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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Hi. Jedi Master difficulty. Bye.
  2. Raz0r


    Not really. Most of the changes are in the engine. I had JA++ client compiling on Linux years ago with minimal effort, and would have run on OpenJK executable.
  3. Though I personally liked having to use weapons in JK2 for half the game.
  4. Guns only need to be used in speedruns for blowing up trip mines.
  5. You should report that bug. I've successfully connected to JA+ servers with it on Linux 64 bit and Windows 32 bit. Feel free to report it on the forums or Github issue tracker, I'm most interested in fixing it if it is a JA++ or OpenJK issue.
  6. I'm not sure about the missing text for the selected weapon, but is cg_drawGun set to 0?
  7. Well, it got JA++ to run on Windows, Linux and Mac =]
  8. The performance impact is next to nothing. Lighting is calculated offline, so it will only affect your compile time and (if you go really crazy with lightmaps) memory usage.
  9. I rate JA+ 9/11 - would crash again. inb4shitstorm

    2020 EDIT: w o w   e d g y

    1. eezstreet


      hurr crash

    2. Circa


      A status update from Raz0r! WAT.

  10. It could be a pk3 in your japlus folder. Is it only happening on a specific server. What textures specifically? A screenshot would help.
  11. Tch. IP.Board theme with custom CSS ftw.
  12. I plan on working on an rpi port one of these days. It's certainly possible, especially for servers (where I don't have to worry about porting the renderer and making it GLES compatible.
  13. irc.arloria.net/#JACoders still exists. I don't think the linux buildbots are uploading their files, but they're still running. I think it was an issue with 32 bit binaries being named weird so it was disabled.
  14. Raz0r


    At the moment, no. It's up to them. They'll have to remove any engine modifications they use, including some anti-cheat stuff. From what I hear, that's the main reason they won't support it. It's been discussed for about a year now with no verdict.
  15. I don't particularly like the idea of combining with that high resolution texture mod. A lot of the textures look out of place, the image/file size and load time is way too high. I'm all for high quality art including high resolution textures, but it must be done in moderation. You can resize a 1x1 solid colour image to 4096x4096, but that doesn't make it any higher quality. You should also take into account other rendering effects, such as environment mapping, specular mapping, etc...but if you're going down that path, it might be worth using rend2 with physically-based rendering for realistic materials. For reference, the high resolution texture pack being discussed is > 1gb and IMO the ingame quality does not match the file size or load times.
  16. Yes you must create the assets manually, but they are applied to Ghoul2 models the same way they're applied to anything else. There's nothing specific for Ghoul2 models.
  17. OJP 1.3 also used the name Jedi Knight Enhanced =p
  18. What more could you possibly want for a server configuration than the full list of cvars? Use whatever you want. The defaults are okay too, you don't even *need* a handwritten configuration. Using the admin system is documented as shown above, and certainly works. admins.json is created automatically when you add an admin. It will be created in <fs_homepath>/<fs_game> so for OpenJK that will be either Documents\My Games\OpenJK\japlus\admins.json for Windows or /home/user/.local/share/openjk/japlus/admins.json for Linux. Setup guide? bat/sh file with ./openjkded +set fs_game "japlus" - done Not sure what trouble you're having =\
  19. The first link is only the source code for developers. The second link provides the files needed to run it (client executable, server executable, gamecode in OpenJK folder). Extract it to GameData and run the client executable.
  20. This page explains how to use the admin system.
  21. If you're going to add more levels, I volunteer to speedrun them and give feedback on the level design =]
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