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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. Omicron

    Donate to JKHub

    There was one last year
  2. Omicron

    Donate to JKHub

    If I could donate, I would
  3. It's likely that the white outline is from an area that only has slight alpha on it (eg, didn't use a hard edges brush to remove it). Try making a black layer under your texture, and see if you can see the white outline, then clean up the texture however much you need to
  4. Here ya go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c03wbe22xf7qodi/zsospackalgar.zip?dl=0
  5. All of Claim's stuff deforms oddly like that, weighting isn't exactly his strongest point
  6. When I made my skin of it, I drew guides and wrote in different colours the various sections on the body texture, as some points I had to make the grey/silver/chrome metal while others keeping black, I'll see if I can dig it up when I get home. Also, you'll probably need to make the textures from scratch so it could be uploaded here, just to avoid all that legal crap. I'll need to do some small editing on mine, as the torso uses some parts of the original still (chest namely) but it shouldn't take long to make my own, as I did start it AGES ago and have since got better at texturing in general
  7. This has reminded me of a reskin I did of the terror trooper awhile back, might upload it here as we have new file policy's that would allow it. EDIT: Screenshot ingame
  8. Happy 10th Birthday JAWA :>

  9. Any modellers/skinners know of good body/torso/chest texturing tuts? I'm happy with the head/face as it is, but will likely come back to it later

  10. How do you get cpm physics in JK2? I know JA++ adds it for JKA
  11. Skinning a face/head from scratch was pretty ambitious for me, I would like to hopefully also try a torso/chest as well at some point, but my time constraints is mostly due to homework/revision
  12. Nice! Is the green sabre animated?
  13. I have a 16:10 ratio o.O I prefer DP's version too, probably because of the simple font used in yours DT. Looks god apart from that though
  14. Cliff Burton died 28 years ago today :(

  15. Could use the Dark Forces 2 skinpack for some of the stuff
  16. I added a few strands with a bit of colour (both not mirrored) and added a bit of shadow in the eyes Need more strands do you think, or is that fine?
  17. I'll try that now, although I may still get the odd triangular effect in the middle, due to how the texture gets wrapped round the model
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNn-iUT6xh4
  19. Now to fix up my layer masks so it looks more like skin is showing through, rather than it blurring at the edges Well, I wouldn't mind having a small goatee modelled onto it, but I would highly doubt that such a small request would get taken up
  20. Updatez, looks better now, I'm certinally more happy with it than I was Need to fix some of the colouring/lighting on the back though, by the top
  21. The dimensions aren't to the power of 2. The sizes you can use for the width and height are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc
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