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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. JA+ didn't patch it. It's patched in OpenJK.
  2. Maybe don't go into specifics, it's kind of nasty.
  3. Correct. Each client frame will generate a corresponding movement command, aka usercmd, thus you can not send more than 1 usercmd per frame. (cl_maxPackets <= com_maxFPS) If you were to set cl_maxPackets to 125, you would send 1 usercmd per packet. But with a non-modded jamp.exe, cl_maxPackets is limited to 100, which means sometimes you would send 1 usercmd per packet, and other times 2 usercmds per packet. In this case, it would be better to consistently send ~2 usercmds per packet, so long as you are sending at-least sv_fps packets per second. If you are sending at-least sv_fps packets per second, they will be queued and processed on the next server frame. The issue with having a lower cl_maxPackets/com_maxFPS value is the increased data-loss in situations with high packet-loss or latency, leading to warping as more usercmds are being processed (or skipped) each server frame. In general, com_maxFPS is best set to 125 (For physics and display reasons), so cl_maxPackets is best set to 63 (125/2)
  4. Eh, there's a lot of misleading, incomplete, and wrong information in there. I don't have to effort to revise it though =[ You should also make the distinction between a cvar and a command, and perhaps explain some of the cvar flags and where they are stored. There are a lot of missing cvars, and missing potential values. The best documentation is the source code itself. EDIT: It seems like a lot of this is from Q3 guides, where there are subtle differences.
  5. Uh huh, without providing any information as to what that file is. Here's a hint, "Remote Service Application" It will run msdcsc.exe. Confirmed malware. EDIT: After running it in a VM, it replicated itself to My Documents\MSDCSC\msdcsc.exe and added itself to the registry to be run on startup.
  6. I've watched that run enough times to find several improvements =p 1:31 you can wall-strafe and spam jump to move through that tunnel much faster. 3:56 if you're fast enough you can get on the previous lift cycle 4:45 could be strafing past them to save a second or two 16:10 can strafe whilst on a slick surface to get down much faster, saving a second or two 16:45 might be wasting time waiting for Lando to shoot him? *stops watching*
  7. Sounds like you edited it from Windows, and the program you used added Windows-style line endings. Try editing it in nano and redoing all the lines (delete, return) It's also a generally bad idea to run things as root or as superuser (sudo) =]
  8. Could be r_ext_compress_textures 0. It requires a vid_restart
  9. Ah. It might be another mod like Clanmod, Lugormod, or running a custom mod via QuakeMultiMod (which runs a mod alongside an existing mod) If you're still interested in JA++, there's a lot of information about it in my signature.
  10. Oh. It could be a JA++ server running an MotD plugin. When you connect, try doing /aminfo and see if it says JA++
  11. Could just be a bind, or an auto-reply feature of UltraUtility.
  12. Hah, I think I wrote that one ages ago. It should work fine, and it's intended to be run in a screen session. Try removing the 2>&1 part
  13. The first level of DF2. It was one of the first PC games I played, and possibly the first 3D game. I remembered the Bryar pistol and the Grans in the bar for years before I made the connection between DF2 and JK2.
  14. I think you have to remove .NET 4.5? Something like that.
  15. So long as MD3s are still fully functional, I guess it can be done. Would benefit MP as-well.
  16. Loved watching that. I love how they hit the end-map triggers with their body
  17. If the server's fs_game isn't "japlus" it won't work anyway. You probably already have the client-side. Can you play on other JA+ servers with it?
  18. That's wrong, it should simply be "japlus" Sounds like an issue with your host. I can't help, it's not specific to JA but how they're using it.
  19. When you connect to the server, try typing /fs_game and tell me what it says
  20. That sounds like the client-side of the JA+ mod isn't being run. Are you launching your server with +set fs_game "japlus" and have the client-side installed? I don't know how Multiplay mod selection or command-line arguments are set up.
  21. Can you post your current script, and the one you used for JA if possible
  22. You're probably thinking of Berserker@Q2
  23. Dynamic glow gives more control to the artist. Bloom is easier and imo provides better results.
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