GOlvKv.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/908x681q90/537/XE1Euq.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/908x681q50/910/4R1iVY.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/908x681q90/673/PASWCG.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/908x681q50/908/nxNd17.jpg https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/908x681q90/673/UqjKYl.jpg
  24. @Wystan dude - this map is GREAT!! I have a couple of problems though: 1.) Bot routing - the bots just stand in single places all the time. Could you make one more elaborate? So they move around and capture flags and so? 2.) When I drive the vehicle - my ship suddenly sinks as it is pulled down by gravity. I must have a really really high speed for it to not just drop dead down. And in such high speeds I don't have time to aim, or move the way I wish to. Could you fix this too - if possible? 3.) (Request) If you could do a day and winter version of this that would GREAT!!! (Yes, I am snow addict) You get my 5 out of 5 vote for this map!
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