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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. No reload. Don't ruin the feel of these classic shooters. Pew pew pew.
  2. I'm suspicious of "having" to use GLDirect to run JA - it would be better to find out why it won't run using native GL. Perhaps the old "extensions too large" issue which is fixed in OpenJK/jaMME Being that jaMME uses a bunch of different rendering things, it wouldn't be surprising that GLDirect is at fault here.
  3. Try changing the power settings for Windows in general, and also your WLAN adapter. You may need to go into Device Management to change it. I've had similar issues of my wireless dropping out before changing my power settings.
  4. If the server isn't using OpenJK, it could probably also be the donedl exploit.
  5. It requires a bunch of coding. It was originally added by JKG, and I believe shared with MB2. No other mods have it.
  6. It's a bug in the code that you can't do anything about unless you have the source to that mod. It's fixed in most mods.
  7. "Most cheaters aren't coders" is a weak argument. It takes one coder to distribute it to thousands.
  8. ui_macroscan bypass? Don't use JA+ Am I now cheating?
  9. You'll want to encode it using something like h.264 I personally use Sony Vegas + x264vfw In the future, maybe record with MJPEG compression. I also recommend using MSI Afterburner instead of Fraps. It's free.
  10. Yes, he did a lot of work on the Linux port of OpenJK.
  11. Yes it's possible, with coding. Like 3 lines of code.
  12. The website has the latest, unless you want to compile it yourself. That post was made 6 months ago
  13. Please do report bugs preventing you from using it ;/
  14. Strategy? That's a nice way of putting it Mission name is Cult Investigation (Dosuun)
  15. What horrible speeder mechanics? I don't know what you're talking about. taspir1 and t3_rift are my favourites, because I can speedrun them both within 45 seconds.
  16. Raz0r

    FPS Issue

    And is it a recent version? (japp_version cvar) Also using a recent version of OpenJK? Because it certainly should be set to use one core. Check if the com_affinity cvar exists. Try setting cg_jplua to 0 and executing lua_reload. See if the drops still occur. If you have many plugins installed, it could be Lua's garbage collector causing hitches. Also may want to try these: set r_flares 0; set cg_renderToTextureFX 0 They can be pretty big performance hits.
  17. Raz0r

    FPS Issue

    Sounds more like a background application is interfering if anything. What mod are you using? (e.g. JA+, JA++)
  18. Yeah. Except I am out to get you.
  19. It's in the MP source code, in the server-side game logic (codemp/game aka "Game Library" in OpenJK solution) Probably in g_missile.c or g_weapon.c
  20. I think one of the first rules in early JKHub was something like "Don't be a dick" which I think summed it up rather well.
  21. I disagree. I would say it's largely driven by money and bad companies. Indie (FPS) games are still incredibly fun and innovating, but no company would fund that kind of development when they can just re-use an existing IP. Then we could go back to my point of these "modern" game engines simply not facilitating those kinds of games, because they focus more on being an artist's toolkit. That's the primary reason I and many other "indie" programmers don't like to work with those engines, but artists love them. We don't have the time/patience to fight through some over-engineered code to make something it wasn't designed to make.
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