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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. Why do ears have to be so darn annoying to texture

    1. Dusty


      All the better to hear you with.

    2. Barricade24


      I was thinking of saying the same thing.


    3. JediBantha
  2. Could this also work for mindtricked enemies?
  3. @@minilogoguy18 Yeah, the foot rolling up the toes. It just seems to lift off the ground while staying relatively flat
  4. The foot doesn't seem to 'push off' the ground, or certainly tilt very much, the leg looks like it just lifts off.
  5. I'm pretty sure that maul isn't a dwarf. And that Savage model is that one that was ported, was just horribly rigged in ingame
  6. Would be good if there's an option for custom floor texture too, but great work nonetheless!
  7. No idea where the sounds are from, thanks for the new ones! If you mean by you uploaded it here, it will NOT get approved. EDIT: Now included the sounds in the pk3, along with a small readme, link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ypd8vafbqy6txp/ezio.pk3?dl=0
  8. What's the advantages/disadvantages of using png/tga for textures with have alpha? I personally use png, but I see that a lot of people round here use tga, so I was wondering if they have some advantage over png's
  9. Np, feel free to upload the fixed sounds if/when you do
  10. Would these droids be fairly easy opponents to fight and can be dealt with easily, or would they be relentless zombie-like droids that will carry on trying to kill you even if you cut off body parts like limbs and head
  11. Enjoy https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ypd8vafbqy6txp/ezio.pk3?dl=0 The sounds don't work, but apart from that it seems fine.
  12. Wow, nice work man! Should totally have it uploaded here too
  13. That's Rebel Strike ithaik, the third one
  14. There is a port of it from AC2. I can send it to you tomorrow, as I want to fix some two sides texture problems on it first
  15. Well, it uses textures from Quake Live (which is free) but probably still would be against the rules as it is all ripped from the game
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2ivSCJCXtY
  17. Hail Caelum, the Skygod

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ping


      ^ always been saying just that

    3. Omicron


      part of my brain has gone dead with utter confusion, I think I'm missing something

    4. Bek


      As you wish, Oh Master Jedi.

  18. ^Pretty much the only ones I use.
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